Domestic Violence Involving Guns Burdensome

Posted by HCN on Thursday, October 11, 2018
Published October 10, 2018 E.S.T.

Since the early summer of just this year 2018, there have been several incidents that can be generally classed as domestic, involving gunshots.  And, as much is there the like to refrain from bringing up the subject of suicide, the numbers of events involving suicide has been past discomforting.  These misfortunes in Maryland, within suburbs driving distance to DC.  The Montgomery County and PG County regions are not the only in Maryland to suffer.  Baltimore County since the stat of October witnessed an elaborate incident with multiple shootings involved.

Resources to help have been established; hopefully they are made use of, and of course not used improperly, and not abused.

Citing the details of each incident can be a conflict of interest.  No family wants to see their name in the context of a published news story about a domestic incident, when there is the want for family legacy.

That is the way it was for Americans in Maryland for countless generations, and that is the way it should continue to be.

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