Update October 10, 2024: southern gulf area is one where it is clear it has been, or in, the path of intense hurricane and tornado activity.
The radius of predicted areas that could be affected must be looked at with safer side broader considerations, adjusted to cover a wider range of possibilities, not just a matchup of the storms path in satellite and radar. A seniors community was destroyed in the storm system upon Florida now, in Milton, perhaps for that very reason, of underestimating the scope of Milton. A combination of stay safe, rescue, and rebuild are on the priority after the sequence of Milton and it's prior Helene, which claimed at least 205 lives know to news. Milton has claimed lives too.

September 29, '24: major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to Florida. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of 9/29, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; rains, flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

Posts May 4, 2013 to May 14, 2013

Posted by 1 on Thursday, May 16, 2013 Under: Original story post and English
Blog post title:
Big Changes Upon Adjacent the India Continent: Cyclone in Sri Lanka and Moving to More Places, Pakistan Leader.  Problems Respective to Syria Continuing. A Moment Looking at Guatemala.

Sri Lanka:

Cyclone killed 7 recently in Sri Lanka, displacing several thousand, a few people missing.  Cyclone predicted to start heading to other locations in the broader region soon.



reports are votes are in for new leader, who was a leader from earlier years.

   News reports say Sharif the ex-Prime Minister is held in that view, framework National Assembly, political parties competed, congratulated by other world leaders


Reference to Syria:

The subtitle/ caption with photo at: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/14/us-syria-crisis-idUSBRE94A05S20130514 says "BEIRUT - Syrian rebels including the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front have counter-attacked east of Damascus to retake a town that served as a conduit for arms from Jordan into the capital before it was seized by government forces last month, rebel sources said."

Another story here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/05/14/us-turkey-usa-idUSBRE94D0VX20130514

"Turkey's Erdogan to push Obama on Syria after bombings

...days after car bombs tore through a Turkish border town in the deadliest spillover of violence yet.

The bombings in Reyhanli, which killed 50 people on Saturday, and activists' reports of a massacre of Sunni Muslims in a Syrian coastal town have incensed Tayyip Erdogan, already critical of the slow international response to the conflict."

"Head of accused group denies responsibility, blames Israel for Reyhanlı bomb attack 

Former leader of the organization that was accused of the recent twin blasts that killed over 50 people in Reyhanlı, denied all accusations and claimed the incident was Israel’s work, according to daily Radikal.

Mihraç Ural, member and former leader of “Acilciler,” or the Hasty Ones, claimed the incident was similar to previous acts of Israel, and denied any connections to his organization."

Story here: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/head-of-accused-group-denies-responsibility-blames-israel-for-reyhanli-bomb-attack-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=46847&NewsCatID=341

What is the timeline going to be on popular media that crystallizes all the facts?  The situation concerning Syria is very complex, and has many dimensions all of which are very sensitive.  Is the information that masses of people are able to ascertain through media, affecting the turn-out of developments of the turbulence in Syria?

In the first 10 years after 9-11, al Qaeda was topping the list of America's worst enemy. Now, there faces the entire world a situation with al Qaeda in Syria angled in an awkward piece of a puzzle.

In other notes, how is Nusra Front spelled in Arabic?  What are the intended implications of the name, and what are the realities?

A find for the name in Arabic:

جبهة النصرة لأهل الشام‎

The Arabic reads from left to right.  The last word in the Arabic phrase above, says Al-Sham.  Al-Sham does not always have exact equivocation to Syria as recognized by everyone at all times all over the world, especially by Arabs who have strong in-depth knowledge of the culture and history of the region.

A transliteration of the phrase: Jabhat anNusrah li Ahl ashSha

Depending on the inflections and tenses of some of these words, used to designate the terror group spoken of, they are actually words used for persons that have absolutely nothing to do with terror.


Notes found respective to Guatemala:

  • talk of former dictator receiving punishment
  • someone please clarify: if it was one being or activity that claimed responsibility for the 4 ladies recently killed, in January of this year 2013, what in one word was it?
  • Honduras and Guatemala Join Petrocaribe Program 

story source:  http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/honduras-guatemala-join-petrocaribe-program-19114075#.UZK31Up5cxE

Blog post title:
Signs of Terrifying Evil Assaults to Come

originally posted 5/13/2013

We wanted to give the the people and authorities of India a chance.  So we gave them time, and thought that after the horrific assault on a young woman a few months back that the trends would die down.  It is true, from the looks of it, that many of India men and women, took active measures to subside and drive-out the sort of activity that took place.

