Generally Addressing Issues When Discomforting Depictions Occur of Prophet Muhammad Known for Praises and Blessings, Recent Charlie Hebdo Issue in Consideration

Posted by HCN on Sunday, January 18, 2015
Looking at 100 years in the future, the possibilities of developing 3-D, three dimensional pictures, of persons that seem so lifelike it is as if they are really standing there before you, already rapidly nearing possibility as within popular reach.

When that time comes, new dynamics could possibly emerge, in issues about copyright, privacy policy, and in context, images of those esteemed, that some take offense of depictions that are not they themselves of what the depictions are.

The underlying issue, referring to the recent Charlie Hebdo brouhaha, is the concept of a depiction, whether in form of a cartoon, image on television, big screen in the movies, or discomforting written depictions in writings, such as the Salmon Rushdie writings a few years back.

It brings up, why Charlie Hebdo chose to do what they did, and those that are along for the ride.

One of the most blaring and first signs of ignorance the show of limitation of being a product of the environment of the moment.

In the future, cartoon depictions might not even exist in the form we know it today, especially given demand for technological products that provide images, and the corresponding surge to develop apps and image capabilities for the devices.

All the details that are occurring on a moment to moment basis concerning Charlie Hebdo, and cartoon depictions of Muhammad, known as the 'Praised and Blessed' one, as well as movies about Prophet Noah known as Nuh when transliterated to many in the Muslim World, and many others, might not be presented here, and depending on the circumstances, might not even be necessary to include in discussion.  Perhaps because Muhammad, the one 'Praised and Blessings upon', was the 'Seal' of the Prophets, among other titles, it is high on the priority list of what is taken to be offensive among the Muslim World.

Therewith, the Muslim World considers themselves as old as civilization itself, as they believe the early man Adam, attributed with being the father of many generations, was a Muslim.

Since that time, affronts, insults, issues, and misunderstandings, are approached with the appropriate sensible understanding, by those that are sensible, have understanding, and act appropriately.

All said and done, there is a vast amount of knowledge that puts the issue surrounding Charlie Hebdo and cartoon depictions of Muhammad, blessed one, as well as a few others over the recent few decades, in some perspectives.

Before going off into attempting to catch one raindrop in a thunderstorm, here are 3 very basic things, direct, which are in Quran, that when those to whom it refers at the Charlie Hebdo organization, and others that have engaged in similar activity, see, and inculcate, implement, as well as those that it might generally affect or be viewed by, will likely consider a method of bringing their point to the forefront in a manner that is mutually respected:

1- اقْرَأْ
Transliterated, Iqra; translated, read, or proclaim
Reading more about how the Muslim World feels, and how they respond to depictions, such as what is explained hereinabove and the next 2 hereunder, might bring about another whole way of doing things, and thinking.
The word here is very apt, as it is known as the very first word that was 'revealed' in Quran.  Found in Quran 96, 3.

2- لا إكراه في الدين
Transliterated from 2, 256, 'La ikraha fi deen', transliterated word for word, without any other inserted words as to what it references, or views of what it references, is: there is no - compulsion - in - the deen, whereas deen is accepted to mean faith.
The whole idea of the Muslim World acting in inappropriate raging, knee-jerk reaction, compulsive way, is not really the way the Muslim World has established they act since, the early man, known to some as the first man, Adam.

3- وَلْتَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ
These words, in 3, 104, are a bit more in quantity, and many of the the aspects can apply to the same thing; taking from the third to last word, transliterated, wa yanhuw, essentially translated means to prevent or stop.
There are many, many ways to go about stopping something that is immoral, which immoral is a basic translation of the very last word, here, which transliterated into English, sounds like munkr.
This portion translated, at a basic level, 'And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.'
Inviting what is good, is something the Muslim World does.  In parenthesis, not a mere attempt of trying to do nothing but stop actions, nor just protest, and nor irrationally contest.

With all these held before us all, the prospective scenes heard about in many media about what kind of wild activities the Muslim World might engage in, in reaction to cartoon depictions, might wash into a reality of what is really going on, which is, act appropriately, react appropriately, provide knowledge, and respect one another.

The mount of knowledge is huge, these are a few.

Tags: charlie hebdo  cartoons  depictions etc  addressed  quran  iqra...  la ikraha...  futuristic devices 
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