Watching the Watchers... Raqeeb A'la Raqeeb, Fa'al, In shaa'. CICA et al
Posted by HCN on Monday, October 17, 2022
Real quick, if the US, -- well we're doing much to keep aware of events and developments having to do with the Russia-Ukraine situation--, still at that, there's an old colloquial cliché in US politics and defense, which is, if not careful, Russia will be the center of global attention.
Memories of the Cold War.
Noting the death of the non-concert attendee. Kerpatenko, reference a MUSIC concert in Kherson.
'Russian ways' that go back hundreds of years, or more. Once again, what about all that Gorbachev did? 1937 and now 2022, all the same. It appeared some changes were made, at least at a moment in time in Gorbachev era. Seriously, shot a musician in his house, post Soviet bloc breakup times, over a concert, is there a 200 year old ghost there tripping over propaganda ideas, does the ghost know radio has now been invented, nevermind the internet for the world to know about the incident in a matter of seconds, as well as watch concerts?
There are other happenings associated with the Russia-Ukraine situation--, which by the way, at the rate international developments are going on relative to it, (note added 10/17/22 late night, such as Belarus joining the military action lineup in opposition to Ukraine,) it might not be just a Russia-Ukraine situation, real soon, - the other happenings, include desertion, suicide among troops, a shooting spree on training area, ramifications of draft. Enough for brief words.
Here is where the ticking really starts. Putin over in Kazakhstan for the CICA meeting late last week, and evidently Russia slated to be co-chair next year 2023. How does that all read? Plus folks like Turkey leader, Qatar, and a few other 'dependable' to express a stable Islamic common sense, were at the meeting. It seems as though Putin (viz.?) Russia are garnering up sympathy with the major players (who aren't playing and don't play around), to help out solidifying a rationale to carry out military action on Ukraine, and, whatever else goes with it such as the referent 1937 behavior.
So the biggest of the 'big boys' are watching, and someone is watching them too, might be themselves. They've got to.
The 1950s style communism, the watch every twinkle of every eye, and record every sound and thought, operandi used by Russia and the Nazis back in the early days of WWI era to ensure no sedition and leaks, while oppression of 'the Jews' (and some Muslims too), went on, here now in 2022, this is allowed to go on again?, this time, it may be without culling and oppression of the Jews being set out on the forefront as major piece in the dynamics; this getting at a baseline of strange violent behavior. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, involved in the Russia-Ukraine region/situation, as brief a summary possible, basically access to do what they want in terms of picking a side of battle lines.
Oppression of the Jews is put in quotes because the word Jews covers a very broad spectrum considering word usage changes and inclusions over hundreds, even thousands of years; the subject one to be sensitive of what individuals may take as sensitive and therefore worded very carefully; different people may interpret what the above statement is supposed to mean differently; a one bound ethnic group today might not matchup body for body what the term applied to in the Holocaust era; currently, many education resources like common schoolbooks, when referencing the cruelty in the 1930s and 40s especially at the 'camps' and locale, perhaps oversimplify the breadth of identity and sub-identities of many individuals and constructs formed by relations such as neighbors, leaving out details and differentiation such as Saffardim, Qirmzi Qeseba descent, Muslim individuals not racially identified on immigration documents as either 'white' or 'black' and so therefore 'Jew' regardless if they were one of hundreds of tribes from the area called by some as the Levant, and so forth.
Analysis of what happens, when such and such happens.
Propellers on the helicopter of polarization.
Whirlwind up, 'create' a snow flurry, a blizzard, until the totality has all the attention to, Russia, at the center, and the solid solid-minded Islamic world nations are on the ride to approve. Stop, investigate, think it through clearly.
Real quick, if the US, -- well we're doing much to keep aware of events and developments having to do with the Russia-Ukraine situation--, still at that, there's an old colloquial cliché in US politics and defense, which is, if not careful, Russia will be the center of global attention.
Memories of the Cold War.
Noting the death of the non-concert attendee. Kerpatenko, reference a MUSIC concert in Kherson.
'Russian ways' that go back hundreds of years, or more. Once again, what about all that Gorbachev did? 1937 and now 2022, all the same. It appeared some changes were made, at least at a moment in time in Gorbachev era. Seriously, shot a musician in his house, post Soviet bloc breakup times, over a concert, is there a 200 year old ghost there tripping over propaganda ideas, does the ghost know radio has now been invented, nevermind the internet for the world to know about the incident in a matter of seconds, as well as watch concerts?
There are other happenings associated with the Russia-Ukraine situation--, which by the way, at the rate international developments are going on relative to it, (note added 10/17/22 late night, such as Belarus joining the military action lineup in opposition to Ukraine,) it might not be just a Russia-Ukraine situation, real soon, - the other happenings, include desertion, suicide among troops, a shooting spree on training area, ramifications of draft. Enough for brief words.
Here is where the ticking really starts. Putin over in Kazakhstan for the CICA meeting late last week, and evidently Russia slated to be co-chair next year 2023. How does that all read? Plus folks like Turkey leader, Qatar, and a few other 'dependable' to express a stable Islamic common sense, were at the meeting. It seems as though Putin (viz.?) Russia are garnering up sympathy with the major players (who aren't playing and don't play around), to help out solidifying a rationale to carry out military action on Ukraine, and, whatever else goes with it such as the referent 1937 behavior.
So the biggest of the 'big boys' are watching, and someone is watching them too, might be themselves. They've got to.
The 1950s style communism, the watch every twinkle of every eye, and record every sound and thought, operandi used by Russia and the Nazis back in the early days of WWI era to ensure no sedition and leaks, while oppression of 'the Jews' (and some Muslims too), went on, here now in 2022, this is allowed to go on again?, this time, it may be without culling and oppression of the Jews being set out on the forefront as major piece in the dynamics; this getting at a baseline of strange violent behavior. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, involved in the Russia-Ukraine region/situation, as brief a summary possible, basically access to do what they want in terms of picking a side of battle lines.
Oppression of the Jews is put in quotes because the word Jews covers a very broad spectrum considering word usage changes and inclusions over hundreds, even thousands of years; the subject one to be sensitive of what individuals may take as sensitive and therefore worded very carefully; different people may interpret what the above statement is supposed to mean differently; a one bound ethnic group today might not matchup body for body what the term applied to in the Holocaust era; currently, many education resources like common schoolbooks, when referencing the cruelty in the 1930s and 40s especially at the 'camps' and locale, perhaps oversimplify the breadth of identity and sub-identities of many individuals and constructs formed by relations such as neighbors, leaving out details and differentiation such as Saffardim, Qirmzi Qeseba descent, Muslim individuals not racially identified on immigration documents as either 'white' or 'black' and so therefore 'Jew' regardless if they were one of hundreds of tribes from the area called by some as the Levant, and so forth.
Analysis of what happens, when such and such happens.
Propellers on the helicopter of polarization.
Whirlwind up, 'create' a snow flurry, a blizzard, until the totality has all the attention to, Russia, at the center, and the solid solid-minded Islamic world nations are on the ride to approve. Stop, investigate, think it through clearly.