Azerbaijan Head of State Voices that Neo-Fascist Movement are Emerging Around the World

May 19, 2015
As put by the May 18th 2015 article at, quotations about neo-fascist movements springing up might not be present. 
Albeit it is well-known by political, social science, and scholars of religion, that ill conceived, superficial illusory fledgling jabs at knowledge to attempt to substantiate referent activities, especially when they promote decadence and crime, are about as constructive as their founding.


How Constructive are Preposterously Futile Attempts at Making the Word Islam a Dysphemism?

March 24, 2015
Summing up numerous activities, many of them coming through the channels in media, in one word: dysphemism.

It is not a word that you see on the Internet, hear on TV, or read in newspapers everyday, as a matter of fact dysphemism is marked as a misspelled word on some computer auto-correct platforms.

What this word means though, can save a lot of time, and worthless expenditure of time, effort, and money, when discussing current events having to do with situations where Islam comes up at the sa...
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Affects of Two Developments Pertinent China and Myanmar are that Perhaps they are Starting to be Considered One: Oil and Gas Pipelines while Tension in Kokang Region

March 9, 2015
Major pipelines running between Myanmar and China have been planned for at least a decade, and recently construction has materialized insofar completed construction made known to the public.
Meanwhile, tensions in the northern area of Myanmar near the Chinese border, has had a number of impacts to China.  These includes refugees that have fled the fighting, went to China; in turn, China has to deal with the refugee challenge.  Other impacts are occurring as result of the refugees, such as repo...
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Generally Addressing Issues When Discomforting Depictions Occur of Prophet Muhammad Known for Praises and Blessings, Recent Charlie Hebdo Issue in Consideration

January 18, 2015
Looking at 100 years in the future, the possibilities of developing 3-D, three dimensional pictures, of persons that seem so lifelike it is as if they are really standing there before you, already rapidly nearing possibility as within popular reach.

When that time comes, new dynamics could possibly emerge, in issues about copyright, privacy policy, and in context, images of those esteemed, that some take offense of depictions that are not they themselves of what the depictions are.

The underlyi...
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Gang Assault on Female from Abroad in or near Bodh Gaya India Stark Disturbing Reminder of Similar Incidents

January 5, 2015
Please read:
3 Arrested For Brutal Gang Rape, Kidnapping In Eastern India
Posted: 01/03/2015 10:22 am EST [||] Updated: 01/03/2015 11:59 pm EST
"PATNA, India (AP) — Police arrested three Indians for allegedly gang raping a 22-year-old Japanese research scholar in a Buddhist pilgrimage center in eastern India, police said Friday.
Police were looking for ...
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Outskirts Still Hotbed for Uncivilized Activities and Conditions as Though Oblivious to Civilized Man

December 27, 2014
We have all heard this cliche before, 'in some parts of the world, there is still no clean water, no electricity, ... and the rules of society are still uncivilized'; at the threshold of 2015, unfortunately, this till holds true in certain areas, many of the referent locations closer to admired and renown industrial centers and cities than some care or don't care to admit to.
    An era might be arriving where technology has advanced beyond electricity, using fiber optics replacing phone l...
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Pedophile Smartphone Picture Taker Caught in South Africa...

December 25, 2014
...and of course in the theme of the South African news article, is parents around the world may benefit from advisories spread from many sources apt these days, to be appropriately vigilant and cautious, in consideration of the 'technological tool' in easy to carry smartphones and other picture taking and recording devices that are out there now, which could be used in ways not admirable.

Appropriately vigilant, is appropriate, to set here, as there have been reports of parents taking constru...
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Panama Diplomat Body Found Last Sunday in Belize and a Suspect Detained

November 27, 2014
See story at

Belize sits northeast of Guatemala on the same land mass of Mexico, and west across the water from Cuba.

Panama, where the diplomat in Mr. De La Rosa represented, is at the very southernmost area of the strip of land in Central America adjacent and northwestern of Colombia.

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Virus and Mass Infant Deaths List by Name and Region

November 27, 2014

Virus and Mass Infant Deaths Internationally

Infographic and Outline

originally published October 24, 2014


  • Ebola
    • Outbreaks in Africa
      • Guinea (noted December 2013)
      • Sierra Leone
      • Liberia – April 2014 cases confirmed
      • Nigeria – case confirmed about last week of July 2014
      • Nigeria—officially declared free of Ebola virus transmission as of October 20th 2014, by World Health Organization (WHO) per
      • Senegal declared free of Ebola virus transmission as of October 20th 2014
      • Mali – a case
    • Post...

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Sudden Resurgence of Passenger Airline Crashes? July 26th 2014 Look.

November 27, 2014

originally published July 26, 2014

Sudden Resurgence of Passenger Airline Crashes?

There have been numerous media analyses of three major crashes involving passenger airplanes in recent weeks.  2014 has seen relatively few passenger airplane crashes, which shows a positive progress in the area of airline safety.  Albeit, a marked upward incline in the number of airplanes carrying many persons that have crashed, namely Flights Malaysian MH17 into the Ukraine region, Air Algerie into Mali, ...

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This page is for events that involve multiple locations

February 2023 Turkey Syria Massive Earthquake Multilanguage Post * Şubat 2023 Türkiye Suriye Büyük Deprem Çok Dilli Gönderi * Februar 2023 Türkei Syrien Massives Erdbeben Mehrsprachiger Beitrag * Febrero de 2023 Turquía Siria Terremoto masivo Publicación en varios idiomas * Февраль 2023 г. Турция Сирия Массивное землетрясение Многоязычный пост * 2023 年 2 月土耳其叙利亚大地震多语言邮政  * Skjálftauppfærslur á íslensku * アイスランド語で地震の最新情報:

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