Terror Strike in Moscow at a Concert

Posted by HCN on Sunday, March 24, 2024
Some sort of event occurred in the past few days which reports have it over 130 persons were killed. Footage shows a blaze of a concert type building structure. Dust and soot all over the place in the surrounding, which looks like a fusion of typical soot after a terror strike in the past 10 years thereabout.
Questions that almost automatically arise in mind, what was that terror strike aimed at accomplishing? Was it to cause confusion?, anything beyond that?

We know there has been heightened tension between Russia and the Ukraine in the past couple of years.
We know about ongoing relations between Iran and Russia respective different types of weaponry and defense systems trading.
We know that there are multitudes of Muslim individuals in the Moscow area and historically the Golden Horde era.

Russian leaders that have been taking responsibility for directing aggression or strategies involving military activities in Ukraine, now have a rationale to align themselves with the U.S. by pointing to what has been called ISIS behind the other days terror strike at the concert. Meanwhile, most over here in the US are not aligned nor comfortable with the military activities upon Ukraine. 

So what is what in terms of who is heading where? 
This is a part of the confusion; multi-direction, multi-directives, conflicts of interest, moreover, placed on top of oppressive situations which should not have been going on.

What are next phases in the timeline, after that Moscow concert terror strike? 
Let's hope the concert strike was not a trick to channel military focus toward the Middle East where the situation surrounding Gaza has been heightened over the past  6 months; so for instance, the Ukraine-Russia tension, and tensions around Gaza are one big mass, plus add in back and forth oppression, retaliation/response sequences in the Chechnya, Ingush, Georgia and other southern post Russia region, especially predominantly Muslim populated regions. 

Once again, young guys with limited amounts of guidance taking up arms have been causing ripple effects.

This page is for events that involve multiple locations

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