Haul Sheykh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Indonesia Look

November 30, 2020
Published night of November 29, 2020 EST

Once again, the Indonesia webpages on the HCN site were having technical difficulty when a story was in process of being published. When the Indonesia webpage is ready, placing this article there will be considered.
Today, provided here is an attempt at a very remote and brief inquiry as to what is really going on in this event being described as 'Haul Sheykh Abdul Qadir Jilani' in Indonesia. As many and scholars understand, the name Abdul Qadir Jilani popularly refers to the Sheykh of Jilan, a town, hence Jilani, basically meaning from there, and credited as the iconic figure of the Qadiri Sufi Order, which, according to some historians has historical interfaces with other Sufi orders going back hundreds if not about 1000 years ago. Here at today, authentic and genuine studies taught by the Qadiris as well as original works passed down even those translated and lost dimensions of the stregth in words, such as on the subjects of reflection and control of desires, is appreciated by scholars worldwide. Of course not appreciated, as applied to the large Islam, or any Sufi Order, is when any of these are used, as a shield, or the saying something not authentic under the color, of something that is. The using and shielding process may come in subtle and off-and on, barely perceivable, methodologies. With all the developments of evil in the world today, if something good, and wholly good is going on, good.

3 online soures of information may help getting a closer look at the referent. Pictures and videos, maybe not of the most advanced technology, are embedded in the stories. Most of the content originally in Indonesian.:


Jemaah Abuya Uci Membeludak saat Haul Syekh Abdul Qadir Jailani
Senin, 30 November 2020 | 07:43 WIB

Article translated from Indonesian to English:
Abuya Uci congregation slaves when Haul Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani
Monday, November 30, 2020 | 07:43 WIB

[As for Haul to translating as haul in English, appears to be an attempted translation; saat translates directly as moment/during; Membeludak saat Haul, translates to Burst during the Haul]

VIVA  - Jemaah Abuya Turtusi or commonly called Abuya Uci filled the recitation location at Al-Istiqlaliyyah Islamic Boarding School, Cilongok Village, Sukamantri Village, Pasar Kemis District, Tangerang Regency, Banten , Sunday, November 29, 2020. 

It seemed that the congregation who was present were wide and there were no visible people who were keeping their distance. Even though currently in the middle of the corona pandemic or COVID-19, which requires residents to always keep their distance so that transmission of the deadly virus can be stopped.

In the upload on Twitter by the @QaillaAsyiqah account quoted by VIVA , Monday, November 30, 2020, it was seen that the congregation was very much present. The video featured in the account's tweet shows Abuya Uci walking accompanied by the congregation towards the pulpit.

" Masya'Allah .. Thousands of worshipers in the 62nd Haul Syech Abdul Qadir Al-Jaelani event | Abuya UCI accompanied by congregation to the pulpit .. Banten (29 / Nov / 2020), " wrote the account.

This tweet caused controversy, even many netizens who poked the account of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, who asked to take action against the implementation because so many masses attended. They compared the crowds in Petamburan by congregation Habib Rizieq with congregation Abuya Uci.
" @MenjakBumi: Pak @mohmahfudmd when can you do justice to the people of Indonesia? I personally feel sliced, this heartbreak witnessed the injustice in front of HRS's eyes looking for mistakes even though there were many other crowds who were safe !, " wrote the account.

It is known that Abuya Uci was present as one of the caregivers of the pesantren who held a haul event for Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jailani . Originally, in the event, there will be 1,500 congregations of santri and their families. Together with local governments. Previously, the organizers also agreed to implement the COVID-19 health protocol, starting from using masks to implementing rapid tests. (ren)



Sekilas Ponpes Al-Istiqlaliyah Cilongok & Kegiatannya
Nov 6, 2020



Title and excerpts translated into English:

Overview of Pondok Pesantren Al-Istiqlaliyah Cilongok & its activities

...This time I will review a little about the Cilongok Islamic boarding school in my eyes, who have had the opportunity to "ride" studying there in the range of 2012-2013.

The real name of the Cilongok Islamic boarding school is Al-Istiqlaliyah, when I was there until now the cottage was led by a Charismatic Kyai who is usually called Abah Uci. His full name is KH. Uci Turtusi bin KH. Dimyati...

...One of the books studied at that time was the Book of Alfiyah Ibnu Malik (Ilmu Nahu) and Nasho'ihul 'ibad. Abah usually glares at books in Javanese, duh ... this is what makes me a little difficult, the problem is when my teacher used to go home with Sundanese. I have made friends with Javanese several times but I still don't understand Javanese.