Even here in America, was recognized the severity of the incident.

So, we held our tongue, and did not say something that might be a critical and valuable piece of information in slowing down the sort of crime.

After the incident a Swiss woman was attacked while on a tour of some sort, and there is the Masoom attack case, involving a 5 year old.  Without all the details, which for the point being made here, might not be needed, there is something clearly recognized.

The important information:

At certain times, meaning eras, there are people, possibly under demonic-like influences, that will attempt to compete, with other events that are very evil.  They will try to prove themselves the most evil, over other types of evil.  They will try to outshine everything else going on, by showing evil.

An illustration is, the potential disfigurements of animals that could occur, if they had prolonged stays in severely polluted areas, like the Pacific Trash Vortex.  Pollution effects the body and mind, the 'psychological condition' of the animals.  Then something happens.  An attack on a person, by the animal.  Strange sightings and so on.  Then, there are people that try to compete with the evil.

Another scenario is, humans make marked positive progress, new computers are introduced which allow us to do wonderful things, new airplanes, new cars, and the gifts for living our lives.  Stop, says these evil persons, stop paying attention to good things, and pay attention to utter evil, which comes in the form of their down to earth evil doings, no technology necessary.

The people that do these crimes are very close to being almost like the devil in person.  And act like the evil one at the most evil.

After that wave, there comes a wave of persons even more evil.

Best to get it all sorted out and taken care of now.

In regard to the Swiss tourist attack, and the  5 year old girl attack, the suspects that have been detained, according to photos have the following similarities:

  • very skinny
  • wearing tight jeans
  • have the 'salamander' character about themselves

Please take a moment to understand the emotions of the man holding the sign [not pictured on this site yet, see it at http://static.indianexpress.com/pic/uploadedImages/bigImages/B_Id_378205_protester.jpg], in the picture here-forth, in response to the recent 5 year old girl attack, and remember, this happens in other places, and to other people, only not caught and broadcast.

Blog post title:
American Stabbed: Spikes of Questionable Activity Concerning Egypt.  Another Garment Factory Fire in Bangladesh.  Financial Occurrences in Canada.

originally posted 5/9/2013


"American stabbed outside Cairo embassy

Daily News Egypt  /   May 9, 2013

Police guarding the embassy managed to arrest the assailant

AFP - CAIRO — An American was stabbed in the neck as he came out of the US embassy in central Cairo on Thursday, a security official told AFP.

The American was rushed to hospital after the attack in Cairo’s Garden City neighbourhood near Tahrir Square, which houses several embassies and has seen a rise in crime and unrest in recent months..." source: http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2013/05/09/american-stabbed-outside-cairo-embassy/

Egypt is requesting of Israel an apology after an incident involving Egyptian envoys/diplomats celebrating evening Easter Mass in a Coptic Church in Jerusalem , and were removed by Israeli police.

Recently, Egyptian recognized President Morsi, visited Brazil, and sat with their President the Mrs. Rousseff, voicing an effort for more cooperation.

"AFP – Ratings agency Standard and Poor’s on Thursday downgraded Egypt’s long- and short-term credit rating over the government’s failure to meet the country’s fiscal needs.

Egypt’s long-term rating was lowered to ‘CCC+’ from ‘B-’, while its short-term rating dropped to ‘C’ from ‘B’, the agency said in a statement.

“The downgrade reflects our view that the Egyptian authorities have yet to put forward — either to the Egyptian population or the international donor community — a sustainable medium-term strategy to manage the country’s fiscal and external financing needs,” it said." source: http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2013/05/09/standard-and-poors-downgrades-egypt-credit-rating/

An entity broadly under the nomenclature of Black Bloc, that wears all black and black ski masks, affect pro-freedom protesting in Egypt through the use of protecting the protesters at various staging points.


Eight people were killed in a garment factory fire in the locale of Mirpur, of Dhaka region yesterday or thereabout, apparently a separate fire from the one that occurred last April leaving an estimated 700 people dead.


Former longtime Quebec mayor charged with gangsterism

By The Canadian Press May 9, 2013 10:20 AM

Story coming from Laval, Quebec, in the Montreal area, the former mayor of 23 years, Gilles Vaillancourt, who stepped down last November was among 37 persons cited respective to allegations of the Charbonneau Commission, investigating corruption in the construction industry.



