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Heat on Hajj Got Up to About 125 Degrees Fahrenheit, Over 51 Celsius. There Were Health Impacts.

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, June 19, 2024,
When temperatures are over 110F, generally, unless you have special training, special clothing, and on a special mission, generally it is dangerous to step outside for more than a few minutes. Especially if you are not usually in the area, not acclimated to the conditions.

Imagine temperatures over 125 degrees Fahrenheit, during a time where many functions involve being mobile, out in the sun, praying (which may among other things, involve certain motions and expulsion of air while chanting, a...
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Professioneller/ vertraglicher/ Söldnermord in Moskau

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Bei dem Opfer soll es sich um den über 30-jährigen Konstantin Balishansky handeln, offenbar einen ehemaligen Sportler, vielleicht Eiskunstläufer.
Bei der verwendeten Schusswaffe handelt es sich anscheinend um eine mittelgroße Waffe, möglicherweise mit einem Zielfernrohr.

Von dem Vorfall sind im Internet Videos verfügbar.

Das sieht aus wie ein surrealer Psychopath, der aus dem Nichts aufgetaucht ist. Die Gründe für den Mord sind derzeit möglicherweise noch nicht v...

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Atvinnumenn / samningsstíll / málaliðastíll morð í Moskvu

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov stræti.
Fórnarlambið hefur verið tilkynnt vera 30 ára gamall Konstantin Balishansky, augljóslega fyrrverandi íþróttamaður kannski skautahlaupari.
Skotvopn sem notað er virðist vera einhvers konar meðalstórt vopn, mögulega með svigrúmi ofan á.

Það eru myndbönd aðgengileg á netinu af viðburðinum.

Þetta lítur út eins og súrrealískur geðsjúklingur út úr tréverkinu. Hverjar ástæður vígsins voru, er kannski ekki alveg vitað eða skilið á þessar...

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Morderstwo zawodowe/kontraktowe/najemne w Moskwie

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Ulica Aleksieja Sviridova.
Według doniesień ofiarą jest ponad 30-letni Konstantin Balishansky, najwyraźniej były sportowiec, być może łyżwiarz.
Użyta broń palna wygląda na broń średniej wielkości, prawdopodobnie z lunetą na górze.

W internecie dostępne są filmy z wydarzenia.

To wygląda jak surrealistyczny psychopata ze stolarki. Niezależnie od tego, jakie były przyczyny zabójstwa, mogą nie być w pełni znane ani zrozumiałe.

Obecnie, kilka miesięcy po ataku na moskiewski ...

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Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov 街。
据报道,受害者是 30 多岁的 Konstantin Balishansky,显然是前运动员,也许是滑冰运动员。




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Meurtre de style professionnel/contrat/mercenaire à Moscou

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Rue Alexeï Sviridov.
La victime serait Konstantin Balishansky, âgé de plus de 30 ans, de toute évidence un ancien athlète, peut-être un patineur.
L'arme à feu utilisée semble être une sorte d'arme de taille moyenne, éventuellement dotée d'une lunette sur le dessus.

Des vidéos de l'événement sont disponibles en ligne.

Cela ressemble à un psychopathe surréaliste sorti de toutes pièces. Les raisons du meurtre ne sont peut-être pas complètement connues ou comprises pour le moment.


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Убийство в профессиональном/контрактном/наемническом стиле в Москве

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Улица Алексея Свиридова.
Сообщается, что жертвой стал Константин Балышанский, которому более 30 лет, очевидно, бывший спортсмен, возможно, фигурист.
Используемое огнестрельное оружие представляет собой что-то вроде оружия среднего размера, возможно, с оптическим прицелом ...

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Professional/ Contract Style/ Mercenary Style Murder in Moscow

Posted by HCN | Intercontinental News on Thursday, June 6, 2024,
Alexei Sviridov Street.
Victim has been reported to be 30 plus year old Konstantin Balishansky, evidently a former athlete perhaps skater.
Firearm used appears to be some sort of midsize in length weapon possibly with a scope on top.

