Extremely Serious or Blaring Concerns in Conflicts in the Globe. Begun 2 28 2024.

Posted by HCN on Thursday, February 29, 2024
This is intended to be a quick running tally of blaring concerns whether little known or not. In case I need to add to, open ended for revision.

Cannibals, literally active in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
What is going on when the lights are out (in Ukraine), especially prolonged power outages and intentional electric power suppression?

Refer: Putin pardons two cannibals who joined Russia’s war in Ukraine – report | The Independent

 2 Russian Cannibals Released After Fighting in Ukraine: Reports (businessinsider.com)

What about those that might have the cannibal habit that haven't been caught?


Recourses for food, that the situation got this bad, is below the dignity of whole earth [rev 3/4/024]- in Palestine; people there are so hungry that is the recourse for some reference news reports of eating animal fodder


Hostages in Gaza - when and if thoroughly learned people that know Sharia or 'Islam laws' are concerned about a matter, then perhaps it is high time the concern is mentioned, (even though there may well be other knowledge out there not fully understood or unbeknownst to the one voicing the concern, that could address the concern); the hostages that are presumed to be down in the tunnels,- aspects of the situation could be viewed as possibly encroaching what is referred to as zina (Arabic word for...), adultery/fornication, not so much in the sense that the physical activity commonly associated with these words such as what is popularized on TV and entertainment mediums today, but in the sense of what actually constitutes these according to laws. It arises because people cannot see what is going on, regarding the hostages day to day, moment to moment, as known to media reports. Although the hostage taking may have been a tactic to accomplish certain philosophies the hostage takers have, or they in their youth thought they understood but are perhaps lacking in their understanding, unless there is some kind of reporting system, such as a running live camera that people can see and confirm those referred to activities are not going on, the element of 'what could go on in secrecy' is an issue with respect to the discussed laws.

A habeus corpus (Latin law for show body (to for example, make sure a prisoner is in good health)) of some sort may be appropriate here, such as a live current video of each hostage and generally what is going on in whatever the structure is that the hostages are in. Hostage taking differentiated in some dimensions from jail, in there is the presumption that hostage takers are actively interacting with hostages to some degree.

[Long ago, when Muslim armies fought battles and drew up strategies, plans that were in complete conformity to the entire circle of Islam law was on the table; unless all conditions of conformity were met, basically the plan did not exist.]

The 3 books Quran, Torah, Injeel (revealed to Isa/Jesus) is in consideration. _ . Regardless of what system of practice someone calls themself, there are likely plenty of eyebrows raised by many people right through here about at least the referent aspect of the hostage situation, the hostage situation occurring where Arabic, Aramaic, the Holy Land, and terms of that ilk are strong. 

This page is for events that involve multiple locations

February 2023 Turkey Syria Massive Earthquake Multilanguage Post * Şubat 2023 Türkiye Suriye Büyük Deprem Çok Dilli Gönderi * Februar 2023 Türkei Syrien Massives Erdbeben Mehrsprachiger Beitrag * Febrero de 2023 Turquía Siria Terremoto masivo Publicación en varios idiomas * Февраль 2023 г. Турция Сирия Массивное землетрясение Многоязычный пост * 2023 年 2 月土耳其叙利亚大地震多语言邮政  * Skjálftauppfærslur á íslensku * アイスランド語で地震の最新情報:

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