"CSeries first flight on track for next month as Bombardier profit rises

13/05/09  [May 9th 2013]

The Montreal-based manufacturer reported a net income of $156-million, or 8 cents a share, compared to $150-million, or 8 cents a share, last year for the same period, and in-line with expectations." source: http://business.financialpost.com/2013/05/09/cseries-first-flight-on-track-for-next-month-as-bombardier-profit-rises/

And a story titled here: "How Canada is winning the race in recruiting skilled immigrants while the U.S. lags behind"

13/05/02 [appears to be May 2nd, 2013]

"Canadian governments, at both the national and provincial levels, are courting skilled workers such as plumbers, pipefitters, electricians and others from the U.S. and elsewhere. In addition to the program under which Thomas was hired, a category for specific trades began in January to address labour shortages while easing the path to residency, the federal government said. That program is forecast to admit up to 3,000 applicants in its first year.

"...Kurland, a Vancouver-based immigration lawyer and policy analyst for large companies...[said] “Canada creates a separate fast track to lure quickly desired occupations.” In 2012, Canada granted more than 38,000 skilled workers permanent residency under already existing programs." excerpts at webpage: http://business.financialpost.com/2013/05/02/how-canada-is-winning-the-race-in-recruiting-skilled-immigrants-while-the-u-s-lags-behind/?__lsa=2f63-a2be

Blog post title:
Tensions in North Africa and Bangladesh, Child Predators in/from U.S./U.K., Upsetting Events in Mexico.  Bangladesh. Philippines. Royal Visits: China, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, Greenland

originally posted 5/7/2013

North Africa:


"The Tunisian army and police force were hunting more than 30 suspected al-Qaeda linked militants close to the border with Algeria on Tuesday...

An Interior Ministry spokesman said there were about a dozen militants in the city of El Kef and about 20 in the remote area of Mount Chambi in the west of the country where police and militants have clashed regularly in recent weeks."


TUNIS | Tue May 7, 2013 9:06am EDT



"Armed protests in Libya threatening safety in capital

Armed protests targeting Libya's ministries and media in the capital this week have alarmed international observers who say deteriorating security conditions are becoming a matter of serious concern...

Gunmen in heavily armed vehicles remained in control of Libya's Foreign Ministry for a fourth day on Wednesday, while the Justice Ministry was similarly surrounded on Tuesday and other institutions including the media have been targeted...

The armed groups - who say they are protesting peacefully - are calling for Libya's congress to pass a law banning officials who worked for deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi from senior government posts."



"CULIACAN, Mexico –  Mexico saw a wave of killings over the weekend, despite what the government says is a drop in the number of deaths related to drug violence.

In the northern state of Sinaloa, 17 bodies were found over the weekend, including six dumped in a pile along a highway. The Sinaloa state prosecutors' office said two of the men were decapitated."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/05/06/mexico-sees-spate-killings-over-weekend-despite-supposed-drop-in-drug-related/#ixzz2ScQERKlF

Published May 06, 2013 | Associated Press

"(CNN) -- A speeding tanker truck carrying gas crashed and exploded in a huge fireball along a highway near Mexico City Tuesday, killing at least 18 people and injuring 36 more, a local government official said...

Flames engulfed cars and houses near the explosion, video from CNN affiliate Foro TV showed..."


updated 10:05 AM EDT, Tue May 7, 2013


U.S./U.K. Child Predation:

Focus locations in story: Massachussetts, and Kansas

"Paedophile Brit [a Person from Britain] 'Had Dungeon' Under US Home

American prosecutors say the man, who has admitted child sex charges, plotted online to torture, murder and eat his victims.

1:35pm UK, Tuesday 07 May 2013

A British man living in the US has pleaded guilty to an international plot involving child kidnapping and pornography.

Forty-year-old Geoffrey Portway, a UK citizen living in Worcester, Massachusetts, admitted the charges in federal court.

Portway was arrested in July 2012...

Portway was among dozens arrested in the investigation that began with the detention of another man in Massachusetts who has been jailed for 18 years.

More than 50 suspects were eventually detained and over 160 children were rescued in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Portway was said to have solicited several people to help him abduct a child, including a man named Michael Arnett from Kansas."




Xi tells Palestine leader of China's firm support

2013-5-7 [May 7]

CHINA firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people, Chinese President Xi Jinping said yesterday.

Both the Palestinian and Israeli leaders are visiting China this week.

