Calls for Adjustments to Peace Strategies, (in Addition to Ceasefire), Dividers on a Power Trip Think They Have Evaded Detection. Focus: East of the Mediterranean, and North of the Black Sea
Posted by HCN on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Escalated preparations for this roundup, late night October 15, 2024 EST
Full/actual title [titles have limits to the number of words or platform does not publish]: Calls for Adjustments to Peace Strategies, (in Addition to Ceasefire), When the Dividers on a Power Trip Think They Have Evaded Detection. Discussion Focus: (Simultaneously), the Region that Begins Starting East of the Mediterranean Sea, and Region that Begins Starting North of the Black Sea
'Divider' here, refers to those that seek to divide people for evil purposes; and a close sounding word, devisors, not the testator of a will, but as in the one that devises, evil plans, the opposite of unity for good purpose.
Levant could conceivably refer to the first region spoken of, but as a matter of word choice, there is abiding by the sensitivity that some may have. Back in the 1970s, scholars of Arab/ Arab World/ Middle East affairs used to say, certain dimensions, or those from the region, try to shy away at times from using the term Levant, because of the feelings at large of use of the term Levant by the French after World War I. Back then, individuals that were still living in the 1970s, may have been for example, in their youth, and had memories of events when French forces were present, in for example Lebanon.
-That discussion, about the elder scholars from the 1970s and what they have or had to say, will not be had for right now, for one of the very reasons why this post is being written.
Whoever or whomever the great divider, or devisor of dividing, is or are, is or are obviously using news stories that may be, or are, intended to raise awareness of issues in the region loosely comprised/bounded by Israel/Lebanon/Palestine and Ukraine/ Southern Russia/ nearby lands in suspense at least, in an evil strategy that resembles a vortex, where every news story put out there is attempted to be used to continue a buildup of a swirling and growing blanket of chaos, and oppression, as well as some other things that will be brought up here.
If such an evil presence exists, and they are reading this, let it be clearly and plainly said to them, or you, you have been identified. You have been identified long ago.
You were identified when you abused children in the bath houses.
You are identified once again when orphanages are a, if not the, main target for oppression in Ukraine. It is not clear what 'nationality', if any particular nationality is even involved, or army 'color' if it even is an army, is behind it. (It does not matter).
The telltale signs that child abuse was about to erupt were seen in the aura around you years ago when you started walking in the direction towards the orphanages.
Said in a polite way, -please.
So when the enemy of peace has no clearly defined, from where, named who, there is one side and there is the opposing side, such as in Battleship the household toy game, toy soldiers in 2 colors of paint, checkers or chess,- the chess master business which is hackneyed, may need to be dealt with differently than continue to go around and around in circles trying to sit down at a big peace making meeting.
Furthermore, getting to the bottom of who the 'trigger-pullers' and 'age susceptible abusers' are, and sitting them down, perhaps shake them and wake them up, back to sanity, or get them the help they need to be sane, has to be emphasized.
The strategy and task of (giving) psychological evaluations to high ranking generals (for them to undergo) is nothing new.
For example,
An article published over14 years ago,
Many Senior Russian Officers Psychologically Unfit For Their Positions – Study
May 2010
"The results of a new MVD study of senior militia officers has confirmed various high-profile cases have shown and many Russians have long suspected: many of these officers are “psychologically unfit” to perform their studies and should receive counseling or be dismissed."
An overwhelming part of what was witnessed October 7, 2023 by the world over might be unanimously agreed as in poor taste; these words chosen in an effort to keep the words in this post in respectable taste.
There was an event over the past few days that seems to have plunged into a layer closer to what could be referred to 'hellfire-like', hellish, in an actual sense, when going by today's general descriptions of punishment by fire, on for instance, psychological fusioned with physiological level.
News reports say, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, was the site of some kind of strike, and a fire ignited. The number of persons injured and fatalities vary from report to report.
There have been other events that involved missile strikes over the past year, however this recent one seemed to have one of the more darker categorization.
If a flat map of the world was rolled out, and places with the most intense strife was colored in using a ranking system, blue for cool, red for hot, it is pretty much acknowledged that hot points are in the regions, east of the Mediterranean..., and north of the Black Sea. Aside from the polarity matter, who and where has what level of polarity. We know today's news and media techniques are involved in the totality, because it used to take months back in the 1970s, for events like the ones in the past couple of weeks, to reach news outlets in regions geographically further out. Where ever the hotspot of the sinister activity is, it has to cool down.