Shattering Incident at Capital Gazette and Brief Timeline with Comments Concerning Expectations

Posted by HCN on Friday, June 29, 2018
Condolences to the victims, and those close to them.

If one were to look suddenly at the covers of newspapers and online news media, without having any prior information about possibly connected developments to what occurred at the Capital Gazette yesterday, in other words, isolated in that regard, viewers of the news might interpret the shooting, that took place on Thursday the 28th of June, as one that shattered the peace.

However, situations that escalate from grudges or resentment, where emotional thresholds for individual is crossed over, and the resultant mushrooming includes violence carried, an individual vs them scenario, as perhaps the view in the eyes of an angry or emotionally charged individual, has happened a number of times, and is no stranger to U.S. soil.

The concept of disgruntled employees, to include those that have been terminated from an organization, has been understood for a considerable amount of years, and actual incidents that have materialzed, have been recurring every so often, perhaps even a misfortune that plagues the entire United States.

We have heard about postal employees, and anger and resentment that resulted in affecting the lives of other postal workers.  There was an incident in California, specifically, San Bernardino, December of 2015, that took on elements of an employee and employer relations dynamic.

Even the Google YouTube building had some turbulence, where a website or web channels were in the mix, reference to a shooting that occurred a few months ago, the beginning of April.  San Bruno, California.

Navy Yard shooting, September 2013; yesterday's cataclysm reminds what happened then, an ordeal with similar charecteristics.

Columbine High School, incident involving mass shooting, referring to April of 1999, comes to mind, as having similarities.  Among the the type of weapons generally, seem to have some of the same descriptions to yesterday's situation.

School shootings have beome a very serious talking point here in Maryland.
Although the Gazetter incident yesterday might not have been a school, and in another category, of course presenting itself is shootings at public places could use being addressed as a whole.

It turns out, the assailant had some issues with the Capital Gazette a few years ago, culminating to court decisions.

A brief known history of firearm access was attached to his reputation.

The attack yesterday was shattering in many ways; at the same time, because there have been other shootings that are similar, the actions of the assailant were not entirely new or unfamiliar set of behaviors that have never been heard or experienced before.

Law enforcement reportedly arrived on the scene and successfully mitigated the circumstances without causing serious injury to the subject.  It takes a lot of work to get to the point that, that can be done; unmeasurably appreciated. 

Facts: An assailant armed with powerful firearm entered the offices during normal working hours at the building where the Capital Gazette is located, Annapolis, Maryland, and shot five persons, four out of the five were in their fifties and sixties, one was markedly younger, in her early to middle thirties, three victims were male, two victims female. 

Objectives for crime reduction: Awareness of how potential workplace, mass gathering, and school shootings could potentially develop

Revised slightly July 2, 2018

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