Overview of how this page works: For each post, the title should be a clickable link in large bold face font on a normal computer.  The post titles on this webpage have been slightly modified from the original that was placed in the Breaking News Box or toward the top of the Main Page page of HCN, to indicate that the corresponding article below it, is now an article of the past, even though it might still be written in present tense wording.  There might be a few additional edits in the article to help clarify that the event you are reading today, is an event of the past.  All edits to title and articles on this past breaking news webpage are in North America E.S.T., to be distinguished from the time stamp that comes automatically generated with this website which is in GMT.

Browsing Archive: November, 2013

Entry November 12th/2013: Well Known Senior Aged Men Lost Over Weekend and Times Close to

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, November 12, 2013,
Initially entered 12th of November 2013, Tuesday, 1:45pm EST:

A number of seniors that are well known in their respective areas that they gained popularity in, have had reports of them status of health fatality.  Occurrences all over the world, between last Sunday and early Monday the 10th of November, those referred to range from union leaders, to government officials, to businessmen.

Of them:
  • Mr. Tony Wishart of Indiana Departed While Piloting a Plane that Crashed in a Northern Island of the B...

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Posted November/5/2013: ISIS Issues, ISIS is Supposedly an Acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and What Exactly?

Posted by HCN on Monday, November 11, 2013,

From Tuesday 11/5/2013:

  • Event Summary: ISIS threat and emergence of the awareness of the group; concurrently there are disambiguation issues, such as what does the last 'S' stand for, Sham, Syria, or used interchangeably with Levant?  Is the 'Islamic State' of the formation thereof, 'in', or 'of' Iraq and Syria, separate before or what it is they declare as their goal?  The weight of the implications for each respective to each,concerns. 
  • Who: ISIS
  • When: developing situation
  • Where: Syria, ...

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Posted 11/6/2013: Over a Half Dozen Ostensibly Simultaneous Bombs Detonate in Shanxi, China

Posted by HCN on Monday, November 11, 2013,
  • Event Summary: Bombing in Taiyuan, a city in Shanxi province, in China, located about 326 miles southwest of Beijing, occurred this morning in urban area with tall buildings and wide car vehicle transit roads.  As of this report, it sounds like at least 7 bombs detonated at or near simultaneously.  The bombs were comparatively not huge, yet powerful enough to result in a chaotic scene.  Reports of several to less than a dozen injuries and at least one person fatally.
  • Who: unknown/unclear...

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Three School Shootings Scares Between Yesterday November 4th and today November 5th 2013...

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, November 5, 2013,
  • Event Summary: Three school shootings scares between yesterday and today, all of which seem to be under enough control that they are not life threatening emergencies.  The CCSU in Connecticut yesterday 11/4/2013, evidently was a situation that evolved out of an imprudent Halloween costume.  In north New Jersey, at a mall, early this morning 11/5/2013, a gunman is reported to have turned the weapon on himself, after an upsetting event last night 11/4/2013 that involved a series of shots...

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The blog entries in this page, are copies of past content in the Breaking News Box on the main page.  The entries might be edited or modified to conform to the webpage format.  To avoid redundancy, not every breaking news entry will necessarily be placed here, especially if there is a news story about an event on another page in this website.

All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time.  There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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