'Where Things Might Be Going' in the Ukraine Russia Region Politically

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Well if you blurt something out too far ahead of time, sometimes it raises a red flag that you are someone to watch.
It was rather obvious that there are degrees of unsettlement in Russia about Putin's move on Ukraine, reference the invasion that tipped off a couple of weeks ago almost to the day. Of course what we see come up in iconic photos with captions on news sites, is not the whole story. But, for the case of bringing up the jist, let's go with the simplified roadmap.

Was it the reality that Khodorkovsky had to tell us,  Khodorkovsky says only revolution can topple Russia's Putin (msn.com), to see that a scenario where shakeups at the top might occur in Russia?

Zelenskyy mentioned about a week ago, it might be the last time Ukrainians see Zelenskyy as usual.

Russians fleeing to Finland. Russians pack trains into Finland as sanctions bite (msn.com). Folks are driving out too.

Similar happened in 1922. 100 years ago.

People in the US might be starting to wonder more and more what does Finland have to do with the whole thing, especially when the dramatic rises in the cost of gas is making life more and more difficult.

In recent news, the late 70s born Zelenskyy, voted President of Ukraine, former comedian, is telling Russian troops, loosely translated, 'not to believe their commanders when they tell you, you still have a chance in Ukraine... awaiting only for them is morbid aftermath'. This is a front page story for many news outlets today March 9th.

Back in what might be toward the end of old-fashioned on the ground warfare as the main method of war, was the Vietnam War. The US was one of many countries that was involved. For illustration, the US is about 100 times larger than Vietnam. The focus region of a series of battles, roughly 332 thousand square miles to many counts as the largest estimate, where the US is about 3,200 thousand, that's million plus sq mi. Towards the end, what materialized was not a simplified scene of Battleship game, or a television show of win lose. For the same thing to happen in regard Russia respective Ukraine, an evident first of all is Russia is already shipping right beside the region, instead of shipping soldiers thousands of miles away. Russia, in analog, is over 6 and a half million square miles, while Ukraine is about 234 thousand square miles high estimate. 

What kind of dynamics, actual and theoretical make the least bit of sense? Is the assumption that today's wars go as the War in Vietnam one of them?

Ukraine and Russia tension. What happened to minimize the length of strife?

Should we say 'the game was up before it started'?
There are individuals that knew and understood the entirety of all the affairs that will go on in the region from 1900 to year 3000, nevermind 2022, over a thousand years ago.

--Leaving with the comment, the flip side of the War between Russia and Afghanistan, primarily referencing the 1970s, we know many lives were lost to the Afghani side, but also, many lives were lost on the Russian side, many young men of 19, 20 years old, told what to do, and their futures were cut short. I do not see an average 20 year old soldier as fully responsible for decades of tensions between regions. The concern, the flip side coming up again, loss of Ukraine troops, loss of Russian troops, for what now?, matters that should not be said, not because they are some high up secret, but because some of the things that tend to get involved in on the ground confrontations are so low in the tiers of what is expected of human behavior, they should not be repeated in the hopes to preempt others from engaging in the same thing.

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