Spain's Support Methods For Ukraine Forecast Ongoing Conflict in the Russia-Ukraine Region.

November 22, 2022
Without a doubt, investigations into war crimes in the Russia Ukraine situation that broiled at least starting February earlier this year sounds sound.
Different sorts of types or aspects of support may emerge or are in the plans for Ukraine.

Question may sit whether a backdown and out by Russia respective the Ukraine region could occur any minute, or, is it possible it will continue on for a significantly longer time.

Published night 11/21/2022 EST

Sports Meets Politics and Turmoil. Iran Anthem No Sing at World Cup.

November 22, 2022
Evidently the Iran soccer team did not sing the anthem before the match with England within somewhat recent hours at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
What does it mean, in their culture, referring to Iran, and to world viewers?
Plausibly, at the end of the tunnel of theorizing what the implications are, it may spell out either change or efforts will be made to change aspects of the conditions in Iran. 
-Depending on the level of support, or leniency in the legal system back in Iran, -the players tha...
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Some Have 'Had It' (Had Enough) With the North Korea Missile Testing

October 7, 2022
Published October 6, 2022 night EST

Missiles fired for testing. Okay, missiles get tested all the time. But to fly it over another country's airspace ~? There is a long standing aphorism about testing missiles, which sometimes things happen not calculated. That's why many times missiles are tested over water or desert, or something where that if a freak accident does happen, the chances of a unrepairable valuable damage are minimal.

Evidently, some North Korean missiles were recently fired over...
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September 2022 Report of Al Qaeda Activity

September 28, 2022
Simply reposting the link, originally in Arabic: (There is no guarantee the entire link will work given the translation extension, however to the original article at or main page of the paper it should.)

Translated: Abyan.. Al-Qaeda launches an operation to rescue leaders trapped in the mountains
[Story] Thursday 15 September 2022...
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Inconsistencies to Do with Putin Ascertained

September 17, 2022
No matter how carefully one words something these days that refer to decision making about certain aspects of Russia, it is not safe.
News stories have emerged about non-aligned individuals or critics of Putin's moves on Ukraine in recent months 'mysteriously' dying.
Mysterious deaths by the way are not only remindful but might as well be a repeat of days of oppressive socialist/communist-.
Of course if one is aligned with what is attributed, to what Putin is doing respective Ukraine, they are i...
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Repost Link: Opinion Article About Operation Storm Anniversary.. Croatia, Serbia

August 7, 2022
'Operation Storm Anniversary Highlights Croatia and Serbia’s Bitter Mistrust', dated August 3, 2022, at

Story was found in nearby articles when reading about the fire at the Balikli Greek Hospital that occurred earlier this week.
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From USA Vantage, Moon Phase Observations Mid March, Mid Shaban to Start Of Ramadhan H1443 and 2022

March 31, 2022
For year H1443, 2022
H = Hijri = Lunar
2022 = Solar = Gregorian
Chart embedded below at time of publishing

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Rubles Only Deal and Population Questions in Russia

March 24, 2022
Rubles, roubles, the term has been around a long time, what does it mean in March of 2022? Considering the strife upon Ukraine currently, the popular context is the Russian ruble.
It has made the news in a dotted manner over the past few days, showing up on newspapers in a number of languages, Russia accepting rubles only. What is causing acceptance method to make the news?
According to statistics over the past week, the ruble had a marked downturn around the first week of March 2022, then at a...
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'Where Things Might Be Going' in the Ukraine Russia Region Politically

March 9, 2022
Well if you blurt something out too far ahead of time, sometimes it raises a red flag that you are someone to watch.
It was rather obvious that there are degrees of unsettlement in Russia about Putin's move on Ukraine, reference the invasion that tipped off a couple of weeks ago almost to the day. Of course what we see come up in iconic photos with captions on news sites, is not the whole story. But, for the case of bringing up the jist, let's go with the simplified roadmap.

Was it the reality ...
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Russia Launches Air Weapons on Ukraine in Recent Hours

February 24, 2022
Developing story. Is it 'headline news'?, the answer might be in gray area. Questions are asked, how serious is the fighting, how powerful are the ballistics dropped, the frequency, intensity, and bluntly how many? This in consideration that Russia and Ukraine have had tensions over the years. It was known that over the past few weeks escalations were intensifying, but it was not clear whether it might result in skirmishes, a few targeted missiles to disable a piece of infrastructure, and so ...

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This page is for events that involve multiple locations

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