Update October 10, 2024: southern gulf area is one where it is clear it has been, or in, the path of intense hurricane and tornado activity.
The radius of predicted areas that could be affected must be looked at with safer side broader considerations, adjusted to cover a wider range of possibilities, not just a matchup of the storms path in satellite and radar. A seniors community was destroyed in the storm system upon Florida now, in Milton, perhaps for that very reason, of underestimating the scope of Milton. A combination of stay safe, rescue, and rebuild are on the priority after the sequence of Milton and it's prior Helene, which claimed at least 205 lives know to news. Milton has claimed lives too.

September 29, '24: major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to Florida. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of 9/29, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; rains, flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

First Two Weeks of October 2022 Big Story Roundup

October 13, 2022
This may not be all the big stories, certainly not all the news and stories since the first of this month. Some stories require both an immediate publish, while also taking the time to figure out what happened before then, obviously slowing the immediacy down. Stories selected here may have just the announcement aspect without the underlying investigation, at least for right now.

Gas station explosion
In Ireland, Creeslough, Donegal, there was horrific explosion at a gas fueling location with subsequent structural collapse. Scores were inured, and reports are at least 10 persons were fatalities as of earlier this week.

Animal attacks
The dog attacks in the US keep going on. In addition to the Tennessee incident in recent weeks, a woman of about 80 was attacked.

Belarus w.r.t. Ukraine (and the world)
The status of whether or not Belarus will join the 'war' going on with Ukraine may be edging closer to them doing so, according to some online news sources, whereat the stated status would be 'against' or to 'defend' themselves against Ukraine and NATO. It is pretty evident that ramification protection being considered on the other side of battle lines may have some innate conflicts of interest. As far as how big an impact Belarus could have on the entirety, the amount of physical damage Belarus could potentially do (maybe perceived because of the relatively smaller geographic landmass compared to Russia), may have very little to do with what the major concerns are. Right now, Russia is pretty much an isolated event where all fingers are being pointed to just them, respective who actually invaded Ukraine. Once other countries actually commence military involvement, it starts making for more complicated international relations and generally a messy situation. Clean or clear cut sides in battle might not exist anymore.

More complicated and messy, is a major concern, because how complicated and messy, leading to how much will the situation mushroom, envelope, and thrust tentacles into just about everybody such that they are involved with the situation, if gone too far could become an global level catastrophe, regardless of how trashy, nothing but destruction and self-destruction is a predicted roll out.

(Basically, if Belarus charges into Ukraine, there is the serious possibility that they will be cut from the US ally club; conceivably they could come back to it sometime after the tensions and military activity cease, especially if there is a change in leadership seat, say to someone with even more US style democratic leanings than Lukashenko, but otherwise, it might take 40 to 50 years at least to come back, if the cry wolf rule isn't put into effect, and Belarus totally voids out their trust and is never invited back (, and might not be invited to nearby Poland either, at least). The health and welfare for the country,-- can they sustain on their own, do they need help from (the larger and having wider amounts of resources) Russia?, what would happen if Russia, cuts them off later? If both the US and Russia cut Belarus off, and something happens, like an earthquake, flood, oil and natural gas situation, inner turmoil such as extreme protesting and government opposition to the point of almost full self-destruction, the results could be so catastrophic, it might look like a barren wasteland with out of control looting and crime, a playground for terror groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS to come swooping through there to train and recruit.)

Speaking of Al Qaeda and ISIS, what is this about the Middle East going the fight in the Russia Ukraine situation? Thus far, reports have it Russia has been offering Middle East fighters a healthy weekly pay to fight for them over in Ukraine. With Syria's Assad on long time good terms preceding the Ukraine invasion, with Russia's Putin, the likelihood Al Qaeda and ISIS rogues will be over there fighting for Russia, on strategy paper, is real slim. So where would Al-Qaeda/ISIS show up at if they are in the region? Either nowhere, or on the side of the US which isn't going to happen. But let's get down to it, there is a real good chance Al-Qaeda/ISIS have been over there in the region of Ukraine/Russia, and other border regions on Ukraine lately, and may be planning to, taking advantage of the new fertile terrorist recruiting soil and half ruined weapons that could be revived.

