Measuring the Escalated Scale of the Palestine Israel Conflict
The world awakes this morning to the sound of missiles being fired, as if the era regressed to the way it was in World War Two.
Looking at the rationale for the escalation to large quantities of missile exchange, was it the series of abducted and ‘dehuminized’ teenagers within recent weeks?
Those with, the knowledge of how to carry forth with prudence, and wisdom that weigh properly measure for measure, thought that the solution to precluding violence that resembles the events of 20 or 30 years ago, was done so by the thorough work of police conducting their investigations into the abduction exchange. The investigations did occur. So why did violence escalate to the extent it has? Now the question is, was the missile exchange seen now, inevitable?
It seems there were some confessions as to the abductions. Is that enough to catapult into full scale war?
The concentration of violence is reported to be in the Gaza area.
Reports are almost 40 people have died since Monday day before yesterday. Reports also indicate about 700 people have been wounded in that time frame. Are all 35 to 40 people dead intricately tied to the teen abductions of the last few weeks?
The populations in the world that know the trends of the ‘Palestine-Israel’ conflict, could almost sense the escalation to increased violence was coming, if a viable solution to preclude them was not set in place in time.
'Palestine-Israel' conflict, is in quotes because there is more going on in the region, a region with holy attributions that goes back to the times at least of Isa/Jesus, the Injeel, or as popularly known, 'Biblical Times', than just a two-way strife of violence by one side Palestinians, and the other side Israelis.
Problematic to the recent teen abduction situation, is the history of illegal smuggling that has gone on in the region for years, especially around 2009. Human organ smuggling, such as kidney smuggling, is one of the markedly popularly known black market schemes of concern.
It is known by those familiar with the region, that certain areas, especially at night, are not areas where it is prudent to be traveling or hitchhiking. This is not to say that the entirety of the teen abduction that occurred recently was due to hitchhiking in unsafe areas, what it does bring up are subject areas that need to be immediately addressed:
1- The increase in safety measures using non-violent technologies for regions which could be loosely described as ‘low zones’, these zones meaning areas not as populated, not as wealthy, and not as urbanized. Referent areas might have been used to sneak crimes such as trafficking in. Has there been an adequate upsurge in the safety measures that are comprised of surveillance cameras and lighting, been provided for all, Palestinians, Israelis, tourists, visitors, travelers to pay respects to the Holy Land and Holy Sites, and diplomats?
2- Palestinian and Israeli identity in the sense of belonging, among the youth. Knowledge can wade away, and new methods of accessing, organizing, and presenting knowledge evolve. What is a Palestinian, what is an Israeli?- is something that , where some youth might find out in the course of study, that they have ancestry to both sets of groups, and have to make a decision as to who they belong. Moving to the next point…
3- …Which leads to, is the two-pronged framework of either Palestinian or Israeli overly simplified with respect to where everything is now? Are youth being forced to enter one of two camps, when not applicable, nor appropriate, and which could contribute to fueling conflict?
4- Parents, markedly of youth that are in the 18 to 25 year old age group, from all over the world, areas of Europe that has seen waves from there to Israeli immigration at the forefront, must be appropriately aware that their son or daughter who might have joined the Israeli military, might have done so without having the same kind of long-dated sense of ancestral ties to Bany Israel, briefly translated as the Sons, Children, or Tribe of Israel, Israel, Palestine, Assyria, or eastern Egypt, Trans-Jordan, or other regions that may have come and gone in place-name, in or very near the now known as Palestine-Israel region.
The principal and concept of ‘keep out our Holy War’, can sometimes be unfair to the rest of the world. When world leaders have to stop what they are doing, to assist in the peace process after a sudden increase spike in violence, it pulls away from the set of people that are being asked to mind their business. For example, here in the U.S., there are economic challenges that include children not having par level education, in some cases, inadequate school facilities to even go to school. Rates of joblessness, homelessness, and hunger, have affected Americans nationwide. Straightforwardly, they need money, help, and assistance. When the food gets taken out of hungry children’s’ mouths, so that a Palestine-Israel situation can be urgently attended, many become involved, even if remotely indirectly.
Generally, progress of the human being, becomes an issue, when Palestine and Israelis go at it, as if it were decades ago. The fortune of non-violent technology becoming available that can be used to work toward peaceful solutions, has to be used ahead of using minimal increases in technology such as more powerful rockets.
In closing this brief news with some commentary, is the concern of the balance of attention that a region at war gains, and also when the parties involved in the conflict are geographically adjacent to each other. Ukraine-Russia from a few months ago, Korea-Japan from a few weeks ago, turbulence over the South-China Sea, who deserves most?
In : Original story post and English
Tags: palestine israel gaza youth torah ancestry immigration war peace