There are videos available online of the event.

This looks like surreal psychopath out of the woodwork. What the reasons of the slaying were may not be completely known or understood at this time regardless.

The era now has Russia-Ukraine tensions still ongoing, a few...

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Shocking: Knife Attacks in London, Phenomenon and Anomaly

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, May 14, 2024,
Don't rush to setting something on the pages of London news, take this route first-

Here will be an attempt to explain why, while also explaining a dire in severity situation involving usage of weapons with a blade.

I saw a statistic on a recent video that is pretty unforgettable, 12,786 knife attacks in London in 2023. That strikes as a bad number, of incidents, on a good number, which at the end of the day, is a bad thing, point blank, for everybody.
Sound the clarion.

Do research before soundi...
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Observances of WWII Closure Receive Varying Reactions

Posted by HCN on Thursday, May 2, 2024,
In today's world of geopolitical lines drawn in just about every major corner of it, it is pretty much standard procedure that each country keep its people happy, instill and maintain patriotism among its people, especially up and coming youth, and it is also expectation that heritage, cultural events would be in a manner that would prevent or preempt its own people from turning against the country in the least bit. In short, often, recalling disliked or controversial aspects at an event or o...
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Terror Strike in Moscow at a Concert

Posted by HCN on Sunday, March 24, 2024,
Some sort of event occurred in the past few days which reports have it over 130 persons were killed. Footage shows a blaze of a concert type building structure. Dust and soot all over the place in the surrounding, which looks like a fusion of typical soot after a terror strike in the past 10 years thereabout.
Questions that almost automatically arise in mind, what was that terror strike aimed at accomplishing? Was it to cause confusion?, anything beyond that?

We know there has been heightened t...
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Extremely Serious or Blaring Concerns in Conflicts in the Globe. Begun 2 28 2024.

Posted by HCN on Thursday, February 29, 2024,
This is intended to be a quick running tally of blaring concerns whether little known or not. In case I need to add to, open ended for revision.

Cannibals, literally active in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
What is going on when the lights are out (in Ukraine), especially prolonged power outages and intentional electric power suppression?

Refer: Putin pardons two cannibals who joined Russia’s war in Ukraine – report | The Independent

 2 Russian Cannibals Released After Fighting in U...
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Flu Severity Far Beyond Usual Expectations

Posted by HCN on Friday, December 1, 2023,
At the strike 3 point.
There were 2 markedly standout news articles about the subject, where individuals lost limbs.
Earlier today, seen was an account of death from the flu.

3 story references:

   1. Men/man in UK loses limbs due to sepsis

   2. (2 weeks ago)-

   3. (today)- I'm a doctor and my healthy 16-year-old daughter died suddenly from the flu (

Further reading: http...
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Where Were Hostages in the October 7, 2023 Crisis in Gaza From?

Posted by HCN on Sunday, November 26, 2023,
According to a resource or two from the web, individuals from these countries were in the pool of hostages:
  • Philippines
  • Mexico
  • Sri Lanka 
  • Nepal
  • Thailand
  • USA
  • Some possibly Palestinian/ nondesignated as Israel lands areas
Some of all the above may have worked at a kibbutz.

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Entering Without Visa. Why Seemingly Harmless Act, Signs of Amenability, Might Have Some Issues. Popular Topic: China Temporarily Allowing Citizens of at Least Several Countries to Enter Visa Free.

Posted by HCN on Saturday, November 25, 2023,
Before we begin, two things to say at the same time. One, we know full well that China takes security precautions, and a very good job at it. Secondly, this write-up, a very brief one to daub at a matter come across in the past, is stoked by a news report, (as opposed to a feet on the ground first-hand account).
There is a news report from Reuters, online newspaper in their World section, released sometime between two days ago and today, 'China offers visa-free entry for citizens of France, Ge...
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Flooding in Somalia and Kenya Regions Leaves About 700,000 Displaced

Posted by HCN on Saturday, November 25, 2023,
With that number of people displaced, it is fairly easy to see complications in socio/political interactions on the lay.
As of today, nearly 100 persons have perished from Somalia, and nearly 80 from Kenya.

