Middle East 'Back' in the Limelight, as a Region with Unrest

Posted by Headline Crest News on Friday, September 15, 2017
Turmoil, strife, tensions, however one may perceive it, exists pretty solidly in the Middle East right now.  The U.S. has been faced for decades with the inordinate amount of stress involved of being pulled in two different directions at the same time, both of which are important; one of the forces in the dynamic is intervening in escalating conflicts in the Middle East region in the effort to minimize catastrophic destruction, while, the second dynamic, the need that exists of the important priority of focusing on internal challenges and progress, such as educating our youths, keeping our neighborhoods and cities safe, and developing our economy.  Sometimes events in the Middle East are perceived as bordering between distraction from our national focus and a warranted rationale for intervening.

Regardless of how intense the conflicts are, or how many of them, the situation or situations have escalated to the point it takes world stage and it may be or may seem justified that they necessitate some degree of attention.

This is a brief listing of specific major events included in what is involved in what comprises the current 'situation' of unrest:

About 60 people have been killed  in Iraq between yesterday and today thereabout, news sources say the result of a detonation device.
This event is perhaps on the list of the all time worst disasters of its type in about the past 5 years in Iraq, in terms of number of casualties.
A report has emerged of over 50 dead in Nasiriya Thursday September 14th 2017.
Details still being disclosed to the public as of this moment, it appears there were two attacks. 
Some reports are saying Daesh the party responsible for the event that caused about 52 deaths.  In that 52, Iranians were among the casualties. Confer Jordantimes online news, <...region/iranians-among-52-dead-iraq-attacks-claimed-daesh>.
Some reports saying ISIL is the party responsible for causing deaths of over 70 persons.  Confer Reuters online news, by way of <...telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/09/14..> among a few sources.
Paraphrased, 'car bomb near restaurant in or near Nasariya', seems to be the consistent story line. 
Gaining exact clarity on whatever discombobulations might exist as to what group or groups are responsible is a task in itself. 
Whether Daesh and ISIS/IS/ISIL is all one in the same might have aspects of the argument debatable.  This summary is not discussing points in the debate, only reporting recent news as it came forth from its source.

Earlier this week in Egypt, between a dozen and 20 Egyptian police officers were the victims of an explosive device that detonated.

Bombs were dropped on Syria reported by news sources, by Israel within this past roughly two weeks.

The U.S. is slating to send a massive number of troops to Afghanistan, announcement in the popular press in the past few days. 
Since September 11th, 2001, a slightly different kind of war is being waged in the Afghanistan region.  It has now been 16 years, anniversary of the tragedy just past, for soldiers and their families just a few days is a very long time, whilst, talk of pulling out of the region has been going on for years; the diligence of military readiness can be grueling at times to put it mildly; however, the decision to maintain or reduce presence in the area is a matter in the purview of higher government authorities.

The number of cease fire violations in the Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno-Kharabakh, is at numbers that it seems off the charts or nearly impossible. 
Cease fire violations has been an issue in the tension for years, the numbers seem to be rising from those of several years ago.

Libya has to contend with a major migrant crisis.
It involves what may be hundreds of thousands of migrants, which right there before any shortcomings in conditions at camps, is already an enormous demand.  Some conditions are unspeakable.

Palestine has taught tensions surrounding the Al Aqsa Masjid Site entry-no-entry conundrum.

Lebanon had an event at a Palestinian camp, Ain al Hilweh, August 20th thereabout, a day or two before and after, involving clashing, and detonations of some sort.

Qatar, the subject of a sort of ostracization from Arab Nations in the past few months.

Saudi and Yemen appear to have gotten into it, reports of fighting and even missile strikes related.

Saudi law enforcement personnel have been 'getting picked off', by gunfire, especially in the outskirts areas, every now and then,in about the past couple of years.  The problem: it seems very difficult to identify who the perpetrators have been for these occasional long distance gunshots, whereas, Saudi housing many significant sites to the entire Muslim world, it is the last place where not being able to identify who snipers are that are targeting Saudi law enforcement seems it would have the likelihood it would be be going on.

IS/ISIS name shows up recurrently in the list.  Contending presence in Libya, Syria, said to be blamed for recent IED in Egypt, to mention a few salient in news reports.

Sudan; Eritrean Nationals have been getting deported causing concerns. September 12th, 2017 article at https://www.tesfanews.net/state-department-visa-restriction-eritrean-nationals/, discusses the U.S. State Department suppressing plentitude of visas to certain countries, Eritrea on the list, over the matter of the country of origin not taking back deported individuals.  Meanwhile, concerns about tensions at the border between Sudan and Eritrea continue.

Somalia; Shabaab, referred to summarily in many news sources in the U.S. as a militant group,  maintaining a spot in the focus of news stories pertinent the area.  Within the past couple of days, U.S. airstrikes reportedly hit Shabaab targets.  The presence of Shabaab in the area near or at the border of Somalia and Kenya has had the State Department per the AllAfrica 'dot' com website dated September 10th 2017, and the travel warning direct from the website travel.state 'dot' gov,  to advise U.S. citizens to refrain form traveling into the area.

Iran; in front page news as we speak regarding nuclear weapons.

Written and published the evening of September 14th 2017 EST

Tags: turmoil  strife  tension  violence middle east  shabaab  daesh  arabia  qatar  syria  iraq  iran  nuclear   
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