Browsing Archive: June, 2024

Heat on Hajj Got Up to About 125 Degrees Fahrenheit, Over 51 Celsius. There Were Health Impacts.

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, June 19, 2024,
When temperatures are over 110F, generally, unless you have special training, special clothing, and on a special mission, generally it is dangerous to step outside for more than a few minutes. Especially if you are not usually in the area, not acclimated to the conditions.

Imagine temperatures over 125 degrees Fahrenheit, during a time where many functions involve being mobile, out in the sun, praying (which may among other things, involve certain motions and expulsion of air while chanting, a...
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Professioneller/ vertraglicher/ Söldnermord in Moskau

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Bei dem Opfer soll es sich um den über 30-jährigen Konstantin Balishansky handeln, offenbar einen ehemaligen Sportler, vielleicht Eiskunstläufer.
Bei der verwendeten Schusswaffe handelt es sich anscheinend um eine mittelgroße Waffe, möglicherweise mit einem Zielfernrohr.

Von dem Vorfall sind im Internet Videos verfügbar.

Das sieht aus wie ein surrealer Psychopath, der aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht ist. Die Gründe für den Mord sind derzeit möglicherweise noch nicht v...

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Atvinnumenn / samningsstíll / málaliðastíll morð í Moskvu

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov stræti.
Fórnarlambið hefur verið tilkynnt vera 30 ára gamall Konstantin Balishansky, augljóslega fyrrverandi íþróttamaður kannski skautahlaupari.
Skotvopn sem notað er virðist vera einhvers konar meðalstórt vopn, mögulega með svigrúmi ofan á.

Það eru myndbönd aðgengileg á netinu af viðburðinum.

Þetta lítur út eins og súrrealískur geðsjúklingur út úr tréverkinu. Hverjar ástæður vígsins voru, er kannski ekki alveg vitað eða skilið á þessar...

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Morderstwo zawodowe/kontraktowe/najemne w Moskwie

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Ulica Aleksieja Sviridova.
Według doniesień ofiarą jest ponad 30-letni Konstantin Balishansky, najwyraźniej były sportowiec, być może łyżwiarz.
Użyta broń palna wygląda na broń średniej wielkości, prawdopodobnie z lunetą na górze.

W internecie dostępne są filmy z wydarzenia.

To wygląda jak surrealistyczny psychopata ze stolarki. Niezależnie od tego, jakie były przyczyny zabójstwa, mogą nie być w pełni znane ani zrozumiałe.

Obecnie, kilka miesięcy po ataku na moskiewski ...

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Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov 街。
据报道,受害者是 30 多岁的 Konstantin Balishansky,显然是前运动员,也许是滑冰运动员。




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Meurtre de style professionnel/contrat/mercenaire à Moscou

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Rue Alexeï Sviridov.
La victime serait Konstantin Balishansky, âgé de plus de 30 ans, de toute évidence un ancien athlète, peut-être un patineur.
L'arme à feu utilisée semble être une sorte d'arme de taille moyenne, éventuellement dotée d'une lunette sur le dessus.

Des vidéos de l'événement sont disponibles en ligne.

Cela ressemble à un psychopathe surréaliste sorti de toutes pièces. Les raisons du meurtre ne sont peut-être pas complètement connues ou comprises pour le moment.


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Убийство в профессиональном/контрактном/наемническом стиле в Москве

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Улица Алексея Свиридова.
Сообщается, что жертвой стал Константин Балышанский, которому более 30 лет, очевидно, бывший спортсмен, возможно, фигурист.
Используемое огнестрельное оружие представляет собой что-то вроде оружия среднего размера, возможно, с оптическим прицелом ...

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Professional/ Contract Style/ Mercenary Style Murder in Moscow

Posted by HCN | Intercontinental News on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov Street.
Victim has been reported to be 30 plus year old Konstantin Balishansky, evidently a former athlete perhaps skater.
Firearm used appears to be some sort of midsize in length weapon possibly with a scope on top.

There are videos available online of the event.

This looks like surreal psychopath out of the woodwork. What the reasons of the slaying were may not be completely known or understood at this time regardless.

The era now has Russia-Ukraine tensions still ongoing, a few...

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This page is for events that involve multiple locations

February 2023 Turkey Syria Massive Earthquake Multilanguage Post * Şubat 2023 Türkiye Suriye Büyük Deprem Çok Dilli Gönderi * Februar 2023 Türkei Syrien Massives Erdbeben Mehrsprachiger Beitrag * Febrero de 2023 Turquía Siria Terremoto masivo Publicación en varios idiomas * Февраль 2023 г. Турция Сирия Массивное землетрясение Многоязычный пост * 2023 年 2 月土耳其叙利亚大地震多语言邮政  * Skjálftauppfærslur á íslensku * アイスランド語で地震の最新情報:

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