Developments in Egypt Involving Loss of Life in Disciplinary Measures

Posted by HCN on Sunday, July 29, 2018
Egypt has some of the most respected and knowledgeable figures on the subject of law, philosophy, and summarily what is just.

We are not criticizing them, as in Egypt nor the Egypt Government, that distinguishment made.

Albeit a news site is a news site, facts are the facts, and rumors and potentialities are what they are.

The situation of any nation in any era to go from what is on point, to a little further beyond necessary force, to a bit more extreme, to regular extremism, then on to carte blanche do as they wish to other lives, is something that other nations perform to hold others in check, even if there are rightly guided members within that nation.  Sometimes the situation arises made known in some angles unbeknownst fully to others, to simply test other as to whether they will stand up for what is right, really right, as in 100% truth.  Unanimous, haq, as the Arab language has it, haq a transliteration for a word that in brevity means truth.

  Note that a situation of journalist using media such as Facebook or the issues that have arisen thereunto, in Egypt, to make statements about aspects of what the government does there, or the way things are, such as the societal construct, under the leadership of the government, has evolved and been taken seriously there; whereat, Facebook might have different views here in the USA, where Facebook is in many ways a lightly taken social media tool, popular, powerful in some ways, but it is not the pillars of the source of news media like the ABC and CBS news stations, it is not the voice of a political party; it is a website among many others that got set up to share information on a casual level among acquaintances, and that is for now, roughly the treatment of it, how it is to be taken into consideration.

At this moment, news stories are scattered about presenting that there is a possibility that 75 persons might be put to death for a sit-n that was done about 5 years ago.

Here is what was written on the HCN Google Plus page: [story re-blogged as link]

Excuse {me} but that number of people to receive the death penalty involved in this story needs eyes on it, for instance by leaders of the Muslim World, Arab World, guided human rights entities, outside of those in Egypt.  
Excuse me means not to step out of line, however, some areas that present themselves as having shades of gray, even if by the slightest perseption or misperception, could stand to be brought up.

(Roughly slightly over month ago, there was a report that about 32 persons were put to death, see (A 'takfiri', summarily, basically, is one that promotes or becomes a kafir, a kafir is one that turns away from Islam ('takfiri' is not, for those that do not know (Arabic well), a recent name of a specific ideology group.)  The news story said those that were killed were members of terror groups in an operation to purge them out from Egypt.
   With the prospect of 75 more, plus the 32 takfiri raid, it would bring the number known to media to over a 100, in a short time on Egypt soil.  (An issue is, there is an element of chance on both sides, in that the takfiris, or sit-in participants, could change, or they might not change an emerge as more dangerous terrorists; because chance exists, careful application of what to do with them is often taken.  When the number gets to be a certain amount, it is realized that it starts to near the population of some entire small nations.)-

In Islam Law, or Sharia, (this is not the abused use of 'sharia' fake information that terrorists try to use to substantiate terror, this refers to sharia simply meaning 'law or laws') there are rules that determine what results in the death penalty.  Usually, the death penalty is when a person causes death unjustly to others.  There are rare incidents of crimes of indecency, applied especially in remote towns and villages many years ago.  Plots to completely undermine a government if the purpose was to simultaneously bring evil decadence in its place might have been used years ago.  Today, just as the adulterating woman was sent away in the desert to survive or find plight around 1400 years ago, the death penalty for developments that are philosophy based, ideas, people trying to being complex, are dealt with very carefully, and a punishment is ordinarily come up with that fits the crime, and ensures the punishers do not appear that they are being unreasonable and hence awkward to the rest of governments and people they are in the world with, further, ensuring that they do not do something too harsh it puts them at risk in future dealings with other nations.



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