There may be irony, hat Somalia in decades past had gained media attention for famine and drought-like conditions.

Mogadishu, Somalia, where some of the current flooding occurred, in past recent years received media attention for terrorist activity by groups such as Al Shabaab/Shabab. 
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Subject of China Tensions in Asia as Well as USA

Posted by HCN on Friday, February 10, 2023,
Posted evening February 9, 2023 EST

The saying, if I may piggy back off this, article: Japan, Philippines Pledge Closer Security Ties amid China Tensions ((Reuters 21:07 JST, February 9, 2023);, in addition to that, there has been talk on varying news sources in the past week or so about the possibilities of heightened tensions between China and the US a couple to several years out into the future, meanwhile, watch...
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February 2023 Turkey Syria Massive Earthquake Multilanguage Post Şubat 2023 Türkiye Suriye Büyük Deprem Çok Dilli Gönderi

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, February 8, 2023,
Locations: Diyarbakir * Adana * Azaz * Afrin * Pazarcık ilçesi * Kahramanmaraş * Gaziantep * Hatay Province

Update February 27, 2023 night EST:
40,000 lives estimated, as toll
Another earthquake struck leaving about 100 injuries in the past several days thereabout; may lead to subject of earthquake 'season/zone' concerns

Update February 12
, 2023
evening EST:
28,000 lives is the round figure being reported as of today. 
Building materials, now rubble, may be salient. Is there a technology that ca...

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Spain's Support Methods For Ukraine Forecast Ongoing Conflict in the Russia-Ukraine Region.

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, November 22, 2022,
Without a doubt, investigations into war crimes in the Russia Ukraine situation that broiled at least starting February earlier this year sounds sound.
Different sorts of types or aspects of support may emerge or are in the plans for Ukraine.

Question may sit whether a backdown and out by Russia respective the Ukraine region could occur any minute, or, is it possible it will continue on for a significantly longer time.

Published night 11/21/2022 EST
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Sports Meets Politics and Turmoil. Iran Anthem No Sing at World Cup.

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, November 22, 2022,
Evidently the Iran soccer team did not sing the anthem before the match with England within somewhat recent hours at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
What does it mean, in their culture, referring to Iran, and to world viewers?
Plausibly, at the end of the tunnel of theorizing what the implications are, it may spell out either change or efforts will be made to change aspects of the conditions in Iran. 
-Depending on the level of support, or leniency in the legal system back in Iran, -the players tha...
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Some Have 'Had It' (Had Enough) With the North Korea Missile Testing

Posted by Luqman A. Thornton on Friday, October 7, 2022,
Published October 6, 2022 night EST

Missiles fired for testing. Okay, missiles get tested all the time. But to fly it over another country's airspace ~? There is a long standing aphorism about testing missiles, which sometimes things happen not calculated. That's why many times missiles are tested over water or desert, or something where that if a freak accident does happen, the chances of a unrepairable valuable damage are minimal.

Evidently, some North Korean missiles were recently fired over...
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September 2022 Report of Al Qaeda Activity

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, September 28, 2022,
Simply reposting the link, originally in Arabic: (There is no guarantee the entire link will work given the translation extension, however to the original article at or main page of the paper it should.)

