Update October 10, 2024: southern gulf area is one where it is clear it has been, or in, the path of intense hurricane and tornado activity.
The radius of predicted areas that could be affected must be looked at with safer side broader considerations, adjusted to cover a wider range of possibilities, not just a matchup of the storms path in satellite and radar. A seniors community was destroyed in the storm system upon Florida now, in Milton, perhaps for that very reason, of underestimating the scope of Milton. A combination of stay safe, rescue, and rebuild are on the priority after the sequence of Milton and it's prior Helene, which claimed at least 205 lives know to news. Milton has claimed lives too.

September 29, '24: major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to Florida. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of 9/29, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; rains, flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

Full Wraparound Safety Improvements Necessary Immediately on Rideshares, and Carjacking, Especially in the DC Area

November 6, 2023
In DC in just this past week, there have been a couple of incidents sparking serious safety concerns about rideshares and deliveries such as for food.

In DC, last Friday evening, a moderately upscale neighborhood had a food delivery driver car taken away at gunpoint, then the assailant reportedly swung back around in the vehicle and shot the driver.

Another incident near the MD/DC juncture, in the last few days of October last week, where young teenage youth 'disappeared' for a while. He has been reunited with his family.

November this year started off with the mother of a, get this, 12 year old, turning that son in, for armed carjacking, in DC.

In nearby Baltimore, Maryland, indelible scars have been left on certain communities where moms of several children, using rideshare food delivery to raise extra income, shot by carjacker or assailant, about a month or two in, in 2022.

Early last month, Baltimore, a female was doing a food delivery and had her car stolen, dog still inside, -both eventually recovered; however, for this point, the fact that a theft occurred just moments after the driver exited the vehicle, is a serious issue.

Further up the road, Philadelphia, PA area, a 64 year old was shot multiple times, while doing a delivery last evening right around the time it gets dark. The words shame come to mind. Not how anyone, let alone seniors should be treated.

Looking up and down on the vulnerabilities to safety, the loopholes of 'what could happen or go wrong', looking east to west, it is pretty clear that although rideshares have many safe aspects, there is still plenty of catching up to do in the area of preventing disastrous incidents.

A few shy of a thousand assault incidents of a referent sort involving Uber that went reported in 2020.

Articles about assaults of drivers on passengers are found all over the Internet, spanning at least the past 8 years.

Montgomery County Maryland, one of the counties contiguous to the Nation's Capital, has an astounding set of statistics showing a high number of carjacking in just the past 3 years. (What is going on, and why hasn't it been markedly reduced yet?)

In the past few days, a young teenage male youth reportedly was interpreted by an armed off-duty agent as approaching with possible, imminent, and potentially lethal intent to carjack, along with what might have been an accomplice, and wound up being shot, fatally, by the officer.
Regardless if the young victim was not seasoned enough to know the dangers in engaging in real or play activity that remotely appears as carjacking, the bottom line is a very new life is now gone.

Look, at the Nation's Capital it being what it is in just that regard, of course it is befitting that it at least have some kind of standard or reputation to be moderately safe from carjackings and rideshare dangers, but right through here, the condition is down around a level that may be summarily described as dismal.

There are certain smells being detected. One, is stalking.
It is know the rideshare/delivery programs usually involve GPS systems in the vehicles, and drivers usually have cellular phones. Many electronic gadgetry these days have finding, tracking, such as a find me app, and other mapping features. For better or worse?, if these apps are being used to the advantage of criminals, there has to be a way to swing the favor back to the driver, and the public needs assurances and methods that driver s will not engage in criminal activity either.

It is evident that firearms often are an element in rideshare/carjacking incidents.

Citizen Safety a Growing Concern in the Ripple Effects of Changes to World Orders in Wake of Unrest in Gaza/Israel, Russia/Ukraine

November 2, 2023
According to many easily accessible accounts of world history, among the oldest nations, current borders aside, are Greece, China, Turkey, Russia, India, and Egypt. Of course lands in the Middle East such as where Jerusalem is, have undergone many events, however, still understood of where the region is.
Since about the materialization of the United Nations, roughly summer of 1945, the expectations of where the nations will stand on certain intensified issues, such as disputes of regions in and around Jerusalem, has pretty much been that they have stayed within certain lanes.
A brief discussion of what aspects of how things were like before it is now, is brought up, for illustration, in the picture painted of the possibilities discussed here, that the lanes of position on issues, may be up for some changes, or perhaps at least a review for changes.

