Pakistan Earthquake Big Trouble and Over 300 Dead and Inadequate Medical Treatment

Posted by HCN on Friday, September 27, 2013 Under: Original story in English | Front main page of HCN
The earthquake that hit Pakistan a few day ago, has been made more complicated by tensions in the region.
Rockets in the region have been reported to have been fired.
There are Parties in the area that are too many to enumerate and name in this article.

Nevertheless, here is an outline of the situation:

Geographic location:
Province of Balochistan
District of Awaran
District of Kech

picture of girl victim:

Results/ aftermath of earthquake estimates:
350 dead
600 injured
21,000 houses destroyed
many missing, might be buried under rubble or collapsed structures

Temperatures around 100 degrees Fahrenheit
Dry climatic conditions
Structures for daily living might not be as closely placed together as they are in big cities

Scarce resources/ what they need and have little of:
Clean drinking water says the main hospital in the area does not have an X-ray machine or laboratory

What is needed ASAP/ as soon as possible:
Clean drinkable water
X-ray machines
Medical equipment to check for internal bleeding and injuries that might not be readily apparent from view of the outside
Temporary housing structures might be of assistance
Facilitating search for missing persons, equipment 

This article translated into Urdu, Arabic, Hindi, and a few others:




The links to language pages are in the green column on far right of the main page.

Region of Earthquake/ map of location of Arawan:

right click for larger picture

In : Original story in English | Front main page of HCN 

Tags: pakistan earthquake 

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