Translated: Abyan.. Al-Qaeda launches an operation to rescue leaders trapped in the mountains
[Story] Thursday 15 September 2022...
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Inconsistencies to Do with Putin Ascertained

Posted by HCN on Saturday, September 17, 2022,
No matter how carefully one words something these days that refer to decision making about certain aspects of Russia, it is not safe.
News stories have emerged about non-aligned individuals or critics of Putin's moves on Ukraine in recent months 'mysteriously' dying.
Mysterious deaths by the way are not only remindful but might as well be a repeat of days of oppressive socialist/communist-.
Of course if one is aligned with what is attributed, to what Putin is doing respective Ukraine, they are i...
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Repost Link: Opinion Article About Operation Storm Anniversary.. Croatia, Serbia

Posted by HCN on Sunday, August 7, 2022,
'Operation Storm Anniversary Highlights Croatia and Serbia’s Bitter Mistrust', dated August 3, 2022, at

Story was found in nearby articles when reading about the fire at the Balikli Greek Hospital that occurred earlier this week.
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From USA Vantage, Moon Phase Observations Mid March, Mid Shaban to Start Of Ramadhan H1443 and 2022

Posted by HCN on Thursday, March 31, 2022,
For year H1443, 2022
H = Hijri = Lunar
2022 = Solar = Gregorian
Chart embedded below at time of publishing

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Rubles Only Deal and Population Questions in Russia

Posted by HCN on Thursday, March 24, 2022,
Rubles, roubles, the term has been around a long time, what does it mean in March of 2022? Considering the strife upon Ukraine currently, the popular context is the Russian ruble.
It has made the news in a dotted manner over the past few days, showing up on newspapers in a number of languages, Russia accepting rubles only. What is causing acceptance method to make the news?
According to statistics over the past week, the ruble had a marked downturn around the first week of March 2022, then at a...
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'Where Things Might Be Going' in the Ukraine Russia Region Politically

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, March 9, 2022,
Well if you blurt something out too far ahead of time, sometimes it raises a red flag that you are someone to watch.
It was rather obvious that there are degrees of unsettlement in Russia about Putin's move on Ukraine, reference the invasion that tipped off a couple of weeks ago almost to the day. Of course what we see come up in iconic photos with captions on news sites, is not the whole story. But, for the case of bringing up the jist, let's go with the simplified roadmap.

Was it the reality ...
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Russia Launches Air Weapons on Ukraine in Recent Hours

Posted by HCN on Thursday, February 24, 2022,
Developing story. Is it 'headline news'?, the answer might be in gray area. Questions are asked, how serious is the fighting, how powerful are the ballistics dropped, the frequency, intensity, and bluntly how many? This in consideration that Russia and Ukraine have had tensions over the years. It was known that over the past few weeks escalations were intensifying, but it was not clear whether it might result in skirmishes, a few targeted missiles to disable a piece of infrastructure, and so ...

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Germany and Belgium See Historic Flooding, India Severe Monsoons

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, July 20, 2021,
Initially written and published 9:30pm EST 7/19/2021

Germany, as of a few days ago, the death toll was a large number. (West Germany, especially around the Rhine River about 50 miles northeast of the border with Luxembourg)
Belgium, there were a number of deaths. (Liege.., Meuse River area)
Combined, the toll as it stands now is about 200.

India, death toll around 60, as stands now. Landslides having big impact. (Mumbai area..)

Note: Eid Al-Adha is has arrived starting sunset July 19th and the fir...
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Denialed Undeniable: Rohingya Have Been Facing Brunt of Oppression No Matter What the Turn of Events

Posted by HCN on Saturday, June 19, 2021,
It has become so clear to see, the simply emerged reality, Rohingya Muslim population have faced oppression beyond the threshold of an unacceptable crime against humanity for the past decades, and evn now, with a junta asserting control using many tactics of reprehensible force, Rohingya are still ultimately facing demise.

A few social, political, power dynamics seem to have changed in past few months, with the advent of the junta; perhaps there may have been a chance that the Rohingya could h...

