Outskirts Still Hotbed for Uncivilized Activities and Conditions as Though Oblivious to Civilized Man

Posted by HCN on Saturday, December 27, 2014
We have all heard this cliche before, 'in some parts of the world, there is still no clean water, no electricity, ... and the rules of society are still uncivilized'; at the threshold of 2015, unfortunately, this till holds true in certain areas, many of the referent locations closer to admired and renown industrial centers and cities than some care or don't care to admit to.
    An era might be arriving where technology has advanced beyond electricity, using fiber optics replacing phone lines as an example, where there is no sense in spending billions in laying down old fashioned phone lines and setting telephone poles; those that want phones in rural areas today, likely will purchase a cellular phone, the wait is a network that will allow their cell phones to work; but altogether, that is not the point. 

Brought forward, those that are empowered to help others and take responsibility for improving miserable and deplorable conditions of those less fortunate, can benefit when appropriate, to be aware of the situations that exist.
A few situations that are reality this year:
  • In northwestern Africa, even just a few miles or walking distance from larger cities, everything looks like the industrialized cities in the U.S. and Europe, buildings, schools, society fully clothed, but under certain layers, functioning electricity, and a viable technological infrastructure on par with today, is not there, or see barely any remnants thereof
  • In the southernmost area of Africa, especially out on the highways where it starts to appear in some ways as desolate,  criminal activities occur like the days of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves roughly a thousand years ago.  People are approaching trucks at rest stops, killing and making hijacking attempts, stealing ATM machines, and other vandal behaviors
  • And of course, narcotic trafficking, and human trafficking, pertinently of underage children, is too often; headway has been made in reducing the incidents of these, and those that deserve recognition for these efforts have there recognition
  • In closing, in big cities, unruly violence that acts as if there are no rules of civilization, still remains a contender

Tags: unruliness  trafficking 
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