...If we can only hear recitation in other places from a loudspeaker, then not at the Al-Istiqlaliyah Islamic Boarding School. Apart from being able to hear from the loudspeakers of the mosque, it turns out that this boarding school has its own radio transmitter so it is not surprising that we will see congregations who come instead choosing to sit behind the trees in the car park, or in a shop, but they are actually doing the Koran while listening to radio broadcasts. live from the headset in their ear. Unfortunately, we can only get radio broadcasts if we are around Cilongok itself, maybe only a radius of 1 KM.

The uniqueness of Abah Uci is his loud, energetic lecture, apart from his typical Tangerang Sundanese language and a bit "rough" as well as the spirit of Abach Uci's own speech. Not only that, he is also known to be critical of the government. At that time, when I recited the Koran there was the era of Mrs. Atut who became governor. It was no joke that Abah Uci discussed and criticized Mrs. Atut's political attitudes and decisions. It is not strange that when there are big events there are rarely any officials present, once a representative from the Regent comes at the time of the haul event, the congregation will cheer for him even though it has not been a minute since the guest is on the podium. Huuuu…. down…. turuuun… So usually the congregation cheered the government representatives who were present. Not only that, Abah Uci also often criticized ustadz for being involved in politics,ulama ordered by the party, so that several opposition parties often conveyed their depravity in the recitation. He criticized several MUI ulama and cottage owners who felt bad about their huts and received assistance from the government or parties. Such is the character of Abuya.

In addition, Abah Uci's preaching is famous for his rich stories and saga, he always memorized the history of the Ulama, the Auliya 'in the past...


South Korea Soldier Remains in Sent Home in Special Event

June 23, 2020
Honorable event, story here:

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Special Emergency Report: Trafficking of Kashmiri Children Alarming

March 18, 2020
Kashmiri is.. Kashmiris are..., they are creation, and deserve to be respected like anyone else.

Something new, out of control, something well past the barrier of acceptable human behavior, where something new is folds and folds of unacceptable new heathen behavior on top of trendy acts which were gotten away with.

Not all of it has been gotten away with.

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Operation Condor Ramifications Still Ongoing, Italian Court Sentencing July 2019

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Recent news articles have emerged about Italian court sentencing 24 individuals for their involvement with Operation Condor, a development that took place over 4 decades ago, and markedly, before the era of social media news sharing the public now has, compared to the climate today.  What went on in Operation Condor is extensive, almost to the point that the events of 1975 is a challenge to be read about in one lifetime, if not impossible.  Here we are today, and front page news in news sites...
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Signs of Tensions Carried Over from Decades Ago in the Balkans Surfaced in the Sports Arena

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Most readers of the news here in the US, know it as the war in Bosnia.
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Bar Troubles in Greece Ripple Effect Worldwide

May 31, 2019
n July 2017 Bakari Henderson of Austin, Texas, became a fatality of what might have looked on the prima facie of an unruly bar scuffle amongst the youth.  There may be implications of ethnic influences in motivations that led up to physically altercating.

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Strong Words to the EU from Slovakia and Hungary Leadership

July 29, 2018
At least two Nations, Slovakia, and Hungary, are reported in just over as many months to have expressed their positions on certain issues in emphatic manner words toward the European Union.

In a speech to ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Hungarian PM Orban spoke 
Story: http://www.euronews.com/2018/07/28/hungary-s-pm-viktor-orban-attacks-the-eu?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+euronews%2Fen%2Fhome+%28euronews+-+home+-+en%29

Slovakia President Kiska spoke in the framework o...
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Middle East 'Back' in the Limelight, as a Region with Unrest

September 15, 2017
Turmoil, strife, tensions, however one may perceive it, exists pretty solidly in the Middle East right now.  The U.S. has been faced for decades with the inordinate amount of stress involved of being pulled in two different directions at the same time, both of which are important; one of the forces in the dynamic is intervening in escalating conflicts in the Middle East region in the effort to minimize catastrophic destruction, while, the second dynamic, the need that exists of the important ...
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In the Aftermath of the Tragedy of the Russian Ambassador and Diplomat Slain the Effort for Peace Continues

December 22, 2016
An objective that should be upheld by all is peace, in the region where the referent incidents occurred, in every region.

Leaders that understand, know that it is critical not to allow themselves, nor whom in their purview of responsibility, to become consumed in one dimension of conflict and strife in while there is a sea of others and ocean of many dimensions and aspects of society that exist and deserve to keep flowing.

How is art derived, especially when it reflects culture, heritage, and h...
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Frontiers Gained in Thresholds of Space Exploration Might Open New Concepts

November 17, 2016
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Consider that some of the 'new' discoveries have already been in existence in space or other planets, for instance Mars or Pluto, for many, many years.  What is being discovered for the firs time might be new to the discoverer but not new to its source.

In 'defining' new discoveries, trying t...
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