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Haul Sheykh Abdul Qadir Jilani in Indonesia Look

Posted by HCN on Monday, November 30, 2020,
Published night of November 29, 2020 EST

Once again, the Indonesia webpages on the HCN site were having technical difficulty when a story was in process of being published. When the Indonesia webpage is ready, placing this article there will be considered.
Today, provided here is an attempt at a very remote and brief inquiry as to what is really going on in this event being described as 'Haul Sheykh Abdul Qadir Jilani' in Indonesia. As many and scholars understand, the name Abdul Qadir Jilani p...
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South Korea Soldier Remains in Sent Home in Special Event

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, June 23, 2020,
Honorable event, story here:

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Special Emergency Report: Trafficking of Kashmiri Children Alarming

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, March 18, 2020,
Kashmiri is.. Kashmiris are..., they are creation, and deserve to be respected like anyone else.

Something new, out of control, something well past the barrier of acceptable human behavior, where something new is folds and folds of unacceptable new heathen behavior on top of trendy acts which were gotten away with.

Not all of it has been gotten away with.

In Srinagar, in 2016, 3 traffickers were reported to be held by authorities for 'selling 9 children'.

A main location and possible 'hub' of the...
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Operation Condor Ramifications Still Ongoing, Italian Court Sentencing July 2019

Posted by HCN | International News on Monday, July 8, 2019,
Recent news articles have emerged about Italian court sentencing 24 individuals for their involvement with Operation Condor, a development that took place over 4 decades ago, and markedly, before the era of social media news sharing the public now has, compared to the climate today.  What went on in Operation Condor is extensive, almost to the point that the events of 1975 is a challenge to be read about in one lifetime, if not impossible.  Here we are today, and front page news in news sites...
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Signs of Tensions Carried Over from Decades Ago in the Balkans Surfaced in the Sports Arena

Posted by HCN on Monday, June 10, 2019,
After the climax of the ethic based war in the Balkans pretty much phased away about 20 years ago, still today, sentiments and emotions that are oerhaps deep-seated, still surface in different ways.
Most readers of the news here in the US, know it as the war in Bosnia.
A bit more in-depth, many analysts feel it was a war that involved a large share of Yugoslavia, and numerous sub-strife between different regions, such as with Kosovo, Herzegovina, and other locations.  Croatia, Montenegro, are a...
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Bar Troubles in Greece Ripple Effect Worldwide

Posted by HCN on Friday, May 31, 2019,
n July 2017 Bakari Henderson of Austin, Texas, became a fatality of what might have looked on the prima facie of an unruly bar scuffle amongst the youth.  There may be implications of ethnic influences in motivations that led up to physically altercating.

In recent hours, May 2019, a man from Somerset, Britain, Matt Jeffery, said to be age 35, underwent similar circumstance, succumbing from wounds suffered at a bar reportedly at the hands' of other men from Britain, whom might have only been i...

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Strong Words to the EU from Slovakia and Hungary Leadership

Posted by HCN on Sunday, July 29, 2018,
At least two Nations, Slovakia, and Hungary, are reported in just over as many months to have expressed their positions on certain issues in emphatic manner words toward the European Union.

In a speech to ethnic Hungarians in Romania, Hungarian PM Orban spoke 

Slovakia President Kiska spoke in the framework o...
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Middle East 'Back' in the Limelight, as a Region with Unrest

Posted by Headline Crest News on Friday, September 15, 2017,
Turmoil, strife, tensions, however one may perceive it, exists pretty solidly in the Middle East right now.  The U.S. has been faced for decades with the inordinate amount of stress involved of being pulled in two different directions at the same time, both of which are important; one of the forces in the dynamic is intervening in escalating conflicts in the Middle East region in the effort to minimize catastrophic destruction, while, the second dynamic, the need that exists of the important ...
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In the Aftermath of the Tragedy of the Russian Ambassador and Diplomat Slain the Effort for Peace Continues

Posted by HCN on Thursday, December 22, 2016,
An objective that should be upheld by all is peace, in the region where the referent incidents occurred, in every region.

