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Rafah Disaster

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, May 29, 2024,
Regardless of the details of how it happened, there are numerous reports that somewhere between 30 and 45 souls, human individuals, perished over the past few hours. Rafah, Gaza, Palestine area. Perhaps there was some kind of projectile or some kind of physical object with properties of explosive device involved.
Who shot it, what was it's initial or final objective, was the end-result on purpose or mishap?, or somewhere in between there?, at this point may not matter but so much, when discuss...
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Flares Ongoing or Flare Ups About Gaza Leaves Another Teen Now Gone

Posted by HCN on Saturday, September 10, 2016,
Turbulence in the Gaza region continues.  What we are alluding to when it said flares continue or flareups, has to do with a comparison, and can refer to the distance readers of the news are to the situation of Gaza, which might not be their choice purposely.  Explaining, readers of newspapers in and around the Washington DC area, might not see on front page news everyday, the status of developments and events concerning the Gaza region, thence, when a shocking event happens, such as persons ...
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Efforts for Truce Revisted

Posted by HCN on Saturday, July 26, 2014,
United States Secretary of State Kerry, post recent truce effort in Egypt, is now in Paris along with high ranking representatives of a number of countries, in an ongoing stride toward a truce of some sort between Hamas and the Israeli military that has taken military action in the past few weeks.

For those that have vivid memories of the Anwar Sadat era and Camp David agreements, moments with Yasir Arafat in September of 1993 in Washington, a number of questions seem to present themselves sim...
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Jamal M al Jamal Palestinian Ambassador to Czechoslovakia Reported Dead this Past Wednesday Resultant from Blast at His Apartment in Prague

Posted by HCN on Friday, January 3, 2014,
He was rushed to the hospital after the impact of a blast.  According to reports, at what has been described as a military hospital, he left this world.
Jamal Muhammad al Jamal, Palestinian Ambassador to Czechoslovakia,  apparently was moving some kind of safe that had an explosive laden device attached, which detonated.  The event occurring at his apartment or very close to, in the city of Prague in Czechoslovakia.

A delegation, according to consensus of news agencies, is sent or being sent by...
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After Suspense, Edelstein Presence at Mandela Memorial

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, December 10, 2013,
Intensity of relations and non-relations of governments have existed over thousands of years.  China versus Japan, Iran versus Iraq, and the list stops here, as what is past, has past.  There are leaders that have reached levels that can be described as eclat.  The normality amongst leaders despite intensities of rifts past, often is to show gestures of respect whereon appropriate moments.

There were media news stories portraying the financial expenses involved in attending the Mandela memoria...
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