What Has Been Shown Through U.S. Media About France Since 2010

Posted by HCN on Saturday, April 22, 2017
One piece of the timeline, one event at a time, might tell a story, when collected together, what the story then told remains to be gauged by the viewer.  In the wake of a series of different attacks, there have been a number of timelines presented by different news sources. 

This in no way is to induce focus on negative or tragic aspects in the recent history, as there are many other events and developments, such as sports, government elections, artifact preservation, and so forth.

This is a very brief timeline includes well known terrorist events that have occurred in France, along with several major French military events, and protests or civil unrest.  These are not all of the events, nor every detail, only a gist of a summary.

*April: police officers shot in Paris reference Champs Elysees

*Protesting/civil unrest -- post perceived unfair treatment of police to members of smaller population 'ethnic groups'

*March: letter bomb explodes at French office of IMF; police was shot

*February: machete attack

*September: injuries to, and assaults on police

*August: stabbings; attack on police

*July: Nice, France truck incident; other terror attacks

*June: stabbing of police

*Protesting/civil unrest -- March 2016; labor reform protesting gains momentum

*January: car ramming attempt in Valence; attacks on police

*November: reference 13th of November, Bataclan, shooting and bombing in Paris

*August: Thalys train terror incident intervened on

*June: beheading

*Military activity -- May: French troops attack Al-Qaeda in Mali region

*April: woman shot in Villejuif, in sequence was apprehension of a suspect being investigated for possible ties to terror

*Military activity -- "Currently, France has over 3,000 troops spread across five countries in Africa — Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad — as part of Operation Burkhane. Based in Chad, the operation aims at disrupting potential militants threat across the Sahel region of the continent." (Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/frances-military-is-all-over-africa-2015-1)

*January: reference Charlie Hebdo, violence

*vehicle rammings; and stabbing in December at Tours

*Protesting/civil unrest -- July; Sarcelles riots

*Protesting/civil unrest -- July; Trappes riots

*May: stabbing in Paris suburb La Defense

*Military activity -- approximately January; France involved in Mali situation; reference occupation of government office versus those readying to encroach on it

*March: Toulouse and Montauban shooting

*Protesting/civil unrest -- September/October; pension reform riots

*March: shooting at checkpoint at Dammarie Les Lys

Quick synopsis:
    The frequency of terror attacks (*) in France seems to be on the increase
    Fewer events altogether in 2011 (***)

Among sources:
    *Terror attacks in France:


    *French military activity:



    *Riots/civil unrest:
    various Wikipedia sources, including https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_incidents_of_civil_unrest_in_France#21st_century

Key: terror events * red | military events * blue | protests/civil unrest * tan

Tags: france timeline  riot  machete  protest  mali 


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