Major Facts, Who, What When, Where in 2021 Burma-Myanmar Crisis

Posted by HCN on Monday, April 26, 2021

Updated May 3, 2021

  • ·         Military junta

o   Popularly known individuals involved with the junta:

§  Min Aung Hlaing

·         His deputy/ in-office: Soe Win

·         President/ in-office: Myint Swe

  • ·         Opposition groups

  • ·         Individuals of parties other than the junta:

o   Aung San Suu Kyi (female, widowed, daughter of Aung San; National League for Democracy head; discrepant reputation in regard to oppression of Rohingya)

  • ·         Coalitions of opposition groups

  • ·         Over 3300 persons reportedly detained

o   Of that number about two thirds of them are reported to be in undisclosed locations

§  Which leaves doubt as to whether or not they are even detained at this time, or even alive

  • ·         Over 700, perhaps over 750 persons fatality, separate from detainees and the possibilities within the detainees figures

  • ·         Targets by junta for arrests:

o   National League for Democracy

  • ·         Protestors:

o   Students

o   Opposition to junta

  • ·         Summit (mid April 2021):

o   ASEAN members

  • Carrying out airstrikes as of April 2:
    • Tatmadaw
[source VoA]

  • National Unity Government
  • Shan State Army --- / ---  RCSS / SSA South
    • General Yew Sit, the leader of RCSS / SSA South
  • Peace Process Steering Team; leader of 10 ethnic ceasefire groups [source VoA]
  • Chinland Defense Force
  • Multiple groups that have preexisted the coup, and may have ad interaction to include possible disagreements


  • ·         Opposition to junta rallying, protests, and subsequent arrests:

  • ·         Bago

  • ·         Yangon

o   North Okkalapa

  • ·         Mandalay - night intimidation tactics using firearm threat of force are going on reported to be conducted by Burmese army, whereat, people are being shot, some fatally, such as earlier today, April 26, 2021

  • ·         Kachin

  • ·         Rakhine

  • ·         Shan

  • ·         Mon

  • ·         Ayeyawady

  • Protesting and firing on protestors in the last 10 days of April
    • Upper northwestern region of Burma/Myanmar
      • Sagaing State
      • Chin State 
  • Yinmarpin, especially Kapai Village, insurrection quelling activities April 25, 2021


  • ·         Coup took place on or about February 2, 2021


  • Coup by military
  • Detained leadership of potential leaders of other parties
  • Junta/ those loyal to coup, fired upon protestors of the coup/military presence in situ control of the region
  • Numerous individals, especially those fired on by junta, have fled or are fleeing the region [sorce VoA]
  • Coronavirus/COVID-19 has a degree of presence in the area, however an increased spread of the illness could be approaching
  • National Unity Government officially formed within recent days or hours
  • Karen National Union guerillas attack army base, airstrikes en segue by army on Karen territories, sources say happened on April 27, 2021
Events added since original post:
  • 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State
  • Post May 9, 2021: NUG reportedly about to set a people's defense force. A body of a renown poet that was in custody of the junta, was returned after 'interior organs removed'. That action might have significance, such as certain messages to opposition, or have mean a signature of some sort as to who and what this junta is or really is.


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