Update October 10, 2024: southern gulf area is one where it is clear it has been, or in, the path of intense hurricane and tornado activity.
The radius of predicted areas that could be affected must be looked at with safer side broader considerations, adjusted to cover a wider range of possibilities, not just a matchup of the storms path in satellite and radar. A seniors community was destroyed in the storm system upon Florida now, in Milton, perhaps for that very reason, of underestimating the scope of Milton. A combination of stay safe, rescue, and rebuild are on the priority after the sequence of Milton and it's prior Helene, which claimed at least 205 lives know to news. Milton has claimed lives too.

September 29, '24: major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to Florida. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of 9/29, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; rains, flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

Coast to Coast Natural Disasters Stretch Wings of Recovery Efforts

September 8, 2021
Written latenight EST September 7, 2021
Mainland USA has been tormented by wildfires taking place in the western region during wildfire season for at least the last 10 years, this year no exception.
Concurrently, the Upper Mid-Atlantic region in the past few days underwent traumatic rainfall and wind conditions. Certain areas of New York hit especially hard.
In the past few weeks, the areas south of the Breadbasket saw similar forces, the dwelling landscape, city and town designs might be slightly different, in for instance houses with more yard space.


Inevitable: Drama in Afghanistan: Realities as of August 27, 2021

August 27, 2021
News story writers that have been around for decades might not have a certain amount of emotional capacity or the certain situations to even want to talk about what is going on right now, at the geographic heart of much of it is in Afghanistan.

So, as you can see, Afghanistan now takes the number one slot for headline and front page news. For all of the the most unwanted reasons.

Now that COVID-19 pandemic has started to wind down. Now that some of the fires in Burma and Myanmar after the coup and its oppressive activities have started to get cooled down.

Before anything further, spelled out overtop it all is the lust for narcotics.

Let us look back at a timeline starting with the Cold War.

Essentially, Afghanistan wanted to remain independent, especially from the USSR.

The Soviet Afghan War is known to most TV viewers in America as lasting about a decade, with heinous crimes being committed known by some at certain times and other crimes at others, many too unspeakable to bring up again. Roughly from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s.

Mujahideen, in real sense of the word, as in individuals who fought with the heart, for a sincere belief and for their homeland, some of what the word really means, become global symbols of quests for victory. Later, mujahideen was a term slapped around to refer to extremists and often times engaging in concurrent illicit activities such as drug trafficking and seeking global drug hegemonies.

About a year or two after the Soviet Afghan War supposedly ended, the USSR went through some adjustments, transformation, among other choices of words that reflect an accurate account of what happened, to arrive at pretty much the political status of what we have today, a Russia, east of Afghanistan, as well as a number of other regions.

The United States and others that went to help the real mujahideen back in the days of oppression, wound up in sticky situations when not so sincere individuals claiming to be affiliated with mujahideen and engaging in extremism and drug crime decided that they wanted to hang on to the glue of associations of those Americans. 

Mikhail Gorbachev resigns August 1991.

Belovezha Accords.

Around the turn of the millennium, here comes the emergence as known to the public, of terror groups like Al Qaeda, then ISIS, and now evidently there is even another one, perhaps an offshoot of some sort of other designated terror groups, rolling around out there, engaging in terror activity.

This attest to the 'told you so' situation, at least a few times over.

It was advised by top US military officials, that an absolute pull-out from Afghanistan could leave vulnerabilities, essentially a climate in the region with proclivities or potentialities of turbulence. The other one, is some parts of the Muslim World might be getting tricked into thinking that for some reason, some of the terror groups that have emerged in the past two to two and half decades thereabout, should be given a chance that they are not solely terrorists, for instance the other guy's freedom fighters; what has unfolded and been exposed, is that those terror groups are there to do just what they are called, extremists with the aims of narcotic hegemonies, the child trafficking rings, the huge masses of pornography they got caught with, the improvised weapons used for their terror attacks, the brutal murders of kidnapped victims that did not cooperate, the brothels they operated, and the list goes on.

Not a few moments that it takes to blink, that the announcement of a US pull-out from Afghanistan was taking place, did the raucous ruckus start. Violent oppression by what the press called the Taliban making a major comeback in an what looked like an effort to rule. Then there there was the effort to flee Afghanistan by many. Evacuations.

Yesterday the news has hit home. At first it was hard to accept as true. Many news stories are glossing over what really happened yesterday, and it might not be because they are purposely glossing over, it might be because they do not know or have grasped the hard facts.

On Thursday August 26, 2021, 13 US soldiers were killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan.

That sentence right there is meaningful. Details of what happened, the unfolding, the exact location, not to pull from the significance, however,- what has been said hereinabove has been stated.


?; that is what it is being called as of today's news found online.

So far it has been identified 2 Marines, who were either very young or close to during the September 11th tragedy, which we are coming up on the 20th anniversary of it, many feel we are still in the process of firming the ground where we need to be, insofar a protected America, are among the victims.

The location, known as of now, was Kubul, the Airport, Karzai International, a few minutes before 6pm local time, Abbey Gate local. Varying reports of either one or two suicide bombers as attackers. Logic holds they might have gotten some help in the attack; there are news reports of suicide attackers and attackers.

There were dozens of victims from Afghanistan in the attack.