Leaders that understand, know that it is critical not to allow themselves, nor whom in their purview of responsibility, to become consumed in one dimension of conflict and strife in while there is a sea of others and ocean of many dimensions and aspects of society that exist and deserve to keep flowing.

How is art derived, especially when it reflects culture, heritage, and h...
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Frontiers Gained in Thresholds of Space Exploration Might Open New Concepts

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 17, 2016,
Explorations in space continue, from the days before and after Neil Armstrong with respect to walking on the moon.  Everyday there are multitudes of new information and ascertainments of space discoveries.

Consider that some of the 'new' discoveries have already been in existence in space or other planets, for instance Mars or Pluto, for many, many years.  What is being discovered for the firs time might be new to the discoverer but not new to its source.

In 'defining' new discoveries, trying t...
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Let the Crush Go On Attitude with Regard to the Xinjiang Region Does Not Reflect the Pillar of U.S. Foreign Policy

Posted by HCN on Sunday, September 11, 2016,
Globally, it has happened in different places by different countries and different times in the past century, an 'ethnic minority' somewhere gets the brunt of violence while money deals go down.

There have been occasions where the U.S. has intervened in the severe oppression of ‘ethnic minorities’, for example Bosnia.  The Bosnia and Serbia situation went on for years, until finally, mass graves get uncovered, and the oppression had to come to halt, as it was just way too much for the inte...
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Multiangle Perspectives on Export Dingoes and Related Mixed Breeds from Australia to China Issues

Posted by HCN | Intercontinental news on Wednesday, August 31, 2016,
Dingoes, a part of the habitat in Australia, and are a recognized part of the history, heritage, and so on in the region.  Dingoes obviously can pose certain certain challenges because of their dangerous nature.
There might be thousands to hundreds of thousands as an estimate, in Australia, of an overarching realm that includes dingoes, wild dogs, and mixed breeds of related creatures.  With the numbers of them being so high, and the danger of each and every one of them being high, it is littl...
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Complexity of Web of Conflict of Interests Embedded in Turmoil Related to Syria

Posted by HCN on Sunday, August 28, 2016,
Let us briefly look at developments that unfolded the end of this past week through this weekend, to provide an illustration of seemingly conflicts of interest that constantly exist having to do with turmoil and displays of force in and related to Syria.

When the blasts in Istanbul Airport occurred within recent months, it was made clearly voiced that Turkey is one of the strongest allies of the U.S.; Turkey is reported to have this past weekend launched projectiles at the YPG which Turkey cla...
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2016 Rio Olympics: An Interesting Moment in Global History Thus Far Rolls On, with a Few Moments of Drama

Posted by Headline Crest News on Sunday, August 7, 2016,
A few days into the 2016 Olympics in Rio, developments both in the Olympic Games themselves and the corresponding changes in social aspects of culture on an international scale have seen a few changes. 

In regards to drama, at first the title of this story was the Olympics have seen a 'Few Specks of Drama', to illustrate that they are held relative to incidents more severe, however, each moment's magnitude is bigger in some eyes than others.  For example, the coaches that underwent the robber...
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Incident at Entrance Area of U.S. Embassy in Moscow Appears to be Guard Using Embassy Protection Grappling Suppression Techniques

Posted by HCN on Saturday, July 9, 2016,
A commentary.
Altercations at the diplomatic level, could be a sign of something larger, not that an the pragmatism of two persons in a physical tussle always necessarily carry a magnitude that it has repercussions on relations between two of the most powerful nations in the world.

Some of what Putin said, in the video on the Washington Post webpage,
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Throes of Post Bin Laden Death Sentiments Include Medical Facilities in Targets of Violence

Posted by HCN on Friday, April 22, 2016,
Pakistan polio vaccination facilities have had 2 clearly media reported stories of them being the sites of violence since mid January of this year; Quetta, and a few days ago Karachi where police were killed.

