Archived 'Red Box' Comments About Russia Ukraine Crisis First Half of 2022
Overview of how this page works: For each post, the title should be a clickable link in large bold face font on a normal computer. The post titles on this webpage have been slightly modified from the original that was placed in the Breaking News Box or toward the top of the Main Page page of HCN, to indicate that the corresponding article below it, is now an article of the past, even though it might still be written in present tense wording. There might be a few additional edits in the article to help clarify that the event you are reading today, is an event of the past. All edits to title and articles on this past breaking news webpage are in North America E.S.T., to be distinguished from the time stamp that comes automatically generated with this website which is in GMT.
The following was posted in the emergency red box area on the front page, an inside panel of beige sort, burgundy font etc. It was on the front page for at least several weeks. The hope is things will change. Removed and archived, so as not to discombobulated as a new news story.
Counts as of 4/19/2022: TBA - Russia military about ___ fatalities; ___ wounded. Ukraine, ___ fatalities; ___ wounded. Over ___ refugees.
Standing comments, written here for the month of March 2022, updated April 2022: Whatever it is that has been taken to be a compelling enough reason, (or simply just compelled,) for close European cousins, if not in some cases one in the same, to be causing loss of life upon themselves up in the thousands, needs to be recognized in terms of set before the world in easy to understand presentation, and addressed. Reiterating, nuclear plant leak, plus coronavirus, plus huge clusters of closely packed migrants, is not an equation to want to contend with.
There is a reason why the figures above are left blank. There was a book, plausibly more, about war crimes committed against small children many decades to a century ago in one stop in Russian history. The concern that the most abominable aspects could repeat themselves, when, now, might occur. A crime of that magnitude happening to one child is enough to say, the evil has been identified.
The blog entries in this page, are copies of past content in the Breaking News Box on the main page. The entries might be edited or modified to conform to the webpage format. To avoid redundancy, not every breaking news entry will necessarily be placed here, especially if there is a news story about an event on another page in this website.
All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.
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