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Francis Scott Key Bridge Tumbles After Ship Hit It

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, March 26, 2024,
Bridge collapse in Baltimore early this morning. There were people on the bridge who fell off. Survivors being searched for. Francis Scott Key Bridge. Sparrows Point/ Dundalk area. A ship hit the bridge.This as of 1pm EST, Tuesday March 26, 2024.

What were the gaps that enabled the ship with it's height of cargo to get anywhere close to the bridge? There may have been some discrepancies in the check-throughs from the beginning of the process of loading up the ship.
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In Memoriam: Washington County Maryland Judge. October 2023

Posted by HCN on Saturday, October 21, 2023,
Maryland Judge Andrew Wilkinson was the victim of an attack outside of his residence.
Firearm was involved. 
Manhunt underway.

Story posted Friday evening EST October 20, 2023
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2 Tanker Crashes in Under 6 Years

Posted by HCN on Friday, March 10, 2023,
Clearly remember the news break, it was drizzly that day, and a truck tanker crashed on I-95, one of the most well known arteries. Just south of Baltimore City, middle of December thereabout, 2016.

Within the last week, there was crash and explosion on Rte 15, another historic route. Frederick, March 6, thereabout, 2023

Generally, fuel truck crashes are a rarity, so rare that the accepted rule in the tanker driving industry is that they never happen. Fuel drivers are often among the best and mo...
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Former Mayor Pugh Sees a Degree of Respite

Posted by HCN on Friday, January 28, 2022,
Published night January 27, 2022

All the aspects in the case, might not ever be grasped by all of Baltimore's citizens. A saying, nature does not stop for phraseology, paraphrased for now, may have some points that make it apt on a few angles of the case. At the end of the day, justice due is justice due, and that includes the correct measure in the balance of scales as to how and to what degree of force is applied in the administration of justice. A salient angle is simply the one who was jud...
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Baltimore City Woes in the Spotlight

Posted by HCN on Saturday, December 11, 2021,
Published around 8pm EST December 10, 2021

There is a list of some very serious situations:

One night after walking home on Boston Street after celebrating his birthday, bartender of Ryleigh's, Mr. Dvorak, was robbed, shot, and eventually deceased, in warm to hot season toward the middle of the year 2017. The marked contrasts of quality, the region, the workplace, and other elements, is then confronted with the negative and dirty vibration of frivolous crime in a robbery amongst the youth taken...
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Child Abductor With White Van on the Loose in Baltimore Woodlawn Area Mid April 2021

Posted by HCN on Friday, April 16, 2021,
Hopefully the situation will be resolved before this weekend sets in. This means the referent suspect or suspects are apprehended or turn themselves in. And of course complete cessation of attempts at child abduction.
It has come to the forefront of Baltimore County news, that a white van driven by a male about age 50 has been driving around the Woodlawn/Randallstown area of Baltimore County, trying to lure children in, and abduct them.

  • Plain colored white van, with mag looking rims (ti...

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Glimpse of Night Procession of Senate Emeritus Thomas Mike Miller

Posted by HCN on Saturday, January 23, 2021,
Video taken and published January 22, 2021 EST

Earlier this night January 22, 2021, moments after the procession is leaving the Annapolis State House.
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Petty Ocean City Boardwalk Fights Going the Wrong Way

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, June 16, 2020,
Ocean City is a place, kind of like a little heaven, here for us to enjoy, people come from all over to have a minute of enjoyment. For those of us that could not make it out there, knowing that we have it there, given the fight to keep Maryland a nice place to come to, can suffice.

Repeated petty fistfights, pertinently, the sort that has been going on in the past few days, most of which are altercations by young males, have no business there. Why should businesses be hurt, by youths using th...
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Baltimore City, Fortunate to Have Schools, Early Closure Due to High Temperatures and No AC, Ramifications a Concern

Posted by HCN on Thursday, September 5, 2019,
Having a child walk home alone through the city streets when it is 90 plus degrees outside, anywhere in the world can have some gray areas. The situation can be amplified as dangerous when the parent or legal guardian does not expect when the child will be walking, or was not all that prepared for the advent.
In Baltimore City, violent crime is at rates, no child or minor aged individual, should be walking beyond sight of the school or their house.
Straightforwardly put, there are too many rang...
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Certain Areas of Baltimore City Did Not Evade Shootings This Past Weekend

Posted by HCN on Monday, June 10, 2019,
The trend is disappointing, and seems to never disappear, like a plague, or a disease, cancer, that may disappear from one part of the body, then reappear in another.
One couldn't ask but some much better of a climate condition this past weekend,- balmy, long days.
Nevertheless it was not just young men in their 20s, but in their 30s too, star athlete among them, that were victims of violence, mostly behind, once again, the firearm.
Here is a brief run down of what is known thus far, courtesy a ...
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Baltimore Mayor Pugh Resigns

Posted by HCN on Thursday, May 2, 2019,
After bitter embroilment comprised of criticism, protuberantly surrounding the Healthy Holly book affair, and after illness mounted, Catherine Pugh resigned.
Her lawyer read the resignation at a conference, confer videos of the moment.
At almost 70, Pugh served the City of Baltimore, Maryland for many years, by age alone many responsible adults that have been in her purview are like children to her.  Decision for stepping down was made amidst intense pressure as to what is in the best interest ...

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Words in Regard to Speaker Busch

Posted by HCN on Thursday, April 11, 2019,

National, USA news, -significant to all as well as the State of Maryland.