It was not quite a hundred years ago, that Galicia, Transjordan, a United States without Alaska, to name a few nations, was a part of the world topography. 

So when issues came up about the regions in and immediately surrounding Jerusalem, who was saying what? It was not as it is, known today, in basic aspects for conversation.

But since the last 50 years or so, old nations, have had simple expectations. ['Expectations' in this story, briefly refers to an in context expectation of what masses of people will see on big name TV, Internet, newspaper, hear on the radio, in short, commonly spoken of as the media.]
For example, Turkey's relations with Greece, and their relations with nations and constructs in the Middle East.
One by one. Head down the list,
West Bank,
Saudi Arabia,
..and so on,
then Turkey's relations with historically older nations such as Greece, and Russia.
In the last couple of months of 2023, one might think, say a student of international relations, that the relations Turkey has with all these different nations, and holding them concurrently, reference to the term the 'sensitive balance' all nations have, is starting to get a little more complicated with two very intensified set of tensions going on at the same time right now, as known, the tensions surrounding Gaza, where the death toll nears 10,000 in the month of October according to some reports, and the tensions in Russia and Ukraine.

Turkey known as the 'crossroads of East and West', are 'expected' to, in this post UN advent impacted world, to not entirely condemn either side in the Gaza conflict, as if they would, they could risk valuable relations with many if not all nations considered the West, while if they entirely condemned aspects of the rivalry to Israel, they could lose valuable relations to the East, or Middle East portions of the East, their neighbors, etc.

So how to do both when Russia's aggression on Ukraine, -how ever ones  lens and view chooses a terminology for what happened, invasion, program, or other words to describe the military involved activity,- was considered uncomfortable, meantime, some aspects of what a number of nations are viewing as Israel's reaction to the referent October 7th 2023 attacks event, as 'disproportionate', essentially, the 'grand mizan', (mizan often written today in Arabic, can refer to scales such as for what amount of what is just or fair), may say it's too much bombardment than called for; --it starts affecting the line up of toy soldiers on the chessboard, the simple UN era lineup.

Now that we know the international line-up of allies and adversaries may be up for shakeup, masses of people such as protestors might get upset if the rules are broken, bent, or adhered to.

That's an, example of the ripple effect of the two region tensions going on (Russo/Ukraine, Gaza/Israel).

In general, no matter what region of the world, history has often shown that when heightened concerns arise, there arises potential for riots, protests, and activities like these, and when they get out of control, what might happen is people get injured. Other conflicts can start to rise, such as troops being called in to suppress violence and so forth.

(Is there anything in the news, or what is according to popular newspapers, in this 2023 year roughly, about the subtleties of the waxing and waning of relations between nations and Turkey, stemming from direct ramifications of Russia Ukraine tensions, that is not already expected to be in the 'script' of grade school level debate club type forum, on the chessboard of the UN era? Most news readers probably will say that things have not gotten far out the expected lanes. It may be a good thing. However, on a person to person basis, not everybody is going to be on the chessboard same page as the international relations graces seen on TV and the Internet.)

A few days ago, a group jumped out into the middle of an airport, Dagestan, to protest some of the things going on in the Middle East. It may have been a first, in terms of a globally cited news story of who, what, when, where, and why.

There may be other events like that on their way.

Preparation to address those events such as to deescalate them safely and successfully, may have to be put on a number of nation's agendas starting now through a trajectory of hopefully a wind-down of tensions in and around Gaza in the next  week or so.

Other political-geographic models that lead to the same realizations can be looked at, such as what are the different political relation changes or non-changes between Greece and a host of other countries? For instance, Greek Turkey relations, Greek Russia relations, Greek Libya relations, etc. (confer a migrant crisis from Libya to Greece).

Governments may keep trying to push through a successful balancing act of peace at home, peace abroad, maintain friendly relations with everyone even when some of them have adversarial relations, all at the same time. What is guaranteed?

Besides catastrophic worst case scenarios, like war and unnecessary violence at the genocide level,--

In the fringes and outskirts of tensions between people, just a few people arguing, or possibly dying, the numbers may be markedly lower in contrast to the amounts list in Gaza the past few weeks, but it still is a matter of safety, and of course important.


2023 Era of How to Make Matters Public, Guns, and Emotions :Can Be a Retrogressive Mix

October 29, 2023
The situation is global.
The US just underwent some trauma in the past few weeks. Mass shootings, and attacks on government officials using firearms.
The amount of casualties, perhaps around 30 fatalities total, that made the news.

