
Flares Ongoing or Flare Ups About Gaza Leaves Another Teen Now Gone

Posted by HCN on Saturday, September 10, 2016
Turbulence in the Gaza region continues.  What we are alluding to when it said flares continue or flareups, has to do with a comparison, and can refer to the distance readers of the news are to the situation of Gaza, which might not be their choice purposely.  Explaining, readers of newspapers in and around the Washington DC area, might not see on front page news everyday, the status of developments and events concerning the Gaza region, thence, when a shocking event happens, such as persons being killed in multiple numbers, it might be getting looked at as flare-ups.  To Palestinians, residents in the Holy Land, Palestinian Americans that keep up with news in the region, Jewish Americans that keep up with news there, those that make sure they keep up with the news in the region, and those in that ilk, there are important and newsworthy developments that occur pertinent the region everyday, thus plausibly perceived ongoing in many instances.  What the reality of the situation is, flare-ups, or ongoing flares, is not the subject of this discussion.

The bottom line is, lives continue to be lost in the conflict.

A few days ago shells were fired, smaller shells, but still shells.  In the last day or two, is a report about a teen, last name Dabbagh, perhaps transliterated, that was a casualty amid protests and confrontation.

The region generally:

The New York Times reports that Russia has been proactively making efforts to date to bring about peace in the region, confer URL

Popularly referred to using summarily using terms Ethiopian Jews, the referent continue to have the issue surrounding them their treatment respective committing of crimes and the responding punishment, compared to others in he region

Underground structures becoming a larger effort

Tags: gaza  tensions  september 2016 

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