Update October 10, 2024: southern gulf area is one where it is clear it has been, or in, the path of intense hurricane and tornado activity.
The radius of predicted areas that could be affected must be looked at with safer side broader considerations, adjusted to cover a wider range of possibilities, not just a matchup of the storms path in satellite and radar. A seniors community was destroyed in the storm system upon Florida now, in Milton, perhaps for that very reason, of underestimating the scope of Milton. A combination of stay safe, rescue, and rebuild are on the priority after the sequence of Milton and it's prior Helene, which claimed at least 205 lives know to news. Milton has claimed lives too.

September 29, '24: major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to Florida. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of 9/29, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; rains, flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

Summary of Friday Impeachment 'Hearings' Regarding Trump

Posted by HCN on Saturday, November 16, 2019
A number of fingers are all pointing fingers to the same crux points: what are the weight and gravity of accusations brought against Trump compared to the weight and gravity of the seriousness of what transpired in the Nixon era when troops in or not in Laos.
Briefly, there are reports of millions of bombs dropped by just the US in Laos during the war, tens of thousands of persons are suspected of having died of unexploded ordinance since about then, statistics show tens of thousands of persons dying in the Laotian Civil War which was concurrent to Vietnam War, and an estimate of 50,000 US troops died in Vietnam, before expounding into other nations involved and other missions not popularly known to the public. Those numbers are serious weight and gravity. Rhetoric in the Ukraine, different light. Numbers of casualties are serious due to terrorism, as a recourse in the current to this year to compare, an avenue where the door for a contrast is closed before heading over there, as Trump has pushed for a tremendous fight against terrorism.
Thus far, the presentments of testimonies that have been going on in the impeachment hearings simply beg the question, -and it is almost as if there is some begging going on, is the launch of the impeachment really about an effort to move women into positions in power, whereat, there are plenty of women that have worked very hard and deservingly have attained higher goals without what may be perceived as shadowy surreptitiousness? Economically, there has been less government funding stalemates,- is the next move by those that are in the system working against the system, to facilitate impeachment attempts? Not without, there are patriots in this Country that do not wish for the moral threads to go totally down the tubes, and if recent policy directives did not stop and stoop to cater to these, are there efforts going on to give a breath of air of opportunity for wicked business syndicates that use and abuse minors and those that cannot help themselves, to pick back up?
Impeachment teams in news agencies formed up by only women in an age range bracket who might not be able to whip up a post bachelor degree thesis on the unfolding of the Tet Offensive without any books or the Internet at their fingertips, is seen. What can be interpreted as an indirect and cirumlocutive by Yovanovitch earlier today. Granted she has been in the pit, working in diplomatic posts with salient time in service, however, the scope of discussion is the Trump administration [letter A not capitalized for details], which began several years ago, [not 20 years ago]. What would be the extent of the speech had it been constrained to specific examples within the referent several years to current, sits before audiences.  Can it be said it was heading toward vapid of direct points to the matters at hand?, will not be said here, but it can be brought up, otherwise it wouldn't.

Facts easily show, Chairman Schiff is representing the same state, California, that Pelosi represents. Districts are in the area of well known cities.

Speaker Pelosi, has been present at 'gay pride' parades.
Yovanovitch, has been present at 'gay pride' parades, i.e. in Kiev.
Kiev is a location where one of the sons of Noah is reputed to have settled after stepping off the Ark. [The Kiev that developed, may not have been, had it not been for the turning away from certain behaviors and attitudes, reference those that chose to board the Ark, literal or figurative not mattering, as the story goes.]

When Ambassador Stephens was a victim in Libya, fall of 2012, just over 7 years ago, there were much, much more efforts in the way of bettering and defending the US than just coming from the Foreign Service, to the extent, it is not fair to cite that, going from larger frame of reference and overlaying it in a more contained diameter of reference stemming over Ukraine. One example.

Back in 1986, tensions between Eritrea and Ethiopia were on the table as a lesser known but conflict severe enough to be global news stories, it had not been that long since the segment of the tensions then were an outgrowth in tensions subsumed in Somalia.

The way that Chairman Schiff asked his questions to Yovanovitch today, in the pauses when referencing comments of the President, was that completely non-partisan, unbiased, with no intentions whatsoever to evoke a particular type of response nor for a particular objective?

         -Some sincere, might just say, what is this about?

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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-junta-extends-state-of-emergency.html, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here https://www.hcrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/denialed-undeniable-rohingya-have-been-facing-brunt-of-oppression-no-matter-what-the-turn-of-events. Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
HCN translation webpages. Alterations from direct translations of original English text mainly for formatting purposes.

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