Some Have 'Had It' (Had Enough) With the North Korea Missile Testing

Posted by Luqman A. Thornton on Friday, October 7, 2022
Published October 6, 2022 night EST

Missiles fired for testing. Okay, missiles get tested all the time. But to fly it over another country's airspace ~? There is a long standing aphorism about testing missiles, which sometimes things happen not calculated. That's why many times missiles are tested over water or desert, or something where that if a freak accident does happen, the chances of a unrepairable valuable damage are minimal.

Evidently, some North Korean missiles were recently fired over Japan, as in within the past week or so thereabout.

Nation's leaders have stepped forward in acts of kindness and understanding o the leader or leaders of North Korea. There were transitions in the power structure, and new time phases in technology. Most of us thought that the atmosphere would be calmer now post the meetings, and serenity would take place.

Japan has had to deal with, and in some ways still do deal with with the bombings of Nagasaki et al back in the 1940s. It was not that long ago, in some eyes and memories. There are people still alive today that saw the bomb drop, and moreover were nearby.

Japan and the US have come a long way in the peace process since, and are now basically considered allies.

Reports are North Korean missiles are being flown over Japan. Perhaps to a Japanese or person sitting in Japan observing missiles flying, it invokes memories of the 40s.
They simply probably do not want any more, of any kind of dangerous flying objects over their land.

From the science, engineering, physics, math, science of chaos standpoint, that referent missile firing is not 100% 100% safe. Recalling the US space shuttle disasters in Challenger and Columbia. Aerial object that did not make it to its destination, despite honed and high technology. Ramifications of Lop Nur testing, such as the health of affected individuals. Combined together, it puts a no on approval of that sort of missile testing.

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