Shooting and Assaulting Police Over Perceived Racial Unfairness is Futile. Here are Some of the Reasons Why.
Posted by HCN on Sunday, July 17, 2016
Shooting at police officers is futile, meaning it does not have an
effect, on solving 'racially' related problems. Peace and direct
behests and requests to stop assaults aimed at police has been called
for by relatives of victims and by the top of Government.
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana today, 3 police officers are now deceased, with a high probability there can be connections drawn to 'racial' tension, unrest, and protesting, this adds to 5 police officers that were fatalities in Dallas, Texas amidst protesting on July 7th, 2016.
The above was [part of] a news site byline set July 17, 2016 in the red box reserved for extremely important messages at the top of the main page.
Reasons why assaulting police officers over 'racial' issues is ineffective:
Over and over again, it has been proven that looks from the outside does not always fit in to stereotypes about a person's bloodline, ancestry, history, genealogy, heritage and culture.
On July 7th, 2016, in Dallas, after what is being assessed as a possible tirade aimed at police as a reaction to the incidents where 2 men were killed by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in Minneapolis, Minnesota within recent days before, a few of the police officers that were victims in Dallas, Texas, have a slim likelihood they would mark solely a 'white' box as a 'racial' category to describe themselves.
How can that be any kind of payback for lost lives for instance from African Americans in the population?
Families of the victims have to suffer mental anguish for the rest of their lives, and carry that forth in almost all that they do, which could be another 80 years or more.
There are some nations and societies that exist today that have no idea what the racial system of 'black, white' and other color descriptions such as these is all about; it simply does not make any sense to them and for substantiated reasons. For example, there are many cases where a family, both parents remaining the same, has a set of children where each child looks different, different hair, different skin, different perspectives on social matters, and thus, skin alone does not separate them, in that they remain having the same parents; so what sense does it make to divide them up in larger society?
There are many police officers from a wide spectrum of ancestral lines, that work extremely hard at protecting the lives of all citizens from a vast spectrum of ancestral lives, without ever giving a thought to 'raciality' as a factor in how well they should perform their jobs.
A danger has been identified in post-police killing rallies and protests, that such events might form a trap that could endanger police.
Each man, when he faces judgement, faces his or her judgement in regard to deeds, actions, intentions, and thoughts performed, alone; not with their brother, or sister, or parent by their side. If someone is guilty of racial prejudice, bias, discrimination, unfair 'raciality', then it is that particular individual, not the whole police force, not the whole military, not every citizen of the U.S., not every leader in the U.S.
Propagation of 'raciality' and 'racial' profiling continues, when a racially motivated killing occurs, even if it was to retaliate for another perceived 'racially' motivated killing or unfair lack of mercy to the victim. There are areas of law enforcement that could be ideal to be further developed, and researched into, instead, a focus on dealing with a spiral of events that ramify from skin descriptions continues, when there is the continuation of crimes where skin descriptions is the theme.
Why is 'race, racial, raciality' and these terms put in quotes? 'Race' in reality, really does not have all that much to do with humans in the first place. Today the word is spoken with slang and implied use, but in reality, race has to do with animals plants, which humans have been elevated over. For example, cows could be in the race category of four-legged animals, while birds are in the category with winged beings. Humans are humans; so a 'racial' category was given to one man one day in one area of the U.S., and it pervaded through his prodigy, while a different 'race' was given to another man in another location, and come to find out they were blood brothers. Why should their children fight, because one had a fairer skin tone and had a police uniform on, and the other had a tough time economically for a few years; this especially does not make any sense when they in turn have kids and the fairer skinned man's children look just like his brother, and the brother's kids look just like their uncle.
What other nations view of the U.S. as the topography of our nation, does not need to be a coast to coast splash of racially based tension and violence that appears to consume our nation and be almost the only major development going on.
Shootings and assaults being futile means the shootings of police officers did not and will not accomplish anything toward improving togetherness in our Nation.
In Baton Rouge, Louisiana today, 3 police officers are now deceased, with a high probability there can be connections drawn to 'racial' tension, unrest, and protesting, this adds to 5 police officers that were fatalities in Dallas, Texas amidst protesting on July 7th, 2016.
The above was [part of] a news site byline set July 17, 2016 in the red box reserved for extremely important messages at the top of the main page.
Reasons why assaulting police officers over 'racial' issues is ineffective:
Over and over again, it has been proven that looks from the outside does not always fit in to stereotypes about a person's bloodline, ancestry, history, genealogy, heritage and culture.
On July 7th, 2016, in Dallas, after what is being assessed as a possible tirade aimed at police as a reaction to the incidents where 2 men were killed by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and in Minneapolis, Minnesota within recent days before, a few of the police officers that were victims in Dallas, Texas, have a slim likelihood they would mark solely a 'white' box as a 'racial' category to describe themselves.
How can that be any kind of payback for lost lives for instance from African Americans in the population?
Families of the victims have to suffer mental anguish for the rest of their lives, and carry that forth in almost all that they do, which could be another 80 years or more.
There are some nations and societies that exist today that have no idea what the racial system of 'black, white' and other color descriptions such as these is all about; it simply does not make any sense to them and for substantiated reasons. For example, there are many cases where a family, both parents remaining the same, has a set of children where each child looks different, different hair, different skin, different perspectives on social matters, and thus, skin alone does not separate them, in that they remain having the same parents; so what sense does it make to divide them up in larger society?
There are many police officers from a wide spectrum of ancestral lines, that work extremely hard at protecting the lives of all citizens from a vast spectrum of ancestral lives, without ever giving a thought to 'raciality' as a factor in how well they should perform their jobs.
A danger has been identified in post-police killing rallies and protests, that such events might form a trap that could endanger police.
Each man, when he faces judgement, faces his or her judgement in regard to deeds, actions, intentions, and thoughts performed, alone; not with their brother, or sister, or parent by their side. If someone is guilty of racial prejudice, bias, discrimination, unfair 'raciality', then it is that particular individual, not the whole police force, not the whole military, not every citizen of the U.S., not every leader in the U.S.
Propagation of 'raciality' and 'racial' profiling continues, when a racially motivated killing occurs, even if it was to retaliate for another perceived 'racially' motivated killing or unfair lack of mercy to the victim. There are areas of law enforcement that could be ideal to be further developed, and researched into, instead, a focus on dealing with a spiral of events that ramify from skin descriptions continues, when there is the continuation of crimes where skin descriptions is the theme.
Why is 'race, racial, raciality' and these terms put in quotes? 'Race' in reality, really does not have all that much to do with humans in the first place. Today the word is spoken with slang and implied use, but in reality, race has to do with animals plants, which humans have been elevated over. For example, cows could be in the race category of four-legged animals, while birds are in the category with winged beings. Humans are humans; so a 'racial' category was given to one man one day in one area of the U.S., and it pervaded through his prodigy, while a different 'race' was given to another man in another location, and come to find out they were blood brothers. Why should their children fight, because one had a fairer skin tone and had a police uniform on, and the other had a tough time economically for a few years; this especially does not make any sense when they in turn have kids and the fairer skinned man's children look just like his brother, and the brother's kids look just like their uncle.
What other nations view of the U.S. as the topography of our nation, does not need to be a coast to coast splash of racially based tension and violence that appears to consume our nation and be almost the only major development going on.
Shootings and assaults being futile means the shootings of police officers did not and will not accomplish anything toward improving togetherness in our Nation.
Tags: futile violence sniper tensions protests dangerous constructs