Readiness Questions. Reactions to Malawi Cannabis, Legalization and Exports Slated for Pump Up

Posted by HCN on Sunday, May 12, 2024
Times moving along, cannabis legalization, perhaps post eras of illegalization, monopoly efforts, and so forth, cannabis legalization in some circles perceived as flowing in the tune of becoming more liberal, and more liberal often indicative of there are more risks that can accompany it, such as to health on the individual and group levels, that could emerge.
Analysts generally describe Malawi cannabis to have effects which are in reverse to stereotype cannabis/marijuana consumed especially for recreation in the US, the haziness and relaxed modalities that users get into. Instead, an euphoric, over-energized modality could occur.
Malawi's social-political issue topography currently includes challenges of child homelessness and street survival. Robberies is a common crime thread. Frenzied efforts at the opportune for more wealth by those economically disadvantaged, or visitors to the region cultivating gangs for the same objective, might be a plausible potential.
Getting cannabis out of the country basically means it will have to cross over a neighbor, by plane, (train, walk, horse, or whatever clever,)  or boat,  considering the view of the land-locked geography. Tanzania, Mozambique, or Zambia are perhaps first steps to start exiting. If heading east, probably the path of least resistance given the vagaries of water is that, water,- north, west, or south of Madagascar.
How much is in place to set rules, nevermind enforce rules? Well if things start going stir crazy, in regard to efforts to export cannabis illegally, the answer right now might be 'go figure', and be ready to rescue capsized boats.

If cannabis does make it to the US for instance, it would have to go through many miles and might undergo who knows how much convolution. The final product? 
-Risky business.

Mixing concerns.

Cannabis 'hitting the streets', for illustration, in drug-ridden impoverished areas of cities, might have ramifications such as users gathering for social moments with excitement in awkward places and moments, remindful of social gatherings in regions of sub-Saharan Africa shown on TV shorts in the US, bursts of suddenly running into the streets at the wrong moment, resisting arrest, and burglary invasions with more force than otherwise.

Large cities include Blantyre toward the south, and Lilongwe where there is a US Embassy.
Malawi is home of greater kudus, skinks (a lizard-like animal), civets (looks sort of like a raccoon in shape but spots like hyenas or leopards), hyenas, and rhinos. (Some of these animals may not have even been seen yet in major zoos in the US yet, they are concepts not as familiar; closest to civets recently introduced to mainstream zoos may be binturongs.)
 [-Back to the question of 'are you/we ready', as a community, city, or nation?]


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