Let the Crush Go On Attitude with Regard to the Xinjiang Region Does Not Reflect the Pillar of U.S. Foreign Policy

September 11, 2016
Globally, it has happened in different places by different countries and different times in the past century, an 'ethnic minority' somewhere gets the brunt of violence while money deals go down.

There have been occasions where the U.S. has intervened in the severe oppression of ‘ethnic minorities’, for example Bosnia.  The Bosnia and Serbia situation went on for years, until finally, mass graves get uncovered, and the oppression had to come to halt, as it was just way too much for the international community to keep witnessing.

In regions of the world today, there are 'ethnic minorities', [purposely placed in quotes because it can be interpreted as a derogatory term and of limited understanding, but in this circumstance it is used to drive a point about an issue that is clear across the board], that undergo constant oppression of some sort to some degree.

A few examples,

Timeline of what Crimean Tatars have undergone in the past 3 quarters of a century

In China, such as Xinjiang region

Rohingya Muslim, reference Myanmar and Burma

African Americans and Arabs and Arab Americans in the United States on a case by case basis

What Chechens have undergone the past few decades

   Looking at Chechnya as an analog has obvious reminders.  Chechen after Chechen was oppressed, over years, then when an event occurs where numerous persons are killed or taken hostage all at once, Chechens as an entirety are now the outcast of civilization as put by some media stories.

African descent persons in South America

The list goes on

Allowing a certain ethnic minority to get the dump on as big financial deals come into swaying for a momentary flash of time, once again might not be as appealing in the long run as it might immediately appear.

The adding of insult to injury, is when media giants exacerbate and facilitate stoking the flames of a dump-on situation, who cares about them while we grab a bunch of money, devise.

It was only a few months ago where sympathy stories are being run.  Then, it turns to, an ‘ethnic minority’ with an ‘ethnic identity’ that goes back thousands of years, where there were a few uprisings popular media found out about that involved loss of life clustered together, is now portrayed as just some group with ties to terrorism, that might as well just be eradicated for the sake of world peace.  Can the wool be pulled over the eyes of that many people in that short of time?

The susceptible, especially young and ignorant, if they are victims of being pulled aside then misguided and uneducated, every now and then might mistakenly join up a terror group.  It does not mean that everyone from where they came from is now a terror group that should be abandoned and victimized by the rest of mankind.

Xinjiang region geopolitically today, briefly, is situated between where there are countries with Muslim influence that were once associated with the USSR before it broke up in the wake of the post communist and Glastnost/Glasnost era, the larger China, or the rest of larger China aloof from the debate, on the other side in the eastern direction, and the home of Genghis Khan in Mongolia toward northeast.

Easily put, Uighurs, or alternate spellings abundant, Uyghurs, have a rich and old tradition, and are respected globally for who they are, at least by those that are on par with a minimum level of education.  The dynamics formed by the Uyghurs, the Xinjiang region, their neighbors to the west of there and them, neighbors to the east, relations to regimes from long ago, and relationships to establishments of nations today, has a development that is more advanced and has further depth than conveniently worded press blurbs with wry intentions.

If someone is engaging in referent wry activities, it might be wise to cease, because once the collective eyes of the world make it plain to see that wrongful oppression of a people for the wrong reasons is going on, it will be shown it is not what the U.S. nor nations that stand for fairness, subscribe too.


Multiangle Perspectives on Export Dingoes and Related Mixed Breeds from Australia to China Issues

August 31, 2016
Dingoes, a part of the habitat in Australia, and are a recognized part of the history, heritage, and so on in the region.  Dingoes obviously can pose certain certain challenges because of their dangerous nature.
There might be thousands to hundreds of thousands as an estimate, in Australia, of an overarching realm that includes dingoes, wild dogs, and mixed breeds of related creatures.  With the numbers of them being so high, and the danger of each and every one of them being high, it is littl...
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Complexity of Web of Conflict of Interests Embedded in Turmoil Related to Syria

August 28, 2016
Let us briefly look at developments that unfolded the end of this past week through this weekend, to provide an illustration of seemingly conflicts of interest that constantly exist having to do with turmoil and displays of force in and related to Syria.