As you may anticipate, later in this story, there will be statements which refers to things being held relative.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, this past August, community and much more was marred by an incident of a partner shooting his female partner, and live streaming it.
There has been public outcry in the region, over what seems to be a trend of using live stream to be a part of the picture, that involves violence, and the point or objective the shooter may have.

Back here in the US, there have been live streaming or social media posts, where persons have been shot or attacked.

What does retrogressive mean, especially here in the context? It means the reverse of making progress. Peace is many times what many want to see progress made in or arrive at. The mix of guns, and emotions, and using social media tools available in this era, can lead to retrogression. In the future there may be other social media tools, or simply tools, involved in different ways to interact.  The hope is, those tools will not be abused for the wrong purposes either.

The numbers of fatalities in recent events around the world point out something, the value of human life. Sensible human beings value human life, regardless of who, what, when, where.

Today a report came in that about 8,000 persons in Gaza have died, in the sequence after about 1300 persons died from the attack on October 7, 2023 in the larger region.

Wait just a moment, are these numbers of people dying for the sake of peace, security, and the prevention of future deaths? There is no way 3,000 children dead, from ethnicities and ancestries that are in some aspects sometimes, close cousins, are to blame for the strategies of a handful of masterminds of attacks.

In the tests of human life, there will come times where the fine line between ruthlessness for an objective, such as the stability of a nation and perpetuation of its future, and a conflict of interest when going to far, will be presented.

At a juncture now where mankind is nearing witnessing 10,000 deaths, if not already, in the time span of under one month, and a geographic region where persons can travel to both ends in about a day. This number is:
  • About 3 times as many as the fatalities stemming from the 9-11 tragedy in US, in 2001
  • About a fifth of the fatalities from the earthquakes that affected the region in and around Turkey earlier this year February
  • Around 5 to 10 times as many fatalities from the earthquake in Afghanistan earlier this month
  • Statistics differ as to how many people died solders and civilians in Russia and Ukraine from the tensions marked after the invasion in February 2022, but for making the point here, the amount according to some reports is about the same or more!

Some other method for the objective besides bloodshed.
Anything can become the object of a cathexis if not careful.
Uncontrolled and out of control pursuance of an objective, or a response from a stimulus, could occur.
The topic being brought up, is simply killing, and going into a gross disproportion to what humanity says is acceptable, may not always be a viable solution to an objective.

How much is too much, is the method truly acceptable to all, in the eyes of others? even though, a people or groups of people underwent torment such as the Holocaust.

Perhaps the biggest point, is that when help is needed for medical and health conditions which could lead to major catastrophes, to make sure these are provided, could prevent the catastrophes.

In the USA, some f not all the trauma that occurred with an individual behind a gun, was after in the sequence of events, from being affected psychologically, psychiatrically, or emotionally. Such as the mass shooting that just happened a few days ago in Maine. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the live stream attack that also included a few other persons and the shooter, is evident involved highly charged emotions. Emotions ran very hot after the attack on October 7th in Middle East, as well as many emotions in decades past on different sides of the tension in region.


'Straddle' Group in Middle East Identified. Cease Fire May Be Appropriate. Gaza.

October 24, 2023
Reports are pouring in that describe inhabitants of Gaza that were told to go to one place for safety, only to be destroyed in it. 
Entire buildings toppled.
Startling numbers of women and children deceased.

Keep in mind, historically, Gaza was not always the sole location, or perhaps seemed like so by some, where Palestine non-Israel lands were.
[Differing interpretations as to status of government and political presence is a longer conversation, word and phrase choices in this article are said to quickly help illustrate.]

---> UPDATE October 31, 2023: The concern that a process that can be briefly described as, huddle a group of persons together, lure them to a location with the false promise they will be safer, then destroy them, is behavior recurrence, repetitive occurrence, in the region. Who and how many parties are engaged in the activity, not discussed here.
Reports are in that Jabaliya/Jabalya/Jabalia Refugee Camp was struck today, leaving a crater among other damage. It may be that military commanders were targeted, however, based on the hundreds of photos already available widespread over the Internet, it is about confirmed there have been many others that have succumbed in the blasts and building collapses.