Noted for having a respectful austere manner... Sincere regards for Maryland House Speaker Michael Busch.

Needless to say, among the reasons he will be missed is because certain aspects of his character are very hard to come by.

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Goodbyes Given to 57th Governor of Maryland Harry Hughes

Posted by HCN on Friday, March 22, 2019,
Among a generation of respected ilk, lived almost to 100 years.  57th Governor of Maryland, Harry R. Hughes, was recognized.
The era he served as Governor of Maryland may be remembered as leading up to the transitional years into the computer age.
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Domestic Violence Involving Guns Burdensome

Posted by HCN on Thursday, October 11, 2018,
Published October 10, 2018 E.S.T.

Since the early summer of just this year 2018, there have been several incidents that can be generally classed as domestic, involving gunshots.  And, as much is there the like to refrain from bringing up the subject of suicide, the numbers of events involving suicide has been past discomforting.  These misfortunes in Maryland, within suburbs driving distance to DC.  The Montgomery County and PG County regions are not the only in Maryland to suffer.  Baltimore ...
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Yet Another Police Officer Shot in Baltimore

Posted by HCN on Monday, September 24, 2018,
Written September 23, 2018
Fortunately, as reports have it thus far, the Officer survived.

Fortunately, has more than just one meaning, maybe more than two-fold meaning.

Marylanders that are sincere are tired of Officers being the victim of gunfire.

There seems to be a huge gap leading to big misunderstanding.  Officers being shot is not supposed to happen; reality has unfolded that it has occurred as rare anomaly.  There are some individuals that do not seem to have their minds, nor their spirit...
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Emotional Health of Young Men in Some Areas of Maryland Need to be Addressed Immediately

Posted by Headline Crest News on Tuesday, July 10, 2018,
A real conversation with elder members of certain communities in Maryland:
It not only has to be recognized that a number of young men from 17 on up to 40 need to have the detriments in their emotional health recognized, if not already, but something needs to be done about it just as fast.

This could in to sit down and talks, a neighbor that sees the father of a young man is not around, as some of the tensions that could continue building up and lead to disastrous situations would be better off...

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Shattering Incident at Capital Gazette and Brief Timeline with Comments Concerning Expectations

Posted by HCN on Friday, June 29, 2018,
Condolences to the victims, and those close to them.

If one were to look suddenly at the covers of newspapers and online news media, without having any prior information about possibly connected developments to what occurred at the Capital Gazette yesterday, in other words, isolated in that regard, viewers of the news might interpret the shooting, that took place on Thursday the 28th of June, as one that shattered the peace.

However, situations that escalate from grudges or resentment, where em...
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Officer Slain in Maryland Today and a Straight Talk Discussion

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, May 22, 2018,
Article started May 21, 2018, EST before midnight

The situation that evolved earlier today, is one that has gone beyond the limits and the boundaries of what is tolerable by so far, it is with deep indignancy that this commentary fused with information is written.

First, we are one country, we the United States.
Sure it is true there are jurisdictional boundaries set for the purpose of purview and effective strategies for addressing situations.  There are some things that are being said here rig...
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Words in Regard to Kevin Kamenetz

Posted by HCN on Sunday, May 13, 2018,
He will surely be missed by many.

Unexpectedly, the State of Maryland lost last last Thursday, one of the reasons why Maryland is a likeable place to live.

Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz.
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Recognize and Recognition to PG County Officer Ramzziddin

Posted by HCN on Sunday, February 25, 2018,
Written and published February 24, 2018 EST

In consideration that there are an abundance of articles written about the situation of Officer Ramzziddin a soul that returned to his Creator in protecting that of someone else, this writing will make an effort to present content helpful in angles not often published in English media, yet still known to those who study on these matters.

One of the questions that is sometimes asked when a man is buried, especially by those and about those that explici...
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Regards to Alex Wroblewski. The Last Straw to Turnaround.

Posted by HCN on Thursday, November 16, 2017,
Eventually it happened.  Someone well known to others -and who the author of this post is familiar with.
The tragedy that took place has at least several very serious aspects.

His employment was in area of some of Baltimore's finest, well-mannered, hard workers, and the proof in the affluence and splendor of the local community to show for it.

The locale of the incident, taking place about a quarter after 1 in the morning this past Tuesday November 14, 2017, whereat he was shot not too far off f...
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A Maryland News Round of Important Matters Affecting Health and Safety

Posted by HCN MD news on Saturday, December 17, 2016,
Three areas, with intention to be respectfully presented, that are justified to be addressed:
  1. Road conditions
  2. Rise of mental health conditions of children
  3. Reports of substance abuse related deaths on the rise in the U.S.

In regard to road conditions it is recommended:
  • Follow all safety advisories
  • Do not wait until you see a danger within a few feet of you when driving to slow down to the recommended speeds
  • Make sure your heaters are working in case you get stuck in the vehicle unexpectedly for longe...

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School Starts After Labor Day Starting 2017 and Parleys Surrounding It

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, September 6, 2016,
Big news in Maryland, is school is to starts after Labor Day, per an executive order of Governor Larry Hogan announced at Ocean City just short of a week ago.

The concept of school starting after Labor Day, in many places in the U.S., in public and private schools, has for years been a dilemma where the pros and cons are being weighed.

From region to region, the dynamics of what shapes the end result decision, vary.

Then, everyone is trying or is coerced to being on he same page, perhaps because...
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Building Fire in Baltimore City

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, August 24, 2016,
Fire broke out August 22, 2016 in the evening about an hour after dark.

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