Olenivka. Prison for Nonimprisonment?, Episode. How Many Places and How Often?

Posted by HCN on Sunday, May 5, 2024
Perhaps somewhere between the recent past, say about 2 years ago and ongoing, perhaps a situation, trend that goes back much further in history. 
The strategy of mass killings of prisoners in prisons, for whatever reason.
There are strategies out there that ramify from mass captivity of soldiers, from propaganda, to fake news, to distortions, lies, gasing (using gas), torture, and the list might be pretty long.

Of present and salient concern, is what happened in Olenivka.

Ordinarily, Wikipedia articles are not used, but, the point of this write-up is to mark the event, as it goes in a larger study. Sometimes an original Wikipedia article after a few years turns out to be an entirely different set of content.

Today, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olenivka_prison_massacre
"On 29 July 2022, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a building housing Ukrainian prisoners of war in a Russian-operated prison in Molodizhne near Olenivka, Donetsk Oblast, was destroyed, killing 53 to 62 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) and leaving 75 to 130 wounded."

Situations like that perhaps beg the question, what is the point of having prisoners, if that is what will become of them? Of course, how much of it will go on?

Next paragraph from the Wikipedia article:
"The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said that the Russians blew up the barracks in order to cover up the torture and murder of Ukrainian POWs that had been taking place there, and Ukrainian authorities provided what they said were satellite images of pre-dug graves and intercepted communications indicating Russian culpability,[2][3] while Russians suggested that a HIMARS rocket was shot from Ukrainian territory.[4] Independent investigations based on the work of forensic and weapons experts, as well as satellite images, found that the Russian version of events is very likely fabrication and disinformation, as there is virtually no chance that the damage was caused by a HIMARS rocket and instead evidence suggests the prison was blown up by a bomb detonated within the building."

There is more information packed in that paragraph that some military analysts may care to look at, regardless of what is true and not true.

Other excerpts, regardless of true/false, rumor, or just words on cyberspace:
"...were killed with thermobaric weapons”.

Little mini clever device here mentioned:
"and the firing of a newly-deployed BM-21 Grad rocket system to cover the sounds of the explosions"

In large part, in large part, the referent philosophy and psychology that approves of different sorts of prisoner torture, seems to be localized to certain regions of the Russia-Ukraine and adjacent. Peace - we wish it to go away. Of course, what remains leftover from the large part that may have made its way to America, we wish it to go away and not return, and the large part not to come here. 

This page is for News, events, developments, Lense changes over time, and more, from past or history, especially that may not have made the news or been covered as much as what mght have been 

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