A Little Knowledge Can Be Dangerous: Atlanta Spa Shootings
There are several important points that all need to be brought up at the same time.
One is the disappointment that the story that unraveled was not more readily visible through media earlier on. In other words, media today has so much saturation of stories that have nothing to do with anything much more than entertainment designed through the carving of the lust of money, the news that the public –plausibly- needed to know barely hit the media. It might have been the case that the shooting spree or related developments could have been suppressed sooner, had more people known, through the natural and normal process of being aware through the news. It is Friday March 19th, 2021, the tragedy was on Tuesday, and many are just now finding out about this even though they read the papers everyday.
Secondly, although there is a number, of victims that qualifies an incident to be a mass killing, in some aspects the significance of all lives are equal. There was a tragedy in Marion County Indiana in the past few days where a man reportedly engaged in a shooting of several individuals, over the stimulus check.
Which brings up, the size of the stimulus checks can be enticing, at least enough to be in a contrast to situations where individuals have not seen a check or sum of money of any quantifiable past negligible sort since before the coronavirus pandemic. It might be that these sudden advent of stimulus checks need to be distributed in another method, such as half a payout, then hold the balance for 24 hours, or break the checks up into 3 parts, direct deposit, acknowledge receiving the check like call in a conform with a code before cashable, and so forth.
Third area: Guns and cars combination. In a story written earlier this week set on the HCN-cache blog, about the shootings that occurred in New York City, which claimed the life a teenager a few blocks of his house where parent was, it was noted that there seems to be a recurrence of these types of shootings where rarely they are performed without the help of some kind of vehicle.
Once again, in the Atlanta, Cherokee County area, the young man apprehended as suspect, had a vehicle to access and get in and out of, carrying on one shooting, driving away, and carrying out another.
On the subject of a little knowledge can be dangerous: Notice the vehicle the suspect was driving in the Atlanta spa shooting spree, a vehicle of Asian build. Decades ago, take the early 1980s, it was just a few years after the last soldiers, basic summary, left from being stationed in Vietnam, reference 1975, after the Vietnam War wound down. The psychological phenomenon commonly called Yellow Peril was an issue, as soldiers from the US were often squaring off against soldiers of Asian descent during the War, which was not too long after the infamous camps during WWII in the 1940s, Executive Order 9066. Vietnam involvement starting less than 20 years after WWII. When Asian automobiles being imported into the US started to rise, there was some resentment by US citizens, as the American automobile was one of the staples of not only the economy here in America, but culture, tradition, and so forth. So imports in increasing amounts were perceived as eroding the share of that, plus, embedded resentment of Asians by some the result of war wounds, even though not all Asians were opposing forces during the wars.
-Could the Atlanta shooting spree conceivably constitute any amounts of a hate crime? Those answers might be in the intentions that the suspect communicates.
Here it is in 2021, a young man that was not even a baby at the turn of the new millennium, was not present during Vietnam, the Korean War, WWII, and many other events, has fired shots at Asian women. Serious questions are being asked about the precursors of what was travelling through the suspects mind during the 21 years of his lifetime and through the time of the tragedy. How did it get there why was it there?
An assessment could include that there were some impressions on an impressionable youth. He was aware of events, saliently other mass shooting that have occurred during his lifetime. The way he carried the shootings out, close to his residence, use of convenient low gas mileage car, use of a firearm with certain capacities but not so difficult to get he was barred from having it, are all elements that have been seen before entwined in mass shootings in the past 10 years.
A large if not amid the largest concerns, is the trend of women being not only victims of gun violence, but targets of gun violence. Women being the target of violence of any kind, is unheard of in certain cultures, even today. Part of the whole rationale for the 'White man', to intervene in situations of strife and oppression, sometimes under the banner of the US military intervention, 'historically', maybe even as recent as the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia, (citable cases in Asia can be provided when citation found,) was the oppression of women in the region forces went, regardless of the ethnic background, skin tone and so forth. Why trendiness is not always taken as a thing to be comfortable with, case here among us. There have been a number of tragedies involving women as targets of violent crime, perpetrated by men with firearms, increased at an alarming rate in the past 2 years; end of discussion. Unacceptable.
It does not make logical sense, based on other aspects of history, for a young man of 21 years old to target Asian women with a truly justifiable rationale. Asians have been living in the US for many years, and have constantly growing communities. For instance, the number of Asians in California, and Texas.
-An alarming aspect of the incident, is the suspect was ‘on his way to Florida’ to carry out more of shooting sprees. Right now, any and all locales south of Georgia should increase watchful and prudent levels of cautionary measures that would preclude any further referent events.
-HCN previous post, right below this one, has title “Gloomy and Sullen..’;- when will gloomy and sullen news cease to be the only top stories? This change names to come about as soon as possible.
[Initially published and updated, 1:15pm EST. To be continued after more reflection.
Continuation later:]
Wrap closing comments:
A long drawn out speech about the history of 'The White Man', as it relates to tradition of where it all came from, meaning behaviors, activities, actions, and principles heeded today, let a first reference be what Jesus/Isa underwent in his process of being uplifted, what is described in writing as having turned white, some may say as in white from the light (which has nothing to do with acting ignorantly as a racist). Or white as a brief translation of certain historic tribes, overlaps with translations for ancient words having to do with Naseer, and so on, - a long drawn out speech will not be done here. Really briefly, none of these 'deep rooted knowledge jewels' have anything to do with rash racism.
Young men of all ethnic backgrounds, here in America today, need increased guidance.
What will be said, after picking up a book, and other experiences in the 2 hours since the last update at about 1:15pm EST, is on the last page of one of Heidegger's books, the last quote, from Heraclitus, fragment 9, translated from Greek, is "Asses choose hay rather than gold".
Mass shootings is in sharp contrast to gold, or the way to gold.
Young men, or anyone, before doing anything on a scale that is to make statement, especially addressing mass shootings, need to have clear first, is the action they are about to take something that Jesus/Isa would do? If the answer is yes, then they still go and seek counsel or consultation from someone or plural learned and elevated. Prophets did that, they had advisors, guides, others around to consult with, such as for planning before carrying out something major. Young men that wish to make a stand or statement for 'White Man' or race, or what the moment might be, should seek consultation with some older established as wise folks first; could be a parent or grandparent, military veteran, police chief, or historian. Chances are, there will be a multitude of ways to bring about change, or address an issue, that do not involve an iota of violence. The same applies to any race, or ethnic identity, same applies to 'Black Lives Matter' too. The way to address an issue, most often will be preempted with building and refining the knowledge individuals have, which will markedly affect behavior, and shape what their stands and messages develop to be. The saying masses and asses, what distinguishes leaders of gold from masses and asses?,- the answer, knowledge and good guidance is right up in there. It does not matter how many people are engaged in wrongdoing, numbers of people doing wrong does not make a wrong action right.