Multiangle Perspectives on Export Dingoes and Related Mixed Breeds from Australia to China Issues

Posted by HCN | Intercontinental news on Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Dingoes, a part of the habitat in Australia, and are a recognized part of the history, heritage, and so on in the region.  Dingoes obviously can pose certain certain challenges because of their dangerous nature.
There might be thousands to hundreds of thousands as an estimate, in Australia, of an overarching realm that includes dingoes, wild dogs, and mixed breeds of related creatures.  With the numbers of them being so high, and the danger of each and every one of them being high, it is little wonder of incentives to keep them suppressed.  As already alluded to, because of concepts of habitat balances, there is not necessarily a promotion for obsessive over-zealousness in regard to the suppression efforts.

'Let's figure out a way to make a profit from the aftermath and make cost efficient use of physical matter', might not be determined to be the appropriate attitude and direction to take on dingoes, pertinently those killed, in consideration of heritage principals in Australia.

If someone killed a few bald eagles here in the USA, legally or illegally, no one would want to see someone trying to make a profit for the wrong reason selling the feathers on a popular e-commerce website.

So, selling dingoes and cross-breeds meat to China might be perceived for the set of reasons explained above.  But that's not all the reasons it does not sit well with the international community.
Perhaps less spoken about in European and American social media, is the set of reasons historically that made dog eating a tradition, at least originally to some.

Today, dogs might be something eaten in some areas by a segment of the population in China and nearby regions; however, not necessarily everyone there.

Dogs in Chinese culture go back to times long ago, maybe ancient times, held relative, this is not going off the deep end to the extreme it misses the subject of discussion.  Veneration of dogs and certain dogs and handed-down stories from many generations, is calculated on general history timelines as going back before even Muhammad the Prophet, 'prayers upon and peace', that dwelled mainly in Arabia about 1400 years ago.

Muhammad is venerated world-wide.  Eating of dogs is not something that readily found texts of his practices shows he promoted.  When he delivered his sermons and went about his daily life, the time threshold of eating dogs, especially to those who were aware of it, was pretty much activities of an old past such as in China and the nearby, for those that wanted to do as much of what they do as Muhammad did it.  In condensed wording, in Arabia, 1300 and 1400 years ago, dog eating really was not a popular practice.

Later as many that know ripples of world history know, traditions of the practical ways of day to day living of Muhammad the Messenger spread increasingly in China.  Dog eating by, again those that wanted to do like Muhammad, was not a common practice.

Needless to say, brashly exported dingoes and cross breeds meat for money, and a food and money triangle, is not going to be happy camper in the Muslim world eyes.  One does no have to be a fundamentalist, fanatic, conservative, radical, or any of those terms, nor an animal rights activist or environmental group organizer,  to see the value in placing a sobriety control over the idea.

That provides a platform that not everybody in China is necessarily in a hurry to eat dogs, as it might be suggested from ignorant stereotyping travel reviews and other tales.

That all said, the whole concept of eating dogs, which might be done in some manner today in China, is a far cry from how it all got started many many years ago.

Picture the woolly mammoth, how large it was, or the largest lion and large predatory cat fossils have been found of.  The elephants and lions of today, those that you can see in an everyday zoo, rarely catch the proportions that they were in past epochs.

In short, there are some that may believe that the practice of dog eating stems from a veneration that refers to ways dogs were upheld in dignity from long ago.  Thereat the eating of dogs, if it is done, is not necessarily always really done because it is just an everyday accessible prospective food.  And thereat, to simplistically view China as a potential lucrative market of dog eaters, is going about it in manner that is an awkward affront to those that understand the dietary system in China.

Where all this is going, is a viable, solid agglomeration of principals that sits in disagreement without having to say that exporting dingoes and related dogs from Australia over to China for meat as a way to avert would-be monetary resource waste is not a wholly acceptable idea.

Wildlife scientist Dr. Ben Allen and his resent presentment of sending mass creatures of the mixed breed related to dingoes sort as exports to China for food consumption is not being received as fully saturated with all contents 100% gold.

Before concluding, also let it be reiterated that animal rights abuses in regard to dog meat have moved toward the forefront in China.  There are, unfortunately, those who see eating of dogs as a business, and the care and respect for dogs comes in second if that.  A rash kill-nab-sell and export methodology of the meat of dingoes might easily exacerbate the situation.

Tags: dingoes  export questions  integrity questions  china  ancients  australia 
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