The situation in Ukraine, amid Russia, and potentiality of Belarus getting involved, and some more Middle Eastern militants, even if everyone could be trusted 100% to do exactly what they say they will, be trusted, and never change (which rarely ever happens), the region is turning into a bigger playing field to be bigger playground for drug dealing, human trafficking an abusing, and a hangout for starting terrorism cells than it already has been.

A list of news facts and sources is not even needed, but here are some:
Russia offers Middle East fighters '$400 a week' to join Ukraine war
Moscow seeks recruits from Syria and Iraq with urban battle experience

SHOCKING Al Qaeda and ISIS truth in Ukraine is coming out

"The Russian military intervention in the Syrian civil war began in September 2015, after an official request by the Syrian government for military aid against rebel and jihadist groups.[149][150] The intervention initially involved air strikes by Russian aircraft deployed to the Khmeimim base against targets primarily in north-western Syria, and against Syrian opposition militant groups opposed to the Syrian government, including the Free Syrian Army, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) and the Army of Conquest." [Giving somewhat of an idea of the number of different groups out there.] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_military_intervention_in_the_Syrian_civil_war)

Who was involved in heading up, reportedly, the Syria intervention?: "Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin (Russian: Серге́й Влади́мирович Сурови́кин; born 11 October 1966) is a Russian Armed Forces army general and Commander of the Aerospace Forces. He was in charge of setting up the Main Directorate of the Military Police, a new organisation within the Russian Army.[1] Surovikin commanded the Eastern Military District between 2013 and 2017, and was presented to the news media as commander of the Group of Forces in Syria in the Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War.

He has been the commander of the Army Group "South" of the Russian Army Forces in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[2] On 8 October, he became the commander of all Russian forces invading Ukraine.[3]" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Surovikin)

This comes with reports that 81 missiles were fired on Ukraine post last week's explosion on Kerch Strait Bridge.

Comment: 81 missiles. 8 missiles is considered to be way overboard even in a full scale fully declared and globally recognized war.

Key phrases and excerpts from the September 8th, 2022 article: "there have been growing glimpses coming through media reports, social media feeds and personal networks of Central Asian mercenaries and volunteers fighting on both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war"
"...less than a decade after thousands of Central Asians joined ISIS in Iraq and Syria — is raising increasing concerns and important questions for Central Asian security. Unlike the phenomenon of Central Asians fighting in Iraq and Syria, the cleavages in Ukraine are much closer to home..."
"Central Asia is no stranger to the recruitment of its citizens to serve as foreign fighters. Upwards of 4,000 Central Asians were mobilized in violent extremist organizations in Syria and Iraq..."
"As countries frame the risk of foreign terrorist fighters returning to their homelands from jihadi theaters, they typically highlight concerns that those foreign fighters are battle experienced and steeped in the ideology that they have lived while abroad. 
The jihadi conflict zones are seen as incubators for future transnational terrorism, whether back in their home countries or in other conflict arenas."

An involved entity: International Legion for the Territorial Defense of Ukraine a.k.a. Ukrainian Foreign Legion. They may be one of the entities 'taking in' foreign fighters, discriminate or not, whether individuals from groups the US considers "terrorist and extremists or not, possibly right on in there fighting alongside folks from the US or US allied nations that went to 'help' Ukraine since the tensions tipped over into invasion earlier this year.

An involved entity: "The Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment[a] (also known as simply Połk Kalinoŭskaha or the Kalinoŭski Regiment, formerly the Kastuś Kalinoŭski Battalion) is a group of Belarusian volunteers, which was formed to defend Ukraine against the 2022 Russian invasion.[6]" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kastu%C5%9B_Kalino%C5%ADski_Regiment)
Seriously, not to over-reiterate, it does not appear everyone in Belarus is along for a ride that translates into simple warfare against Ukraine.

Moreover, most of what has been laid out above, is actually old news. The terror group recruiting has been going on. 
Humbly, Belarus may have been trying to communicate to the US and other world leaders, that there is a very large and dangerous 'presence' in the Ukraine and border regions, that somehow made its way over there, or fusioned together with some elements already over there, and literally cross pollinating, hybrid group or groups emerged, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, a whole bunch of other groups that we might not know their name off the hip, dajjal and dajjal-like groups and individuals romping around over there. 

