In the Aftermath of the Tragedy of the Russian Ambassador and Diplomat Slain the Effort for Peace Continues

Posted by HCN on Thursday, December 22, 2016
An objective that should be upheld by all is peace, in the region where the referent incidents occurred, in every region.

Leaders that understand, know that it is critical not to allow themselves, nor whom in their purview of responsibility, to become consumed in one dimension of conflict and strife in while there is a sea of others and ocean of many dimensions and aspects of society that exist and deserve to keep flowing.

How is art derived, especially when it reflects culture, heritage, and history?  Without maintaining art, museums, cultural exhibitions, eventually it could stop altogether.  Therefore, although there may be wars going on, leaders and strategies at leadership levels, applied everywhere, it is not wrongdoing to engage in cultural events as appropriate.  The spokes of a wheel being maintained, sports, art, economic study, defense, agriculture, form a healthy picture.

Let us first look at the incident of the Russian Ambassador slain earlier this week, at the art exhibit, in perspective and consideration that ambassador level dignitaries should be respected, whether countries oppose or dislike each other, whether friction exists, even at war.  Soldier versus soldier, ambassadors talk on ambassador planes.

In Turkey in the past year, there have been incidents where those employed for basic comparative sake, by the government of Turkey, have done something in mutiny.  For example, it was just a few months ago where a bridge was taken over by a group of soldiers in what looked something like what people do in an attempt at a coup.  There have also been political parties that have been targeted by others, at least so reported, and performed activities such as small scale bombing of the opposing party office.

Now let us who have been around as readers of international news for a few decades, and calculate the situation of ongoing abuse of young men, the mental and emotional exploitation of them, where these young men witness a comrade, a brother, a relative, a parent, someone they knew, or have awareness of being the victims or casualties of war, where these men, and sometimes women, sometimes still in their teenage years or younger, are recruited, and brainwashed into being hardened supporters of a certain group, and set out to fight the opponent.  In this case, and it happens around the world, the rule of thumb is a vessel of a certain size cannot hold but so much liquid, an 8 ounce cup cannot hold a gallon of water, miracles thrown out; an 8 ounce cup is a young man, a gallon jug a grown mature adult with worldly knowledge.  If the small cup is filled with misleading information, pertinently after the youth has been emotionally overcome, there might not be any room left for the rest of the information needed to fill the whole circle of what is needed to make a mature judgement and correlating actions or lack of actions.

There might have been times when we were young and saw an older man give candy to a baby and we said, look how nice and generous that person is to our parents, then our parents say in turn, I know that person, he 'has a history of committing crimes against children, be careful'.

What was written a yesterday on one of our social media HCN sites, with a few edits:
   Regarding slaying of Russian Ambassador and Diplomat yesterday, two men, December 19, 2016,

This is a situation where language analysts, psychologists, diplomatic security experts, counter-terrorism experts, and international relations erudites, might want to come together and collaborate as to what was going on in the mind of the man that appeared to have shot the Russian Ambassador to Turkey yesterday.  The name of the ambassador is Andrey or spelling variant Andrei Karlov, over 60 years of age as of 2016, bore witness to numerous eras of  Russia, Turkish, Syria leaders, the Cold War, Glastnost, Berlin Wall fall, and other developments of that ilk.

Until anything further is put on HeadlineCrestNews .com site, here are a few questions and concepts to look at:
What exactly, emphasizing, exactly, did the man shout after the shooting?
Was the content of what he was saying or alluding to vertical, or horizontal, in terms of juxtaposing a set of concepts?
Was the shooter a young man or an old man?
How much did the shooter know about history of relations between Turkey, Russia, the Balkans, East Europe, other locales in the nearby region not named or might be obsolete in usage, and relations in times before when the borders of Turkey and Russia were not what they are now on common geographically drawn boundaries on a picture map?
What were the reasons of the shooting, and why did it occur; does the answer to this question include, elements of 'attention getting' strategies?
The weapon used is almost undoubtedly an automatic pistol.
Was the shooter in a slight stage of hysteria before, during, and after the shooting?
Is a shot in the back a sign of similar lines of disliked manners of presenting a position, if that position is not already on shaky ground, in the Syria situation; wherein militants in opposition to the current recognized government are active, in the larger framework of constant bloodshed altogether?

Disliked refers to, a literal shot in the back is not something that Islam generally promotes, nor other philosophies that state what they teach is a higher principle, especially when the victim is unarmed and unsuspecting.  A thousand years ago, a fight out in the battlefield might have been a setting where tactics were used by various opponents, given that the battle was already in progress, a situation in contrast.

At HeadlineCrestNews we try to shy away from extremely graphic footage.  There are a few news sites with clips of the shooting  with different amounts of editing or censoring available.

For information, Petr Poshikov, a Russian diplomat, was found dead reportedly in his house in Moscow not too far after the Karlov incident.
There is extensive knowledge in just the names of the Russian diplomats, note for instance the ending ov for both, to the extent of what has been made known to media.

What exactly went on, or is going on, physically, emotionally, and philosophically in the region of Russia and Turkey right now with respect to the incidents, might not have immediately recognizable parallels to Western Hemisphere philosophy.

'19', times or date, broach for now as facts coincidental, reference 1960s, Audubon Ballroom, but not state anything further as the incident is still too new to gauge but so much; however, the art exhibit incident does have elements remindful of the 1960s incident.

Afterword, written today:
In February of 1965, El Hajj Abdul Malik, also known earlier in his like as Malcolm X, was his slaying in the abovesaid ballroom.  Some reports say he was shot 19 times.

Disliked in Islam is the abuse of children, and one of the ways children can be abused is committing acts of violence before them, one of the easily accessible tools to do such abuse, is taking advantage of the emergence of social media capacities like live streaming, and worldwide viewing live telecasts.  Islam is brought up here, as it is aptly a subject matter in the framework of the occurrences discussed.  Perhaps systems, such as legal systems, will be developed further in the effort to preclude these valuable technological tools to be used as vehicles to carry out displays of violence, from catastrophic accidents on roads, to shootings, and other unspeakable crimes, which could be witnessed by children and minds which should not be trampled upon.

Tags: child abuse  social media 
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