Browsing Archive: March, 2015

How Constructive are Preposterously Futile Attempts at Making the Word Islam a Dysphemism?

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, March 24, 2015,
Summing up numerous activities, many of them coming through the channels in media, in one word: dysphemism.

It is not a word that you see on the Internet, hear on TV, or read in newspapers everyday, as a matter of fact dysphemism is marked as a misspelled word on some computer auto-correct platforms.

What this word means though, can save a lot of time, and worthless expenditure of time, effort, and money, when discussing current events having to do with situations where Islam comes up at the sa...
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Affects of Two Developments Pertinent China and Myanmar are that Perhaps they are Starting to be Considered One: Oil and Gas Pipelines while Tension in Kokang Region

Posted by HCN on Monday, March 9, 2015,
Major pipelines running between Myanmar and China have been planned for at least a decade, and recently construction has materialized insofar completed construction made known to the public.
Meanwhile, tensions in the northern area of Myanmar near the Chinese border, has had a number of impacts to China.  These includes refugees that have fled the fighting, went to China; in turn, China has to deal with the refugee challenge.  Other impacts are occurring as result of the refugees, such as repo...
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This page is for events that involve multiple locations

February 2023 Turkey Syria Massive Earthquake Multilanguage Post * Şubat 2023 Türkiye Suriye Büyük Deprem Çok Dilli Gönderi * Februar 2023 Türkei Syrien Massives Erdbeben Mehrsprachiger Beitrag * Febrero de 2023 Turquía Siria Terremoto masivo Publicación en varios idiomas * Февраль 2023 г. Турция Сирия Массивное землетрясение Многоязычный пост * 2023 年 2 月土耳其叙利亚大地震多语言邮政  * Skjálftauppfærslur á íslensku * アイスランド語で地震の最新情報:

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