Rio Grande do Sul state in Brazil Fighting Devastating Flooding

May 6, 2024
Published 5/5/24 about 10:15pm EST

Photos of Porto Alegre indicate parts of the city is almost underwater.
Search and rescue underway. Rebuilding plans, underway.
Over 70 persons missing.
Tens of thousands displaced.
Catastrophic proportions.

Publicado el 5/5/24 alrededor de las 10:15 p. m. EST

Las fotos de Porto Alegre indican que partes de la ciudad están casi bajo el agua.
Búsqueda y rescate en marcha. Planes de reconstrucción, en marcha.
Más de 70 personas desaparecidas.
Decenas de miles de desplazados.
Proporciones catastróficas.

Flood and Tornado Hit Hard Areas Through First Week of May 2024, Include Houston, TX

May 6, 2024

Life Threatening Flooding in Zones from New Orleans to Galveston Areas, May 4, 2024

Blog Post with Links, Attempt to Consolidate Different Affected Areas

Today 5/5/2024 10pm EST: Houston contending with major flooding and mass power outages

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Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma Contending with Powerful Tornadoes

April 30, 2024
Written, published evening April 29, 2024 EST
Impact, summarized, devastating. Several days ago, almost center of the heartland areas in Nebraska and Iowa, were rocked by tornadoes, storm conditions.
In the past few days, perhaps more recent, Oklahoma is going through similar.
Situation is severe, loss of life has been occurring.
As day and night kind of fade into each other and out, storm systems may fade or pick up in magnitude as they move on their path; depending on magnitude and other factor...

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Queensland Australia Brush Fire Emergency Escalated at Once in Over Half Century

October 31, 2023
A brush fire pops up out of the blue and consumes a house and a car in a matter of minutes, over and over again. Phenomenon. Seemingly unstoppable. Hopes for sufficient rain, maybe in vain. Firefighters are worn out. Airplanes flying overhead trying to put the fire out dumping far suppressant elements.

What is the solution?
It might be to dump enough of the needed water, fire retardants, etc., on there, which the bottom line might have a price tag, and corresponding orchestration of how to safe...
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Sharkey County, Humphreys County, MS Tornado Decimates Towns

March 25, 2023
Most reports are saying the tornado that ripped through Silver City and Rolling Fork Mississippi last night Friday, have claimed at least two dozen lives.
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California Flooding Beyond Extensive, February/March 2023

March 25, 2023
To give an idea of affected counties, these are from lists on the FEMA site for eligible assistance. For full details refer to, this list is not an authoritative list of who is currently officially eligible for assistance.

Individual assistance:
Alameda (County)
Amador (County)
Calaveras (County)
Contra Costa (County)
Mendocino (County)
Merced (County)
Monterey (County)
Sacramento (County)
San Joaquin (County)
San Luis Obispo (County)
San Mateo (County)
Santa Barbara (County)
Santa Cruz (County)

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'Hellacious' Storm Ian Heading Toward Florida Any Minute - September 28th 2022 11am EST

September 28, 2022
It looks like this storm is a ball of fire in the form of water. Definitely not something to play around with, gamble, or brush off. If individuals are in an area marked as at risk, or been directed to take shelter, it is highly recommended to do or have done as directed.
For years, jurisdictions have been criticized for not doing enough to protect the people in the event of an oncoming natural disaster. It appears that many steps have been taken. It is being asked to please abide and cooperat...

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Hurricane Dorian Makes its Way Up East Coast

September 5, 2019
As of September 4, 2019 11:20pm EST, Hurricane Dorian is now hovering in areas north of Florida, and heading northward.
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Several Million Affected by Flooding in Southern China Since Start of June 2019

June 13, 2019
Areas that abut the southern coastline, like Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, have been receiving heavy blows of flooding.  Timeline over the past week, situation current through today.
What we know now is over 4 million persons affected, and about 4 dozen persons are missing or fatalities.

Entry concurrently posted on China HCN page

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Missouri River Flooding Causing Havoc and Evacuations in Kansas and Nebraska

March 22, 2019
Missouri river may flood often, however, not to this extent in recent history.
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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


Note to our Readers

In the event of an emergency, time can be vitally important.  When HCN finds out about an imminent weather emergency, or a natural disaster that just occurred, our readers will likely agree, no one has time to be re-writing the same information with a different twist, especially when that time could be spent constructively working on the next alert.

Although our loftier ideal is to separate the website families, referring to the ETIS International group of sites that focus on environment and technology, with respect to the Headline Crest News sites, including our Google Plus supplement webpage, informational content regarding weather emergencies are often ones that can be placed on both sets of sites.

Therefore, starting September 2017, where there were storms Harvey, Irma, Maria, Jose, and Lee that affected the Western Hemisphere within that month, weather related content may be shared with:

  • ETISworld Severe Weather Condition Supplemental Blog

  • Natural Disasters, Severe Weather Warnings/Watch at the ETIS Interactive Website

  • Wildfire  Advisory Supplementary Blog at ETISworld

  • Weblinks as provided

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