Fighting in Syria, in Qusair, the spelling of which is varied due to transliterations, located near Lebanon, continues on. In that context, and a framework of media stories of Hezbollah teamed with military of Assad led Syria, during the May 2013 fighting in Qusair, there are recent media shouts about an opposition rallying for support against Hezbollah, perhaps pointing to a reputation of Hezebollah as perceived as militants by some western views, as a method to add weight to a method to gain in sympathizing for the opposition. Hezbollah is very old, so old that the beginning cannot be traced back on this page of written words, referent being, whether Hezbollah has always been perceived as militant, considering perceptions of a reputation held by western allegiances in the early 1980s, of dislike; this while Al Qaeda, with its spelling variations, same rule of transliterations, al Qaida, etc., has certainly received the blame as being on the wrong side of the tracks, this latter-most respective view, coming from people in the U.S. about Al Qaeda, in the past decade. What can be deduced from news reports within the past week about the fighting in Qusair, is, the opposition to Assad has associations to elements of Al-Qaeda according to media reports, which, the opposition, can strongly plausibly, be pitted against some of the Hezbollah reported to be in an allegiance with Assad forces in the Qusair region.
Educated analysts know this is not all there is to it. This is a baseline summary overview.
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