The 'human shield' being often used- concept, is well known by many in the region; and, the misfortune that the locale of the human shield becomes a target of a devastating blow, is a problem to humanity, the weight of what keeps happening leaves no other choice but for other entire nations to make some kind of statement, plausibly by rule of international law. At least 2 war crimes can be cited in this floorplan or trajectory.
--- end of update insertion

Here is a list of a few of the false 'successes' that happened in the past couple of weeks:
  • Upsetting stories of lives lost at the headlines of newspapers around the world
  • According to some sources of information that covered what appear to be victims since October 7, it appears among the children victims, are those that have certain characteristics for high potential of charm, globally accepted as easy on the eyes
    • There may be a lot of targeting, exclusive neglect this set, target that set, back and forth going on around, which may indicate -->
      • that plans are being drawn to drag out tensions in the Middle East over Palestine/ Israel/ 'Occupied Territories'/ allegiances for decades to come
Let's go back to how the new debacle recently got started, reference October 7, 2023, which is set on top a long existing tensions in the region.
Gunmen charge into a music festival. They have had to know where and what it was.
No one wants to see footage of any young lady anywhere near being paraded through the streets in the back of a truck, or elsewhere. Not in this day and age. And reports of rape? Not really how Muslim do business. Just warfare, [referring to jus bello], or rules of a just set of conduct, rules just thrown out the window.

Over the course of the last 50 or so years, yes, there have been miserable crimes that have taken place.
Yes, around a thousand years ago when Muslim conquerors invaded lands back in the horseback days, prisoners were paraded, but with rules.
-Were these the 'green light' for some of the activities of what happened a few weeks ago? Was there a statement issued mentioning an act for balancing, or that they are acting in accordance with what may briefly be called Sunnah, or tradition, written or orally told to them? Discussion about feeling it necessary or unnecessary in consideration; the intentions, deeds and actions, is a critical issue in this October timeline.

Israeli intelligence is considered among the most advanced, that said, there comes the backlash, which is how could that level of intelligence, aware of every heartbeat, footstep, and thought, in framework, not have blocked the October 7 music festival melee?
There may be answers.
When those answers are examined, and the new set of options going forward are set before those that are going to be in positions to make decisions as to what the future is going to be, another set of risks emerge. Hate to say it, but with the very significant principle of trust being involved, if another intelligence apparatus is set up, or changes to Israeli heading, overhauls, whatever the case, it may involve getting a whole new ball up, running, and rolling, whereat, trial and error, and observation to make sure security breaches do not occur, will have to run pass throughs, which may take time.

Why a cease fire may seem reasonable:
Because if further bloodshed is not the solution, i.e. for peace, or for the current or future stabilization/defense of either side 'Pro-Palestine' or 'Pro-Israel', immediate stop of bloodshed is ipso facto, readily seen, logical.

If there is a 'straddle group' of some sort, that exists, and plays into both sides, and that is the seed cause of the current strife and bloodshed, then that or they need to be addressed, as opposed to giving them what they may want, which is to be able to be behind the startup of turmoil, then step out and watch the aftermath. Instead, a solution may be to cut the aftermath, and start looking at methods of taking the bell out of the bell ringer's hands.

Preempt a cycle, where the startup of when unrest starts, is when the bellringer decides.

The region known as Palestine, Falestine, Al Quds, Israel, area where Bany Israel, transliterated direct from the Quran in Arabic, may have inhabited or consider special for a number of reasons, is held special and sacred for special and sacred reasons; not as a place to use what is upheld as high, for games and schemes for money, weapons acquisition, and other bully associated power schemes, such as human trafficking strongholds, and hopes for illusions for an upperhand in narcotics to become a reality.

History analysts have said it many times, human emotions can be a cause for social development to include war.

Who is in the driver's seat of sparking the current escalations of tensions in the region? Is it pure faith? Or is it a two drivers situation?, one, the driver that wishes to use emotions and reverence of the Holy Land to push and pull; the second driver are the emotions themselves and the concept of dying as a 'mujahid'.

Someone shows up, and says hey, we can use the youth's understanding of pursuing being a mujahid, we can use the concept of patriotism, and defending a nation, to compel two sides to fight, the finely crafted trick has to be put in place to make it happen.

The situation of Jacob, Yaqub children, Job, Ayub children, Bany Israel children, even though not all behaviors day to day, individual to individual, may be the most admired by everyone, is a subject that is an undercurrent to the matter of referent.

   (Set a boot on one of these with no shirt on... what is that to do?, and people are taking the matter seriously; even if whoever did it is related somehow. There may be different degrees of certainty or uncertainty, latency etc., but, it is not the zone for this kind activity; all of it, the last 100 years.)

