The best action at this juncture, today, within the last few days of November 2013, is to remind of some of the basic facts and history that regard Saudi Arabia, U.S.-Saudi relations, with some carry over to the Middle East in general.
Saudi oil scientists, political leaders, and political analysts, know full well, going in, that the nature of oil is that it slightly moves around beneath the earth's crust. It is possible that the repositioning of oil over the years, has the changes in dynamics of the oil industry already realized.
Fracking, natural gas, electromagnetic cars, electric cars, deep oil drilling in locations further away from the famed Saudi oil fields, might not necessarily be the 'in the vacuum' obverse of Saudi's share of the market for oil.
Relations between the U.S. and Saudi go back long ago, even before heightened tensions involving modern-day weaponry used in strife in the Middle East, especially such strife concerning Israel occupation. Relations over the past 3 or 4 decades is quite possible to be viewed as more, pronounced, as close ties.
The geographic borders of the Arab world, and the threshold of the Persian world, and even ancient dynasties that have existed for thousands of years that have the same name as countries today, could be held in some perspectives as having had some change. Thereon, relations between one country and another, that are ancient, insofar rivalries, might not have the same common denominators in all aspects consistently going back over a thousand years.
Shiites, or Shia-- there are Shia populations in just about everywhere, including Saudi Arabia. A government that declares that the Sharia, Islam Law, is respected, abides by the rules of fairness described therein, reference the 'tax' levied to those in the population that did claim belief in Islam.
Once again, when it comes to the topic of 'extremism', the world has much to be thankful for, that the advice and in-depth knowledge presented by Saudi scholars and analysts, was set as accurate, on many world affairs and situations involving tensions between nations and entities, successfully precluding unnecessary strife, violence, and waste of pursuits. In brief, many episodes that could have evolved into 'extremism' were cut short.
In : Original story post and English
u.s. relations
alternative fuels