When the blasts in Istanbul Airport occurred within recent months, it was made clearly voiced that Turkey is one of the strongest allies of the U.S.; Turkey is reported to have this past weekend launched projectiles at the YPG which Turkey cla...
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2016 Rio Olympics: An Interesting Moment in Global History Thus Far Rolls On, with a Few Moments of Drama

August 7, 2016
A few days into the 2016 Olympics in Rio, developments both in the Olympic Games themselves and the corresponding changes in social aspects of culture on an international scale have seen a few changes. 

In regards to drama, at first the title of this story was the Olympics have seen a 'Few Specks of Drama', to illustrate that they are held relative to incidents more severe, however, each moment's magnitude is bigger in some eyes than others.  For example, the coaches that underwent the robber...
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Incident at Entrance Area of U.S. Embassy in Moscow Appears to be Guard Using Embassy Protection Grappling Suppression Techniques

July 9, 2016
A commentary.
Altercations at the diplomatic level, could be a sign of something larger, not that an the pragmatism of two persons in a physical tussle always necessarily carry a magnitude that it has repercussions on relations between two of the most powerful nations in the world.

Some of what Putin said, in the video on the Washington Post webpage, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/russian-fsb-guard-attacks-us-diplomat-outside-moscow-embassy/2016/06/28/2c42c98c-3d7f-11e6-a66f-aa6c1883b6...
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Throes of Post Bin Laden Death Sentiments Include Medical Facilities in Targets of Violence

April 22, 2016
Pakistan polio vaccination facilities have had 2 clearly media reported stories of them being the sites of violence since mid January of this year; Quetta, and a few days ago Karachi where police were killed.

The story at this link here states in their take of elucidating the situation, that a splinter group from the Taliban feels the vaccination centers were and, or are, being used as cover for plans to cripple Bin Laden, and the prospect of a plot of 'sterilizing' children.  Link: http://www...
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Earthquake in Asia October 25th 2015 Refers to Region Extending from Northern Afghanistan to Northern Pakistan with Tremors Felt in New Delhi

October 28, 2015
Concern that the impact of the recent earthquake that occurred a couple of days ago, about October 25th 2015, is resulting in fatalities of several hundred.  Asia is a very large expanse in terms of area miles, making the focus area that the earthquake affected relatively concentrated, however, the situation deserves the treatment of major natural disaster.  The reasons why the earthquake is taking the lives they are in specific areas, is plausibly due to building construction methods, where ...
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Refugee Crisis Upon the World

September 11, 2015
Now upon us, what the reason or all the reasons are aside, is a refugee crisis where those seeking safety, asylum, a new start, or whatever their ambition, are moving in multiple directions on a global scale.  Stating that the referent refugee crisis stems from the Middle East might be oversimplifying the entirety of the situation.

There are tests, and at the same time caution.

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North Korea and South Korea Exchanged Artillery Fire News Reports Say

August 21, 2015
North Korea and South Korea have exchanged within recent days, rounds of artillery, larger than bullets from popularly known handheld military firearms.
There have been statements that sacred ground has been brought into the picture.
What does sacred ground refer to, for those that are not fully engrossed in the study of the region.  It could refer to ancient leaders that held much wisdom, equivalent to doctors of today that head their respective fields.  In Korean culture, leaders are venerate...
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Announcing Project SMILE Joint China and European Space Agency Satellite

June 9, 2015
The China Academy of Sciences [CAS], and ESA, European Space Agency, are looking to a joint mission which is reported by the online newspaper China Daily [Chinadaily.com.cn] to kick-off in 2021, whereas on the list of objectives is to study the earth's magnetosphere using technologies such as X-ray imaging  and ultraviolet.

In summary the earth's magnetosphere refers to the zone or region in space near the earth where charged particles are affected by the earth, particularly the magnetic...
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