Inconsistencies to Do with Putin Ascertained

Posted by HCN on Saturday, September 17, 2022
No matter how carefully one words something these days that refer to decision making about certain aspects of Russia, it is not safe.
News stories have emerged about non-aligned individuals or critics of Putin's moves on Ukraine in recent months 'mysteriously' dying.
Mysterious deaths by the way are not only remindful but might as well be a repeat of days of oppressive socialist/communist-.
Of course if one is aligned with what is attributed, to what Putin is doing respective Ukraine, they are in jeopardy of being considered an enemy, of Ukraine, and world peace in general, an enemy in war, and their lives at stake.
There is lots to say in this article, however, it would be an extremely lengthy undertaking to put everything in writing here.
The purpose of this piece of writing is to very briefly, form somewhat of boundaries of an envelope, which inside of it is obviously corruption, while a best effort at carefully chosen words.
First off, it is very rare a world leader would outright contradict himself. There is difference between the 'pandering politicking' of say a local politician, where if more people will cast a vote if they agree to the latest pervert trend they will say they're in, but if they hear an opposing viewpoint is now what's popular, they will hop over to the other side, a difference between that and presiding at a very high tier in international government and being pressured by puppeteers that have tentacles into trillions of global economic leverage. The side-with-the-pervert, side-with-the-put-down of his own best acquaintance in a fictitious charge started by gossip, is putting professional money making before the good of the people. But that is not what seems to be going on in Russia.
In the past week or two thereabout, Putin was seen discussing something which had translations of 'polarization'; there's more polarization.
Serious problem with that.
If polarization came at the expense of the loss of lives of others, the judgment of whether or not it was the just balance is on the table, whereat there are folks that may feel their expense as in their relative, perhaps a descendant of an earlier king or noble, was not the place of the polarization move.
The polarization can rise and fall, quickly, and the gambit be recognized.
A number of nations sometimes seem to show over the course of history, that they are number one, and polarization should be set where they are at the central pole of whatever it is they consider what constitutes global polarization.
I'm not going to say who did it, but it is pretty obvious; large scale loss of life, and the world pays attention to them; militaries from around the world got dragged in, and lost their boys, or scores of descendants of noble historical figures lost as though they had no weight or meaning on earth.
Sometimes the drug dealing will kick-in shortly after, and after the money gets made by the thuggery, and the folks leveraging that to leverage big global economic money, the rest of the world soon forgets the tragedies as what recently happened is pushed back from the limelight.
Drugs flowing through Russia and Ukraine have been recognized, and other individuals, outside Putin, are getting culled out and recognized, maybe they have not been culled out yet in terms of being sent to court or war trials, but they are getting the drapes pulled off from in front of them.
In the recent meeting of world leaders, past few days 2022, the Samarkand SCO Summit, Putin, as it is translated into English, basically said he is ready to quit the violent military action on Ukraine. Especially reference dialogue with India leader Modi.  
Other conversations went o at the Shanghai Cooperation Summit, however, considering the magnitude of the Ukraine Russia situation, the aspect of Putin's intentions toward Ukraine receive global attention.
Putin is obviously a gifted man insofar political prowess as well as dialogue capabilities.
But is the gift being used to take Russia in directions that Russia, and Putin, really want to go?
This question is raised at the Chechnya situation that was among us in 1999. What happened in Grozny. How many people died? Do an overwhelming amount of analysts the world over have it in ready hindsight what occurred in Grozny when they discuss the current situation of Ukraine? A repeat is not often found as the description.
Back to the the tragic aspect of Grozny in 1999.
Is that what Putin really wanted, mass destruction, on the inside? 
Since the change of the millennium, increasingly friendlier terms with West and Democratic nations, such as the US has happened, up until the military move of about 9 months ago on Ukraine. Then it all seemed to fall down, like a house made of playing cards.
Is that what Putin wants?, a rift so large between the US and sympathizers of Ukraine on one side, and Russia on the other, it may take at least 50 years to repair the damage, maybe 500.
Is that what the overwhelming majority of the Russian people want, especially after the Cold War?, to be as though cooped in a communist regime like little box, forever an enemy of the US; they can't come here, we can't go there, like what is portrayed in movies depicting the transition time frame from Lenin to Stalin. Just drop the idea of making pen pals, for the rest of your life, among 2 of the most powerful nations in the world? plus divide European stocks, meaning literal blood-ties of families, over military industrial vagaries and politics?
A sequence of leading the world, to enemy of Democracy during the Cold War, US individuals invited to live in Russia, reference African Americans 'escaping' different 'oppressions' in the US, back in the 1930s, Russia and Afghanistan tensions in the 70s through 80s, to the positive receptivity Gorbachev gained by the US in the late 80's, early 90s, to the Grozny bombings, to positive receptivity by the US up until about the end of 2021 and all the global conferences, wherein were bits of concern here and there by the US with Syria's leader Assad being collaborated with by Putin, to the kick-off of clanging military action on Ukraine, suddenly numerous amicable relations with Russia around the world started to dwindle, then the prolonging of the military action, then suddenly at the SCO Summit, Putin says he is ready to quit the military action. 
This brings us to 2 directions from a point in the fork of road. Either Putin is behind the roller coaster, or someone else is behind the roller coaster pressuring Putin to be behind it. Then come the different actions, and statements, to push, pull, what might be to try to cover for dignification maintaining purposes for the corruption going on behind the scenes and so forth, where from time to time, in the process, there are inconsistencies.
So is Putin behind 100% of everything currently going on, on is someone who is a corrupt presence really behind it, leaving Putin in a situation to look consistent but in the details could slip into being inconsistent in the effort to maintain the dignity of Russia?
We know that a patching up effort could get underway when errors are exposed, nevertheless, the news is to state the news.
What is upon the world now, is if Putin steps down, or is removed from office, what next?, another game played by an individual set forth as the leader, the pulls on heartstrings of the world saying we will cooperate with democracy, world peace, reduce world hunger while improving the economy, and in 15 years, lead Russia into a brazen military action on someone, and suddenly, much of the world is at odds against Russia? No one wants to go through that, which perhaps should be the rationale behind any and all political shakeups that go in Russia in reaction to the Ukraine invasion situation. Whereat, is Putin no longer in his current office really going to change anything? Is the risk of a new leader engaging in some more violent turbulence one that should be taken, or how should a solution be found?
The root of the problem, overarching or undercutting socialism, communism, democratic leanings, or whatever form of government, is that crop of people that promulgate the thuggery, and the lust for drug power.

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