A story about the Taliban, from the time they first came out until today; were they a group that could be fully trusted as fully trustworthy to hold a position as a viable leader of a country, in this case Afghanistan? Are they showing true colors now? Or was it it was known by analysts and believers who know what they are talking about, that seals of truth cannot be placed on them for positions of public trust, nor private trust, such as those who were the real mujahideen that fought for freedom in the beginning, Americans who have been to the region and have been a witness to the slipshod patterns, and the Muslim World that does not really feel that gray area deceiving for drug control where drug intoxicants as it is are not accepted, is accepted.

Taliban versus ISIS-K; whatever that entails, does not make any of it okay.

What is okay is to live the way of peace.

Oh, there are numerous news reports of warnings to Washington of the possibility of more attacks; to those that know the climate, and what the possibilities are, the concept that a region plagued with violence for about that 40 to 45 years nearly nonstop might have another attack is about as obvious as saying there might be another mugging in New York City.


New Surges in COVID-19 Cases Keep Pandemic Level Roller Coaster Going

August 5, 2021
Written night of August 4, 2021 EST

COVID-19 cases as of today are hot priority in Cuba, Kerala in India, Iran.
Maintaining a strong presence, COVID-19 is at central USA, and central Brazil. Also, west Russia, South Africa. Turkey and Western Europe, areas that have high numbers, likely with respect to how held relative.

In summary, it appears that the USA is at about the number one spot in number of cases as it stands right now, number two India. For information, China is past below the 100 highest, sitting almost in about the middle of worldwide rankings. Referencing Wuhan, where in late 2019, numerous fingers were pointed to as a location where a concentrated presence of the virus in question emerged. Headed toward 2 years later, the dynamics of how a virus is maintaining itself as a belligerent, calls analyses of why some areas are fairing better or worse than others out into bigger limelights.

Sources a contribution to statistical data:

-Why aren't the regions reputed to be the most technologically sophisticated of the world more successful in mitigating the COVID-19 problem?

-This question is repeatedly asked, and the timeline keeps moving on, and the COVID-19 problems persist.

 Fire needs to be directed into inward inspection into what went wrong and is going wrong, or whatever is slowing plagued areas down, have a veil drawn on them, or holding their own self hostage through other priorities that might not actually be priorities.


عيد مبارك. Eid Greetings. July 20th Tuesday 2021 Morning Performances. In Clearing Out of the COVID-19 Confusion.

July 20, 2021
Written and published the before 9pm EST, July 19, 2021

عيد مبارك
Eid Mubarak, a popular greeting. Eid is a transliteration, as there are others. The spelling is supposedly to reflect how the word may sound. (However, sometimes there are no exact equivalences for each letter from each language to English, rather a best effort to get as close as possible, or represent what the sounds are. The 'E' is not the 'ﻉ', the i is not the 'ﻱ', and so forth.) With impacts of COVID-19 and precautions, shrouding of what is clear can still persist. The word or announcement of when Eid is for certainty, especially the prayer, may have been a bit more difficult to find out than in a non-pandemic status.

Many simply perform Eid prayer the morning after the Day of Arafat.
There are two Eid days per lunar year. The Eid immediately after Ramadhan, the fasting month is one. This Eid, morning performances on Tuesday July 20, 2021, is the Eid after the Day of Arafat.

Biting the Bullet on Costs Beats Literally Contending With Bullets. Capitol Building, Afghanistan, Et Al.

May 21, 2021
Published Thursday night EST May 20, 2021
When in January 6, 2021, a stark attack on the US Capitol Building occurred, although it's happened before, such in ripples of the War of 1812, and other incidents at other Capitol Buildings historically, that may have pointed to foretelling of a day it might happen again, the mainstream thought may have been that an attack post year 2000, is about as unimaginable as a snow falling in July in Washington.
July 4th celebrations are going to be tough to hold the normal 'as usual' way this year in the Nation's Capital and other locations, for two obvious reasons, COVID-19, and security concerns.
There is a dollar figure for maintaining security.
A suggestion, is bite the dollar figure, and strategize for as a lean a budget possible. 
Tranquility from anything resembling the January 6th event spoken of, does not have a dollar figure on it, in terms of a value. That is where the balance is drawn.
There is talk of at least two Republicans pushing back efforts for a special National Guard protective force. Solid, and cannot harp on it as a continuum, enough, solid substantiation why a pushback below all covers, not just under color, if under color, of budget, need be present.

-Vulnerabilities to the security of major symbolic infrastructure, can come through the form of politician rhetoric.
To make this point clear, the US Capitol needs to have solid viable protection at all costs, to include dollar costs.

--There's the subject of US possibly pulling out of Afghanistan, to what extent and so forth. What was seen through the girls school incident claiming the lives of about 60 in recent weeks, substantiates right then and there the military announcement by high ranking officials that maintaining some degree of presence is wise. 

There might be a dollar figure to get it all done, but the aftermath when the actions for protection and stability are not made, and something disastrous happens, the aftermath may far outreach in cost and value, the costs spent on common sense actions.

-Fighting over control of a stable government gone unstable in Afghanistan has been proven bound in the past three decades
-Over a dozen persons have been reportedly killed the result of roadside bombs in Afghanistan, earlier today.

Confer militarytimes.com for more information

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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-junta-extends-state-of-emergency.html, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here https://www.hcrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/denialed-undeniable-rohingya-have-been-facing-brunt-of-oppression-no-matter-what-the-turn-of-events. Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
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