Pakistan polio vaccination facilities have had 2 clearly media reported stories of them being the sites of violence since mid January of this year; Quetta, and a few days ago Karachi where police were killed.
The story at this link here states in their take of elucidating the situation, that a splinter group from the Taliban feels the vaccination centers were and, or are, being used as cover for plans to cripple Bin Laden, and the prospect of a plot of 'sterilizing' children. Link: threads are read in the story regarding the January incident. Link: is this in the Intercontinental page, and not [just] Pakistan or a section related to use of violence to accomplish objectives?
Overly focusing on one particular nomenclature of a splinter group, such as the Taliban, might not be the long and short of encompassing and identifying the problem, nor solely vaccination centers, although recently such centers have been facing the brunt of the violent activities; there might be others that have sentiments of the seizure of Bin Laden not limited to demonstrating use of force and violence constrained to a town in Pakistan.