Brief explanation of this set of webpages: Encompassing refers to locations, matters, and affairs which may be changing, are subject to change, perceived in different ways, and more dimensions. Some entities may be geographically bounded by some political systems but spread out to at least a global level in their view. In cases where not everyone is on the same page, in regard to recognition of a place or people. This is an effort to cover all nations, places, tribes, indigenous, Territories, coexistent, overlaying, natives, Encompassing and for example, but not limited to Native Americans, American Indians, Reservations, Roma, Indigenous Canadians, Indigenous Australians. categories, TAGS, And Labeling will be used as doable to group events by popularly known place names for  practicality; searching with the label should bring up all stories with that label.

Browsing Archive: July, 2020

Discussion About Coronavirus and Casinos Upon Natives and Tribes

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, July 7, 2020,
The subject of casinos has always had ethical issues. It fosters gambling, and some believe that gambling has issues especially if taken too far.
The reliance on casinos as a staple and economic hub of a community, hence, has multiple issues.
The story of Irish reliance on the potato crop, for brevity, in the times leading up to the potato famine in the early 1800s, is alluded to, as one dimension to reflect on.
Any, matter, when relied on, when there are broader possibilities in the realm of na...
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Information List:

Roma it is estimated account for at least 30% of world economy

As of 2022, there are at least 50 ethnic groups recognized by the the People's Republic of China

Some ethnic groups span over multiple countries in the 'Far East/ Asia' region

Some groups historically roam to different regions as an innate part of their identification

Some locations where populations of individuals were set forth such as subsequent to 'Removal Act' in 1830, and mid 1800s 'Appropriation Act' in the U.S., may not have entirely matched up with earlier tribal location and roaming patterns

Not everyone that was moved onto a reservation in the 1800s in the continental U.S. were by pedigree a referent tribe's pedigree

The usage of some tribal names that became obsolete, the use of  names like those of the 5 Civilized Tribes may be more common, however, obsolescence of name use may not necessarily correlate to obsolescence of the tribe

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