And then there is the analogy of two separate chess matches that face the prospect of being thrown together on one chess board. The chess match with the US on one side, not backing down from the stand on 9-11, and hence eventually combatting Al-Qaeda and ISIS, then another chessboard with Al-Qaeda and ISIS on the side with Ukraine while Russia bring in soldiers with experience, assumedly that would be conducive to their relations with the Middle East, this while the US at least in terms of directives and positions on the Russia-Ukraine issue, are essentially on the side of Ukraine, the position that Ukraine is sovereign nation that has been invaded.

The prospect that Al-Qaeda and ISIS have at least been trying to infiltrate US defense establishments, could not be totally abandoned. A shift to fooling around with allegiances, or the ideas of allegiances, with Al-Qaeda and ISIS is so foolhardy and not making any sense, it may only serve to cover the behinds of anyone who might have tried it already; all over Ukraine?, once again, there are those of us in the US that are not going to back their stand down over 9-11 and terrorism altogether, nor obstinate human abusing, playing games with the world's leading religions, and perverts, which has been found in reports as what it is in and comprises Al-Qaeda and ISIS. 

A different solution to the problems going on needs to be found.

Concern: Terrorism and terrorists, perverts, and evil-mongers, in Ukraine, before, during, after, the Russia invasion in 2022.

Meanwhile in the US:
Two police officers ambushed. This time it was in Bristol, Connecticut. Incident was within the past 2 days. Story and details still emerging. Like in the Frankford, Philadelphia, PA incident almost 2 and half years ago where a SWAT corporal was shot and he a fatality, the officers were responding to an incident at a house.
This comes after police have been heavily criticized for opening fire or taking physical action on a number of incidents involving teenagers.

Two weeks after Hurricane Ian, cleanup in southeastern states still going on.

Global roundup of current/ very recent large scale protests
Iran - morality police... girls and schoolgirls, schools,.. also numerous innuendos found in news sources that may be more local to the region about Kurdish in this, including that was where the focal victim was of. There is some wonder whether what is being pointed to as the crux incident and particular victim snowballing into this large a magnitude, is the sole source at the center of all the ripples. Morality police have been around a while at least in principle, women not wearing full hijab and purdas extent they cannot be discerned from one another has happened before, there have been beauty contests. There has also been a situation of huge numbers of hospitalization operations of a referent alteration attempt type that make it look as if an Islamic leadership in power was either being ignored or just tenuously present with barely any impact on the mind frames and actions on the people there. The balance question comes up, what did the female that lost her life do, that resulted in death, while the other stuff punishable by death in Islamic law went on and on. Well if balance was not the matter, what is, as in is there something political going on.

Germany - there have been protests for a few reasons. Against a perceived Ukrainian carrying Nazi ideology into Germany. Economic reasons, inflation, cost of living. Maybe more.

China - protests over COVID restrictions, this while variants of COVID and COVID-related illnesses keep cropping up in different spots in the nation, comparatively (to other nations that do not have these illnesses, at least reported) due to strange and unusual reasons.

Long week:
The Queen of England on the throne since about the mid century mark of the last millennium, and Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, rites for passage, demanding on world leaders that attended both. It was intended to cover both their stories in further length. There may be current differences in culture, insofar funeral rites, however, some of the messages were the same, honor their leaders.

North Korea and the missile firing
Since about the start of this article being written, North Korea fired another missile. The missiles being fired (over the past few weeks) have been determined to be unsettling, discomforting and possibly ruining the little bit of relations that could be salvaged between at least the US and North Korea, which may be the bare bones that there are lines of communication that may exist (leaving a contrast in level of US-South Korea positive relations). 

Cough syrup linked to child deaths
Maiden cough syrup. India made. Gambia deaths. Over 70 deaths reported. 
Quick suggestion: Don't use it if you still have access, at least until this matter gets cleared up

Pakistan still grappling with floods
There was a devastating bus fire very recently, claimed lives of what may have been flood survivors, between a dozen and 20, Jamshoro area, blamed on air conditioning short circuit.
Khaipur Nathan Shah, city was or still is under water.
Millions homeless as we speak.
Many disease springing up, carried perhaps by water.


