What is the Issue Over Illegal Photoshoots in the Forbidden City?

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Someone took advantage of the Sina Weibo platform.

Someone took advantage of the sense of suspense and pride and performed photoshoots of the illegal or outlawed nature in the Forbidden City.

It seems as though there are some who are starting to become forgetful, or are too ignorant to understand the significance of the Forbidden City.

In some ways west of China, the Arab language, especially in Islam, have something called 'adab', which basically translates into levels of courtesy that are due in different circumstances. 
For example, the 'adab', for a child speaking to his or her parents during an time intense time or situation, is expected to be one of a respectful hushed tone, the 'adab' for what types of physical activity goes on and manner of dress might be different inside the enclosed structure of a holy place of prayer, from what could be worn while playing rough sports with peers.

Upholding the dignity of the Forbidden City, which has been in existence for a length of time, it simply does not make any sense to carry on activities that are perceived to be in conflict with maintaining that dignity.

Speaking of Arab and Islam, during the Hajj season, there are 'commands' of what one may not do on the Plane of Arafat.

Forbidden City, Beijing China.

Tags: illegal photographing in forbidden city 


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