Xi welcomed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Beijing yesterday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began a visit to Shanghai. Netanyahu is due in Beijing tomorrow following Abbas' departure today.


2 dead, 3 buried in NW China subway cave-in

2013-5-6 [May 6]

TWO people have been found dead while three others remain buried after part of a subway line that is under construction caved in on early today in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, according to rescuers.

Nine people were working underground when the accident occurred around 2:40am on a section of the subway line No. 3 in Xi'an, the provincial capital, sources with the local government said.


Air pollution solutions are sought.


"A volcano has erupted in the Philippines, killing five people from a tour group climbing the mountain. Four of the victims are said to be German, the fifth is a Filipino guide.

Seven others were injured when Mount Mayon, one of the most active volcanoes in the country..."

07/05 10:58 CET [07 May [2013]]



Death toll from Dhaka building collapse shows 600 after recovery efforts, a few days later, developments in other areas,

"Police have banned all rallies in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, a day after clashes between the police and protesters left at least 27 people dead.

The country's main opposition parties have called a two-day nationwide shutdown from Wednesday to protest against what they describe as the "mass killing" of protesters in a crackdown by security forces.

The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its Islamist allies called the strike after claiming that hundreds of people were killed on Sunday and early Monday, when police broke up a mass rally in central Dhaka.

"We have called two days of nationwide strike to protest the mass killing of Hifajat-e-Islam workers and supporters on Sunday and Monday," BNP spokesman Khandaker Mosharraf told the AFP news agency on Tuesday.

On Monday, supporters of the Hifazat-e-Islam organisation who are demanding an anti-blasphemy law...

The demonstrators demanded mandatory religious education and the end to what they described as an "anti-Islam" policy that calls for gender equality.

Hifazat, a newly created religious group, is demanding the death penalty for all those it says are defaming Islam.

It said it held the mass protest to push a 13-point list of demands which also included a ban on men and women mixing freely together and the restoration of pledges to Allah in the constitution.

Sheikh Hasina Wajed, Bangladesh prime minister, has said the existing laws already have sufficient safeguards to address the protesters' concerns.

She said that the government "will not allow any chaos in the name of Islam, a religion of peace".


Last Modified: 07 May 2013 13:12


"Greenland may well develop into a large exporter of uranium. In the south of the island, rare earth deposits are among the largest in the world. Huge reserves of oil and gas are hidden off shore.

...London Mining, a British mining company, and the Greenland self-government authority are luring the Chinese to invest $2 billion in an iron-ore mine close to the Greenland ice sheet some 175 kilometers north of Nuuk, the capital.

see: 'No, Greenland Does Not Belong to China'


"In addition to the 5.4 million tonnes of uranium in known recoverable resources, there are substantial amounts comprising what is known as "unconventional resources". One of these is rare earths, in relation to which China has a preeminent position as supplier. This gives rise to commercial pressure for development of other deposits outside China. Some of these contain significant uranium mineralisation."

see: Uranium from Rare Earths Deposits

(updated 27 March 2013)

"Mining officials are cheering this week’s election results in Greenland, hoping that the country’s first female prime minister will follow through on promises to support the extraction of vast mineral resources, including uranium.

With all votes counted on Wednesday, Aleqa Hammond’s centrist Siumut party won 42.8 per cent and 14 seats, while incumbent Premier Kuupik Kleist’s left-leaning Inuit Ataqatigiit garnered 34.4 per cent."


3/14/2013 2:25:31 AM | Stockhouse Editorial

Grønland interesserer Afghanistans præsident

Under sit officielle besøg i Danmark hilste Afghanistans præsident Hamid Karzai torsdag på det grønlandske folketingsmedlem Doris Jakobsen, Siumut

Rough translation to Danish:

Gr�nland interesserer Afghanistans pr�sident

Under sit officielle bes�g i Danmark hilste Afghanistans pr�sident Hamid Karzai torsdag p� det gr�nlandske folketingsmedlem Doris Jakobsen, Siumut

Rough translation to English:

Greenland interests Afghan President

During his official visit to Denmark welcomed Afghan President Hamid Karzai Thursday at the Greenland MP Doris Jakobsen, Progressive Party

story at: http://sermitsiaq.ag/node/153469

2. maj 2013

There appears to have been an oil drilling/ oil license hiatus put in force towards the end of March 2013, especially pertinent to offshore drilling.