Pandora's Box 2: Belarus and Lukashenko, Russia and Putin, Joint Troops Proposal, Ukraine in Consideration

October 12, 2022

Published 10 (Oct)/11/2022 late evening EST
It is as if what might be a rapidly snowballing escalation in developments almost replays what Russia underwent upon orders to invade Ukraine. From what the media tells most of the public, not everybody in Russia liked the order, which many fingers point to Putin as responsible for it.

Belarus may be undergoing almost a duplicate, while also perhaps a proxy, a junior, a potentially and augment to the mission of Russia invading Ukraine with the rationale for it.

Lukashenko has evidently announced within the past few days a joint troops with Russia to come into being. Is it all directly applied to aggression on Ukraine? Ukraine, NATO the forefront of stated concerns, the forefront, only the concerns.. and theory in that vein contemplations, in the news now.

Certain simplistic battle line scenarios and questions like that await to be answered. Of course Belarus is its own country, so its own unique facets and dimensions. There may even be bits of irony in that relations between Belarus and Russia may have some give and take that may have involved some lack of perfectly smooth interweaving amidst proposals for certain kinds of unions between the two.

Not to be a fortune teller, but it is probable that not everyone in Belarus is going to be 100% comfortable with going forward with a joint troops activity especially that would involve Belarus soldiers on the ground in Ukraine carrying out military fighting. For the sake of peace, maybe that far-fetched imagery will not materialize in the form of WWI WWII style activity; some suspense may be here.

Salient contrast: US President is or recently was on the referent 'cannot visit Russia list', whereat, Lukashenko visited Putin last week.

Thus far, perhaps up to a certain threshold in the developments right through here, the US and Belarus have basically had positive relations; where on the scale of tenuous to full, not gone into here. A relation jeopardized now?, a very steep investigation into the reasoning of Lukashenko to make his joint troops proposition is likely bound.

Geographically, Ukraine borders with Belarus, and Russia. North, east, southeast, if you wish to see it in that manner. Land, the remaining angles with exception to the waters south. Ukraine borders with other nations besides these as well. 

Belarus continuance to thrive and function, such as economically, how will that be in terms of methodology?

Belarus set in a position, such as the innate geographic positioning, to have some impact on the current Russia Ukraine tensions, has been going on longer than just the past couple of days. However, with joint troops possibility becoming more a stark reality as it could affect the dynamics of conflict in the region, eyebrows may be getting raised not just once, but twice; how does the US react to when a nation with good relations is on the side of a development turned against, moreover, what is it really, that is going on in the region?, perhaps something underneath it all not clear yet, maybe a danger exists or a presence exists in the Ukraine-Russia-Belarus region that is more serious that fully understood by popular media as we speak but could become exposed.


Levels of Evil Got Even Worse Over 24 Hours

October 7, 2022
Written and published in segments Wednesday October 6th, 2022 EST. October 7th represents GMT.

Recapping, news is to keep informed. Staying informed can help minimize and correct wrongs before more of them come along and it's then too much to handle.
Yesterday, Wednesday October 5, 2022, there were wicked little incidents all over the US. But the stories on a case by case individual basis, were not 'large' enough to take up headline front page national news.
Today, October 6, news emerges of one horror story after another.
News stories found on the 6th include:
Several dog attacks causing injury and even death to young children.

Maybe not evil, but certainly of raise a number of issues, a serious matter: Russians have come by boat over to Alaska, to seek asylum. Reference dodge military service, likely because they object to the context assault on Ukraine. Evidently this group was granted entrance. Generally, there are the questions, do we let them in?, turn them back? Verifying they are who they say they are, and only doing what they say, is important. Should an immigration center be set up to handle the situation? There might be more immigrants with actions under the same color.

Alaska is also dealing with some intense storm situations, high winds, flooding, and typhoons among it.

This while the carryover of Storm Ian on the eastern extremes has left all kinds of dangers, sharks, alligators, snakes, and people pillaging properties.

