How Constructive are Preposterously Futile Attempts at Making the Word Islam a Dysphemism?

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Summing up numerous activities, many of them coming through the channels in media, in one word: dysphemism.

It is not a word that you see on the Internet, hear on TV, or read in newspapers everyday, as a matter of fact dysphemism is marked as a misspelled word on some computer auto-correct platforms.

What this word means though, can save a lot of time, and worthless expenditure of time, effort, and money, when discussing current events having to do with situations where Islam comes up at the same time as .

Dysphemism, defined, is a word deliberately degraded to having distasteful or taboo connotations.

Simply, Islam essentially means peace.  True it is a word that is easily written in the Arabic language.  When 'translating' Islam, to English, what scholars of Arabic might tell you is the root word in Islam is peace.  Muslims believe that Islam is a way of life that is revealed from an unseen Creator.  And, this way of life has existed since at least the beginning of mankind, covering the first man, set down from the heavens to earth, as the parable goes, in Adam.

It would be an incredulous task to go back 4000 years, or 5500 years, and try to assert that Islam meant something other than what it means, time traveling skills bearing no impact; so, why attempt now?

Recurring time and time again, is the usage of Islam interchanged with terrorism.

The purpose of this article is to bring to light that there are more constructive approaches to arrive at the solution we all should be striving for, which is a peaceful world, better lives, better living, and so forth.

In some cases, embarrassment on the part of the media can occur, when easy to understand terms are the subject of distortions, or stretching contexts to the point of reversing the meaning.

When someone says as preposterous as Islam is synonymous with terrorism, the absurdity is in the fact that the word itself means peace, and the only ones that could possibly be fooled, are those that do not see the real meaning of the word, for whatever length of time that lasts.

Straightforwardly, whomever 'practices' Islam, does not practice terrorism, as the two words are in direct and clear conflict of interest.

Tags: islam  dysphemism  current events  media 
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