Blog post title:
Weekend Israeli Airstrikes on Syria.  About 3 Dozen Reported Dead in Syria this Past Weekend.  Americans killed: in Afghanistan Roadside Bombing, Kyrgyzstan Plane Crash.  Riots/Protests: Paris, France, and Budapest, Hungary.  Suicide Bombing in Somalia.  South/Central America News.

originally posted 5/6/2013

"...said the strikes occurred around 3 a.m. local time and that one of them hit near Qasioun mountain that overlooks Damascus." http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/05/05/israel-syria.html

"BEIRUT (AP) — Israel's weekend airstrike on a military complex near the Syrian capital of Damascus killed at least 42 Syrian soldiers, a group of anti-regime activists said Monday, citing information from military hospitals." http://bigstory.ap.org/article/israeli-pm-leaves-china-after-syria-strikes

Reference Wednesday in last week of January 2013 airstrike:

'Syrian TV shows 'aftermath' footage, Israel implicitly admits to airstrike (VIDEO)'


From a caption, "a cameraman films the damages caused at a training camp on April 28, 2013 near the southern town of Rafah, during one of the three airstrikes that Israel's air force carried out targeting radical Palestinian group Islamic Jihad." http://www.globalpost.com/photo/5831368/israel-airstrikes-syria-april-2013

In France:

PARIS (Reuters) - Ten of thousands of far-left French protesters marched to denounce economic austerity on Sunday to mark the end of President Francois Hollande's first year in office.

The march, organized by the Left Front coalition, drew a range of left-wingers from greens to trade unionists to the symbolic venue of Bastille Square, site of a Paris prison that was stormed during the French Revolution of 1789.

see: 'Far-left protesters reject austerity on Hollande anniversary'

Sunday May 05, 2013



MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Seven people were killed Sunday morning when a suicide bomber attempted to ram a car laden with explosives into a military convoy escorting a four-member Qatari delegation.

Gen. Garad Nor Abdulle, a senior police official said the members of the Qatari delegation who were being escorted in the interior minister's convoy were unharmed and safely reached their hotel.

'Car bomber kills 7 in Somali capital'

May 6, 2013



'7 American service members killed in Afghanistan

May 5, 2013

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Seven U.S. service members were killed on Saturday in one of the deadliest days for Americans in Afghanistan in recent months...

The coalition did not disclose the location of the roadside bombing, however, Javeed Faisal, a spokesman for the governor of Kandahar province, said the coalition patrol hit the bomb in Maiwand district of the province, the spiritual birthplace of the Taliban.'



Bodies of 2 US crew found at Kyrgyzstan crash site

May 5, 2013

BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan (AP) — Search teams on Saturday found the bodies of two American crew members near where their military refueling plane crashed in the rugged mountains of Kyrgyzstan, while the third crew member was still missing, the emergencies minister of the Central Asian nation said.

The KC-135 plane crashed Friday afternoon about 100 miles (160 kilometers) west of the air base that the U.S. operates in Kyrgyzstan to support military operations in Afghanistan.

Officials at the U.S. Transit Center at the Manas base have released no information yet on the cause of the crash and could not immediately be reached on Saturday for any further information.


South/Central America:

Mexico/Costa Rica:

"It was Obama's fourth visit to Mexico as president, but his first with Peña Nieto as president. Peña Nieto assumed office in December, returning his Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, to power after a 12-year hiatus."

see: 'Obama, visiting Mexico, shifts focus from drug war'

May 02, 2013



struggles continue

teachers upset, eatery owners upset, and other areas, more of the same recurring


'Nationalists Protest Jewish Congress in Hungary


Published: May 4, 2013

BUDAPEST (Reuters) — Leaders of a far-right Hungarian political party accused Israelis of plotting to buy up large parts of Hungary as several hundred nationalists protested on Saturday before a meeting of the World Jewish Congress in Budapest.

Senior figures from the Jobbik opposition party harangued the crowd with charges that President Shimon Peres of Israel had praised Jews for buying property in Hungary. They said the World Jewish Congress had decided to hold its gathering in Budapest to shame the Hungarian people.'


Tags: American servicemen killed, Bishek Kyrgyzstan plane crash, Damascus, Hungary, Jobbik, Kabul, Left Front coalition, Mexico, Mogadishu bombing, Syria airstrike

In : Original story post and English 

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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-junta-extends-state-of-emergency.html, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here https://www.hcrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/denialed-undeniable-rohingya-have-been-facing-brunt-of-oppression-no-matter-what-the-turn-of-events. Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
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