Headed back west, there was a stabbing in front of the Wynn casino in Las Vegas, NV that left 2 dead and 6 injured. Was it related to the casino?, information not on this page, at least not yet. We do know this comes just days after the stabbing of the paramedic in New York that served for rescues amid the 9-11 disasters, as well as over 24 years of service. This also comes at a time where reports have been evolving of staggering proportions of when one horrendous crime becomes viral news, it is duplicated many times over, markedly the brazen attack on at least one woman in New Orleans this past March where they stole her car to make off with some money. Then comes a huge wave of this behavior form dubbed as jugging.
How some members of the younger generation perceive what success is needs to be reshaped.

Off-duty firefighter killed in Kansas City, story released a few hours ago. Gas station situation escalated into firearm discharge.

The bodies were found of the kidnapping of Singh/Kaur family of 4 earlier today, a Merced County California event that had the victims led away on camera a few days ago Monday. An ATM card was utilized post kidnapping. Details still being released. In other events of the sort, sometimes it is suspected that more than one suspect was involved in carrying out the totality of the event, drivers, burying help, etc.; it is rather difficult to dig a grave for 4 persons and hold 2 grown men at gunpoint at the same time.
Location of kidnapping to location of discovery of victims, about 30 miles; if a vehicle drives at approximately 60 miles an hour and dropped the first set of victims off taking 1 second to do so, isolated scenario with no struggles or interruptions, turn around and drive back to same location, basic rabbit to mark to mark elementary math says it would take precisely 60 minutes, 1 hours, mph broken down, plus the 1 second, then another 30 minutes, to get back to same location. What happened between the trip?
-Footage of briefings say officers negotiating with suspect after apprehension

University of Arizona teacher was shot. Event yesterday, Wednesday. What?
Event was on campus.
A combination of stories indicate the suspect was Murad Dervish, a former student, 46 years old or thereabout. Dr. Meixner has been remembered.

Shooting inside the Hampton Inn in Dearborn, Michigan earlier today.

Kent Carter of Virginia, known for his involvement with the NAACP had his vehicle ridden with bullets when on vacation in Turks and Caicos Islands, event occurred October 2nd thereabout. Apparently was on vacation with a cohort and celebrating a birthday multiple reports indicate.

Very early in the week, Sunday-Monday area, Gary, Indiana saw at least 4 fatal shootings within 24 hours.

Fire and technology warnings: Storm Ian has exposed that when the batteries of electric cars are affected by a certain amount of water for a certain amount of time, it could lead to fires. When a massive situation sweeps through, it could mean that numbers of electric vehicles could all be vulnerable at the same time. Next steps... fire prevention in the design; what to do with the battery when a hurricane is suspected and the car left behind? 
-Taking them out the car and putting them in a designated place or container designed for the purpose might be on the table.

Global news:
Mass shooting at a daycare center in Thailand, slightly north of the central region, today, suspect seems to have been a disgruntled former police officer

Drones transporting drugs and weapons a big concern now in India/Pakistan/Jammu region

Kythira, Greece region, a migrant boat had an accident, about 22 fatalities; reports are they were at least majoritively Turkish

News about large number of individuals, possible weather catastrophe: Almost 11,000 persons in the Sichuan area have been evacuated in anticipation of a large flood soon

Key words and phrases:
  • Mass
  • Mass stabbing
  • Mass shooting
  • Vehicle
  • Gun
  • Abduction
  • Dog attacks


'Gaffe' Check and Timeout. Concerning the White House and Dignitary Stations. Unbalanced Criticism May Have Flaws As Well.

September 30, 2022
It seems that what makes front page news that gets repeated over and over again these days is either a short 's' word that refers to biological functioning, masses dying in one place, or a 'gaffe', when a leader says something that seems a little off from what may have been intended.

This morning the Internet is rife with stories about the US Vice President in K Harris having this gaffe with respect to the Koreas on a recent trip.

The only thing you see are these clips that run about 30 to 50 seconds with the excerpt of what is supposedly a gaffe of North Korea has been a long standing ally...

I played the clip over and over looking for the gaffe. Why doesn't hit you there was supposed to be a gaffe?, like what many people are saying, some might ask. In there with the popular flow right?