The story at this link here states in their take of elucidating the situation, that a splinter group from the Taliban feels the vaccination centers were and, or are, being used as cover for plans to cripple Bin Laden, and the prospect of a plot of 'sterilizing' children.  Link: http://www...
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Earthquake in Asia October 25th 2015 Refers to Region Extending from Northern Afghanistan to Northern Pakistan with Tremors Felt in New Delhi

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, October 28, 2015,
Concern that the impact of the recent earthquake that occurred a couple of days ago, about October 25th 2015, is resulting in fatalities of several hundred.  Asia is a very large expanse in terms of area miles, making the focus area that the earthquake affected relatively concentrated, however, the situation deserves the treatment of major natural disaster.  The reasons why the earthquake is taking the lives they are in specific areas, is plausibly due to building construction methods, where ...
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Refugee Crisis Upon the World

Posted by HCN on Friday, September 11, 2015,
Now upon us, what the reason or all the reasons are aside, is a refugee crisis where those seeking safety, asylum, a new start, or whatever their ambition, are moving in multiple directions on a global scale.  Stating that the referent refugee crisis stems from the Middle East might be oversimplifying the entirety of the situation.

There are tests, and at the same time caution.

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North Korea and South Korea Exchanged Artillery Fire News Reports Say

Posted by HCN intercontinental on Friday, August 21, 2015,
North Korea and South Korea have exchanged within recent days, rounds of artillery, larger than bullets from popularly known handheld military firearms.
There have been statements that sacred ground has been brought into the picture.
What does sacred ground refer to, for those that are not fully engrossed in the study of the region.  It could refer to ancient leaders that held much wisdom, equivalent to doctors of today that head their respective fields.  In Korean culture, leaders are venerate...
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Announcing Project SMILE Joint China and European Space Agency Satellite

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, June 9, 2015,
The China Academy of Sciences [CAS], and ESA, European Space Agency, are looking to a joint mission which is reported by the online newspaper China Daily [] to kick-off in 2021, whereas on the list of objectives is to study the earth's magnetosphere using technologies such as X-ray imaging  and ultraviolet.

In summary the earth's magnetosphere refers to the zone or region in space near the earth where charged particles are affected by the earth, particularly the magnetic...
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Azerbaijan Head of State Voices that Neo-Fascist Movement are Emerging Around the World

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, May 19, 2015,
As put by the May 18th 2015 article at, quotations about neo-fascist movements springing up might not be present. 
Albeit it is well-known by political, social science, and scholars of religion, that ill conceived, superficial illusory fledgling jabs at knowledge to attempt to substantiate referent activities, especially when they promote decadence and crime, are about as constructive as their founding.

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How Constructive are Preposterously Futile Attempts at Making the Word Islam a Dysphemism?

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, March 24, 2015,
Summing up numerous activities, many of them coming through the channels in media, in one word: dysphemism.

It is not a word that you see on the Internet, hear on TV, or read in newspapers everyday, as a matter of fact dysphemism is marked as a misspelled word on some computer auto-correct platforms.

What this word means though, can save a lot of time, and worthless expenditure of time, effort, and money, when discussing current events having to do with situations where Islam comes up at the sa...
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Affects of Two Developments Pertinent China and Myanmar are that Perhaps they are Starting to be Considered One: Oil and Gas Pipelines while Tension in Kokang Region

Posted by HCN on Monday, March 9, 2015,
Major pipelines running between Myanmar and China have been planned for at least a decade, and recently construction has materialized insofar completed construction made known to the public.
Meanwhile, tensions in the northern area of Myanmar near the Chinese border, has had a number of impacts to China.  These includes refugees that have fled the fighting, went to China; in turn, China has to deal with the refugee challenge.  Other impacts are occurring as result of the refugees, such as repo...
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Generally Addressing Issues When Discomforting Depictions Occur of Prophet Muhammad Known for Praises and Blessings, Recent Charlie Hebdo Issue in Consideration

Posted by HCN on Sunday, January 18, 2015,
Looking at 100 years in the future, the possibilities of developing 3-D, three dimensional pictures, of persons that seem so lifelike it is as if they are really standing there before you, already rapidly nearing possibility as within popular reach.

