Former Mayor Pugh Sees a Degree of Respite

Posted by HCN on Friday, January 28, 2022
Published night January 27, 2022

All the aspects in the case, might not ever be grasped by all of Baltimore's citizens. A saying, nature does not stop for phraseology, paraphrased for now, may have some points that make it apt on a few angles of the case. At the end of the day, justice due is justice due, and that includes the correct measure in the balance of scales as to how and to what degree of force is applied in the administration of justice. A salient angle is simply the one who was judged, is an older human being. Imprisonment in Alabama has for the most part ended, and what might be considered more befitting by those involved in the case, she has been brought back to Baltimore where penalties will be carried out in a less caustic environment.

Recently, spates and surges of violent crime in not just Baltimore City, but numerous places, have brought the subject up of offenders of serious crimes are still on the streets.

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