Hold on just a second. The US historically has had relations of different sorts with both Koreas, in North and South, if you wish to call them that. There is a huge amount of background involved in the border issue. Whereat, a cold reality of north is communist, and south is democratic or has more leanings to democratic, and therefore since the US is a democracy, the only allegiance that could possibly exist respective the region is the US and South Korea, is not exactly in tune with the reality of what has been going give it a safe number of years like 100. Roughly 1945, when some elders alive today were young, is when the whole north south big-to-do regarding Koreas known in the US got started. The Korean War may have helped amplify the north south imagery many folks in the US may have through the result of popular media today.

All said, in listening to the point that was being made about the Koreas, generally and specifically, more so than nitpicking through the choice of words, there are comparatively scant amount of news articles on the web that discuss the day-to-day vagaries of the developments of US military presence in the region. The latest DMZ news, when is the last time that made the front page?

Moreover, millions are without power to even watch the TV in Florida after the path of the storm Ian. Those stories are almost drowned out by the referent 30 to 50 second clips of a supposed Korea nomenclature gaffe.

Perhaps fishing through how neurons connect together in minds and theorizing that what one meant to say was such and such in instead of such and such is plausible. If engaging in that practice, please remember the rest of the pieces that go into the longer sentences, which some criticizing individuals are not n the position the make changes to global nuclear policy, nor know what goes into making those changes.

Some individuals have gone so far as to go to social media and say things like 'stupid' and other derogatory comments. Those type of comments can start moving towards sedition; please be careful. Even if a tongue-tie moment may have been had, which could be polished post factum, for instance with a few phrases to cover or clarify, it is not helpful to the Nation at large to be sharply talking about the POTUS, VP, SCOTUS, Secretary of Defense or State, high ranking general, a governor, and those ilk, as though talking candidly at a birthday party for 13 year olds after a debate club meet. (US politics is not high school debate club game.) It might not help a policy career as much as the lure makes it seem, to talk in negative curt manners about the leaders.

In closing for now, President Ronald Reagan with his acting career behind him, understood the importance of rehearsing, even though what might be about to be said is easy and evident content, for simple fact to minimize the possible incidents of gaffe type errors, for the very reason of the aftermath of what could happen if a the wrong word is chosen, like north, south, is it east or west, when referring to a region undergoing tensions, a country with democratic in name only with an active communist government, which set of rebels in the revolution when they turned and fought each other, so on so forth. More news stories emerge finger pointing the gaffe, clogging up the news space for important issues, like what is going on right now, 2 or 3 million people in Florida with no lights while alligators and who knows what else could crawling around.

Post and Pre Storm Ian Path Updates

September 30, 2022
Evident Ian trailed through parts of Florida. Fortunately, even though all counties were at one point under state of emergency in preparedness, not all counties got hit, and so resource requests have been called off. Conjecturably funding requested by Florida to federal levels of government, such as the White House, for all counties as might get reassessed as well. Funding for an entire state especially as large as Florida can be pretty expensive, keep in mind allocations over to wildfire hit areas in California just in the natural disaster framework from the last few months is relatively burdensome.

It appears central Florida was hit hardest. Millions are without power. Search and rescue efforts in Florida underway.

Generally, the path of Ian is northward. Whether northeast or northwest, may have elements of unclarity. As of today, basically it looks like Ian is heading slowly, such as about 15mph, heading towards he Georgia and the Carolinas. To what extent the magnitude and force of the storm has waxed and waned, also aspects unclear, however when preparing for a major storm, preparing for the worst as doable may have wisdom. Costly accidents may take the form of power lines damaged and concerns about currents of electricity flowing the waters.

Once again, if it has been directed to evacuate, prudent action may be to abide by and go forward with the directives provided by authorities.

Which brings up post Ian path concerns in Florida. When running generators, the reason why electric cords should be kept out the water is in the event a cord gets frayed or discharges of current get in the water, which could be powerful enough to electrocute a person or other domino effect problems. Carbon monoxide awareness as well; it is not wise to sleep or maintain being in a confined space without adequate ventilation, as too much of the heat or temperature produced winds from machines like generators per unit of air could be dangerous for a person to breathe without a good mix of naturally provided air from the outdoors.
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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-junta-extends-state-of-emergency.html, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here https://www.hcrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/denialed-undeniable-rohingya-have-been-facing-brunt-of-oppression-no-matter-what-the-turn-of-events. Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
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