School Starts After Labor Day Starting 2017 and Parleys Surrounding It

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Big news in Maryland, is school is to starts after Labor Day, per an executive order of Governor Larry Hogan announced at Ocean City just short of a week ago.

The concept of school starting after Labor Day, in many places in the U.S., in public and private schools, has for years been a dilemma where the pros and cons are being weighed.

From region to region, the dynamics of what shapes the end result decision, vary.

Then, everyone is trying or is coerced to being on he same page, perhaps because of jurisdictional factors.

It might have finally happened, that school starts after Labor as official; however, there are some caveats, and, what might bring a breezy reprieve to school kids for having a few extra days, is met with some counter-arguments which might have benefits in them.  Of course if there were not benefits, the debate would not have a raizon d'etre.

There is a list of of  few of the pros and cons being brought to the forefront, at least put in popular press stories:
   Pros for longer vacation:
Longer time to have vacations with family
Easier on schools air conditioning structures
Income increase for summer related businesses

   Cons for longer time out of school:
Ipso facto reiterated, it is longer time out of school, which some hold the position is a conflict of objective of the agenda to increase education of Maryland school aged kids

There are other details in the school length mandate.
What is brought to light here are a few considerations that are also in the mix:

What might seem sometimes as trivialness of the school starting, then in a few days, there is a 4 day school week, or 3 day vacation, plausibly negated with the clean-cut sweeping rule of all schools open after Labor Day.

The effort to get kids off the street and into classrooms psychology, might be getting pushed back an incremental amount, with the later school year start.  In many areas of Maryland, there are nice, safe neighborhoods, and the scope of normal behavior of youth for the most part has its limits.  In some areas of Maryland, such as regions of Baltimore and PG and Montgomery County, where residents are not as fortunate, and neighborhoods have higher incidents of crime, the push to get kids into school everyday they can, and to get off crime ridden behavior patterns, off the streets, every day they can is important, this especially if each day, youth are responsible for numerous violent and narcotic related crimes, that could potentially be averted and precluded with school attendance.

Tags: schhol start  labor day 

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