It cannot be assumed that the only risks to peace in the Middle East, especially around the lands just east of Egypt and near Jerusalem, al Quds, Gaza et al., are solely a two-pronged Israel/proIsrael versus Palestine/proPalestine. Other evils may emerge.

Story may have other notes and revisions added

Serious Issues Concerning the Status of Tensions in and Around Gaza and Ukraine Russia Debacle, Discussed by US President Biden, Brings Light to Current Conditions

October 20, 2023
In regard to the video found at this URL, embedding here not available at this time: https://www.wbaltv.com/article/white-house-details-105-billion-dollar-funding-request-for-israel-ukraine/45596788#

This presentment, done by President Biden, was a captivating one, and for warrantable reasons. While I listened to it, the whole 15 minutes in entirety, the 'checklist' that is naturally held in my right hand, seemed to have just about every point on it marked off with a checkmark, (instead of an x mark for disagreement or question mark).

He brought up some very serious issues, that concerned some of the very serious issues, going on in the region that surrounds Gaza and of course Gaza itself. And about the Ukraine-Russia situation that still looms present, the situation still a new advent, or debacle. It is considered new, perhaps because the activities that have been going on, markedly the ceaseless violence, are not accepted, and not acceptable, to the human race, to the world.

Decades ago, I was confronted in my childhood about this organization in the Middle East called 'Hamas', whereat I had some questions to ask about them, as I did not have 100% pure 'knock on wood' feelings that everything in the decades that would come later, was going to be in sync with purest and holiest presence. This phenomenon is expected of kids, many kids, as they are pure or purer souls, regardless of their 'stated religion', or parents' religions.

President Joe Biden in this speech, which in summary may be described as very sound, mentioned something in about the first third of it, which was, paraphrased, the hospital in Gaza that was struck, was not by Israel.

That right there, hold the note, and if you were to put the video on pause, and stop and reflect for a few minutes, tells a story, a long story that cannot be squeezed in 15 minutes; a story that can bring up that there may be a 'test'?, or a something, that has made its way to the earth we all live, here in 2023, that is a global issue.

Ask yourself, or others, scholars, professors, shayuwkh, historians, if Israel did not strike the Gaza hospital, who did?

This particularly refers to the Al Ahli Arab Hospital, event on or near October 17th, 2023.  Not to say there have not been other horrendous tragedies.

In our previous HCN post, there were allusions to the strong possibility of a 'third party', meaning outside of the long-standing pro-Palestinian, pro-Israel, two-fold conflict sketch.

For now there are at least two standout possibilities in the pool of who might have done, or furthered the blast:
1- Someone there in the land mass in, around, or near Gaza, or, someone, in, around, near Gaza, who is not really 'among them'.
2- Again, if it was not Israel, who was it?
3- There is a presumption, that it would almost be an absurdity it could have been the Hamas group, thereat, if it was not Hamas, who was it?
(4- In times back, sometimes those that lost spouses would commit suicide, a subject that would really be ideal not to bring up; however, a put in just in case)

Some may refer to a prospect of an outside the conflict zone group that made their way in, rogues.
In the case of the historic land mass in the Middle East and main topic of this discussion, just to refer to rogue terrorists as rogue terrorists, may not fit the description for the straightforward fact that as a globally recognized holy land, for a group to encroach the area to commit random acts of terror, or for other purposes such as narcotic control related, or just meddling in the affairs in the region, they would be considered far out of bounds, so far out that they would be viewed as an enemy at unprecedented levels, to what is right and revered, and hence described or called something else.

So, this Friday, a day of congregation and prayer for those that observe Islam in the way most know as Prophet Muhammad perfected, is the well known talk translated briefly into English that is often brought to the forefront, which is 'Satan is in the little things', 'if he does not succeed in attacking you from the front, he will go about the attack, in other ways, such as from beside you or from behind you'. 
What can be learned from this?
Who did some of these deeds, in Gaza hospital blast and any other atrocities that have no label or anyone claiming responsibility for it?
Did they extend overlapping hands to different organizations for the purpose of shifting some of the blame?

What are the potential ramifications for dealing with whatever presence it is in whatever plans there are already set to deal with it? Do plans need to take into account the magnitude and depth of whatever the 'presence' is, if not already?

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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-junta-extends-state-of-emergency.html, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here https://www.hcrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/denialed-undeniable-rohingya-have-been-facing-brunt-of-oppression-no-matter-what-the-turn-of-events. Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
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