Denialed Undeniable: Rohingya Have Been Facing Brunt of Oppression No Matter What the Turn of Events

Posted by HCN on Saturday, June 19, 2021
It has become so clear to see, the simply emerged reality, Rohingya Muslim population have faced oppression beyond the threshold of an unacceptable crime against humanity for the past decades, and evn now, with a junta asserting control using many tactics of reprehensible force, Rohingya are still ultimately facing demise.

A few social, political, power dynamics seem to have changed in past few months, with the advent of the junta; perhaps there may have been a chance that the Rohingya could have gotten some breathing room, and respite, to live normal lives without the oppression; but, as time kept moving, the same old order surfaced, and it turns out, Rohingya are the target when all the arrows of who to let the oppressive violence fall on stop spinning.

Aung S Suu Kyi got underway, she was not popularly known as a source of reprieve for Rohingya. There may be unconscious or conscious propaganda built in to local news coverage which may sympathize and support opposition of the detainment of Suu Kyi. Feelings about the detainment may not necessarily correspond to whether the detainment or aspects thereof are right or wrong, and may not correspond to whether everything that transpired while she was at leadership reigns were right or wrong.

An article published by the Guardian, June 15th, 2021, the UN put Rohingya at risk by sharing data (evidently such as about refugees to Bangladesh) without consent, Human Rights Watch was communicated these fears by refugees. 

Set a people up and allow them to be at risk, is what it may appear, although hopefully, it is not reality; other strategies the rationale for whatever happened-- along the way the putting forth the effort to ensure the safety catch net will be there, is under observation.

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