When that time comes, new dynamics could possibly emerge, in issues about copyright, privacy policy, and in context, images of those esteemed, that some take offense of depictions that are not they themselves of what the depictions are.

The underlyi...
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Gang Assault on Female from Abroad in or near Bodh Gaya India Stark Disturbing Reminder of Similar Incidents

Posted by HCN on Monday, January 5, 2015,
Please read:
3 Arrested For Brutal Gang Rape, Kidnapping In Eastern India
Posted: 01/03/2015 10:22 am EST [||] Updated: 01/03/2015 11:59 pm EST
"PATNA, India (AP) — Police arrested three Indians for allegedly gang raping a 22-year-old Japanese research scholar in a Buddhist pilgrimage center in eastern India, police said Friday.
Police were looking for ...
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Outskirts Still Hotbed for Uncivilized Activities and Conditions as Though Oblivious to Civilized Man

Posted by HCN on Saturday, December 27, 2014,
We have all heard this cliche before, 'in some parts of the world, there is still no clean water, no electricity, ... and the rules of society are still uncivilized'; at the threshold of 2015, unfortunately, this till holds true in certain areas, many of the referent locations closer to admired and renown industrial centers and cities than some care or don't care to admit to.
    An era might be arriving where technology has advanced beyond electricity, using fiber optics replacing phone l...
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Pedophile Smartphone Picture Taker Caught in South Africa...

Posted by HCN on Thursday, December 25, 2014,
...and of course in the theme of the South African news article, is parents around the world may benefit from advisories spread from many sources apt these days, to be appropriately vigilant and cautious, in consideration of the 'technological tool' in easy to carry smartphones and other picture taking and recording devices that are out there now, which could be used in ways not admirable.

Appropriately vigilant, is appropriate, to set here, as there have been reports of parents taking constru...
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Panama Diplomat Body Found Last Sunday in Belize and a Suspect Detained

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 27, 2014,
See story at

Belize sits northeast of Guatemala on the same land mass of Mexico, and west across the water from Cuba.

Panama, where the diplomat in Mr. De La Rosa represented, is at the very southernmost area of the strip of land in Central America adjacent and northwestern of Colombia.

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Virus and Mass Infant Deaths List by Name and Region

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 27, 2014,

Virus and Mass Infant Deaths Internationally

Infographic and Outline

originally published October 24, 2014


  • Ebola
    • Outbreaks in Africa
      • Guinea (noted December 2013)
      • Sierra Leone
      • Liberia – April 2014 cases confirmed
      • Nigeria – case confirmed about last week of July 2014
      • Nigeria—officially declared free of Ebola virus transmission as of October 20th 2014, by World Health Organization (WHO) per
      • Senegal declared free of Ebola virus transmission as of October 20th 2014
      • Mali – a case
    • Post...

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Sudden Resurgence of Passenger Airline Crashes? July 26th 2014 Look.

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 27, 2014,

originally published July 26, 2014

Sudden Resurgence of Passenger Airline Crashes?

There have been numerous media analyses of three major crashes involving passenger airplanes in recent weeks.  2014 has seen relatively few passenger airplane crashes, which shows a positive progress in the area of airline safety.  Albeit, a marked upward incline in the number of airplanes carrying many persons that have crashed, namely Flights Malaysian MH17 into the Ukraine region, Air Algerie into Mali, ...

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World Bank Launch of New Trade Program in July 2014

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 27, 2014,

originally published July 21, 2014

World Bank Launches New Program: The Trade Facilitation Support Program

Reference July 17, 2014 World Bank press release, monetary resources will become accessible for the purpose of reform programs that will lead to the betterment of economically related aspects.

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